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Community Corner

Immaculate Students Embody Faith in Action

High School Molds Tomorrow's Leaders Through Spiritual Guidance

Immaculate’s Chaplain Father Philip Phan (center) celebrates Mass with Seamus Reidy ‘23 (far right) and other members of the school's Campus Ministry Program.
Immaculate’s Chaplain Father Philip Phan (center) celebrates Mass with Seamus Reidy ‘23 (far right) and other members of the school's Campus Ministry Program. (Immaculate High School)

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Respect, responsibility and reverence are three words that, for decades, have greeted every visitor to Immaculate High School. The power of this message guides every student and serves as the spiritual compass for the Immaculate community.

“Our school is special because our students are special - in terms of their faith and their desire to know God,” said Immaculate’s Chaplain Father Philip Phan. “While many young people shy away from the church or faith in God because they think religion is no longer relevant in their lives, most of our students feel differently. Our teachers encourage students to go Mass and Adoration, plus school staff regularly attend these services themselves.

“We have the privilege of being able to be in an environment where we can express our faith and be around others who share our values. That, in itself, is powerful,” shared Seamus Reidy ‘23, who is co-president of Campus Ministry. In addition to participating in service projects, he serves as a Eucharistic Minister, altar server and lector at school Masses.

To grow in their relationship with God, students are offered daily Adoration during lunch, Mass twice per week, prayer services, confession and school-wide prayer in the morning and afternoon. Father Phan also provides pastoral counseling and is a regular in the dining hall visiting students.

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“The Catholic faith is the foundation students can draw from their entire lives,'' said Gina Donnarummo, Chairperson of the Theology Department and Director of Campus Ministry. “There’s a saying that we know how many seeds are in an apple but only God knows how many apples are in a seed. We hope to plant those seeds here and have them go out to the real world and spread them.”

Each grade has its own retreat off site which always begins with prayer in Immaculate’s Monsignor John B. Hossan Chapel.

Immaculate prides itself in developing the whole student by nurturing academic, moral, physical, social and spiritual growth. Its goal is to form tomorrow’s leaders today, and much of that is rooted in faith. It’s this unique spiritual focus of an Immaculate education that sets it apart from other high schools. “We don’t just learn about the Bible,” said Seamus Reidy, recalling a discussion in Theology class that examined what constitutes moral behavior in today’s society. “But we take something written nearly two thousand years ago and explore how it affects us today.”

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Immaculate’s robust Campus Ministry Program empowers teens to grow in three areas: sacramental, social and service. In essence, Mustangs pray together, have fun together and serve others together. Participants regularly do food and clothing drives for local shelters and retirement homes.

As part of the school’s Opus Fidelium requirement of a minimum of 25 hours of community service, students volunteer at organizations across the region – and beyond. Recently, members of Theology II rolled up their sleeves and made sandwiches for the Dorothy Day Hospitality House which feeds the hungry and shelters the homeless. A Rosary Club makes hand-tied rope rosaries that are donated locally, especially useful for patients undergoing medical tests where they cannot hold metal rosaries for support.

Students fulfilled their “faith in action” component of Theology class by making sandwiches for the Dorothy Day Hospitality House which feeds the hungry and shelters the homeless.

Immaculate’s Inspire Choir spreads faith through music. The talented group of Immaculate singers performed holiday favorites at senior centers, in the local mall and at a cancer research fundraiser. The choir opened for the Radio City Christmas Spectacular in New York City on December 8, singing “Mary, Did You Know?” to coincide with the Immaculate Conception. “I am so proud of our Inspire Choir and all the good will they spread everywhere they go,” said Immaculate Choir Director Jen Doherty.

Immaculate’s Inspire Choir spread Christmas cheer all over the area – including at this retirement community, the local mall, a cancer fundraiser and even Radio City Music Hall.

This community interaction is an integral part of an Immaculate education. “We live in the age of technology and knowledge. For young people, while there can be benefits, it can also be overwhelming at times,” said Father Phan. “My spiritual guidance to our students is simple: our life purpose is to serve God, from Him we began and to Him we find our ultimate end. God will not care if we are successful, but He will care if we are faithful. “

As for Seamus Reidy? He is focused on becoming someone who can make a difference in the medical field and will be studying biomedical science/pre-med at Marist College next year. A star of the Immaculate Cross Country team, he will continue competing at this Division 1 college. But he also chose Marist because he feels it has a commitment to Catholic values, a faith support group, campus ministry and a chapel. “No matter where I go, I will be strong and hold on to my faith,” Reidy said. “Immaculate has prepared me well.”

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This post is sponsored and contributed by Immaculate High School, a Patch Brand Partner.