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Neighbor News

The Hypocrisy of Ms. Lefkowitz

A Call for Truth and Accountability

"Do as I Say, Not as I Do." That seems to be the philosophy of Ms. Lefkowitz who tries to make the point that she is being ignored and her history on the Board of Selectman is being presented falsely.

I agree that telling the truth - particularly among elected officials and having those same officials held accountable for their words and actions is critical to a well-functioning, trusted, and credible organization.

That’s why when I received a letter from Ms. Lefkowitz, I promptly replied. Let’s stick to the facts - here is our exchange:

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To: Nancy Lefkowitz (via e-mail)

Dear Nancy,

Find out what's happening in Fairfieldwith free, real-time updates from Patch.

It’s not clear what “invoking my name” means in this context. Referencing your name in a historical context regarding how business was conducted when you were a member of the Board of Selectmen is not prohibited under any law or ethical code.

I have a right and an obligation to ensure that the appointment of members to boards and commissions in Fairfield is done in an unbiased way.

After all, Bill Gerber’s campaign slogan was “Better Together”.

I was merely describing the boards and commissions appointment process where I considered your suggestions and appointed many of your fellow Democrats you advocated for, contrasting that process with how First Selectman Bill Gerber has conducted himself in connection with that same process.

In short, I’m doing my job.

However, I am reminded of a black woman who was a registered Democrat that applied through the newsletter for the GBTB. I recall she had an exceptional resume that included professional transit management experience. Instead, you rejected her in favor of a white male Democrat from Southport who lost a bid for a seat on the RTM and had no transit experience.

I would suggest Bill ask Jennifer to share all her email exchanges with you over your term regarding appointments so both he and Christine could see for themselves the repeated requests from my administration for your preferences for boards and commission vacancies.

Brenda L. Kupchick
Fairfield Selectwoman


On Jul 29, 2024, Nancy Lefkowitz wrote the following email:

To the Board of Selectmen,

To preserve a democratic society, our elected officials, locally and nationally, must tell the truth; as a community, we must hold them accountable when they fail to do so.

I insist Selectman Kupchick stop invoking my name to falsely claim that when she was First Selectman her board and commission selection process was inclusive and bipartisan; it was neither. I’m repeatedly on public record during my tenure as minority selectman expressing concern and condemnation of Ms. Kupchick's partisan approach. I urge First Selectman Gerber and Selectman Vitale to refute claims made by Ms. Kupchick that may legitimize disinformation.

Perpetuating a false, revisionist history undermines the integrity of the office in which you've taken an oath to serve, and it threatens the healthy functioning of our civil society.

Nancy Lefkowitz

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