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Health & Fitness

Social Media is Changing! How Do We Manage It?

Social Media is constantly changing, shifting, turning and adjusting! How can we keep up with all of it? Well if you have a team of 3 people working each network, then you can keep up with it! But most of us don’t have a team managing all of our social media networks. For most of us, we either do it ourselves, have an assistant that helps us or we hire it out. Needless to say, we are usually all way to busy working on growing our business and sometimes just keeping it afloat!

Perfect example, Facebook just rolled out a “save for later” option that I am seeing on the mobile side. Twitter is pushing for more people to live out events through hashtags. Pinterest is working more on the mobile side of its business, rolling out new alert features. Then Instagram is rolling out new creative tools so that you can make your photos look more “artsy”. This is only scratching the surface of social media as a whole with what is going on. Don’t even get me started talking about mergers and acquisitions of companies, we will be here all day.

What can we do? How do we manage all of our social media through all of the changes?

Simple… Chunk it down… Turn it into bite size options that we can do in just a few minutes each day. Then focus only on the networks that will garner us the most attention. Personally, I don’t have a product line (yet), so my main focus is in 2 areas, Facebook & blogging. My Facebook feeds into my twitter and when I post a blog I share it across all of my other social media channels. If I am blogging weekly then at least all of my channels are being touched once a week. Am I saying that this will work for everyone? Nope! I have several clients that we post multiple times a day for and they are doing great! Me personally I have limited spaces for new clients, so I am not marketing my business daily on social media.

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However, I am a business partner in several other businesses that once they are ready to market we will be posting multiple times a day across each social media channel.

There is a lesson to be learned in that last bit of sharing.

Every business is different, what works great for one will not work great for others. Some businesses can get away with sharing once a week, but you will need to pay to reach all of your followers. Others need to be posting multiple times a day! I have seen some post as much as twice an hour!

Find out what's happening in Barrowwith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Figure out what works the best for your business and if you don’t have time or want to mess with it, then hire someone to help you. Look into different software that will allow you to post on multiple social media networks all at once.

For those of you who are local to my office, I am actually teaching a class next week on Social Media Strategies. This is the updated class that I taught in January of this year that we had a packed house for. So go ahead and grab your spot by visiting the link below:

Today is my first day of publicizing the class, mostly because I have been slammed with client work. So these spots will fill up and this class will be full, grab your spot now!

One more thing before I go.

Last week was my birthday and I offered all of my training at 40% off, plus started looking for companies to come into a program. I am still looking for 37 more businesses that are interested in possibly being chosen to be a part of something great! What I am offering is a half day strategy session with myself and my team. I am choosing 1 company out of 50 to give this Master Mind Session to. But I have to have 50 businesses say that they are interested before I choose the one. I have 13 interested and I need another 37 before I am going to give this away. Why do I wait? Because this is a value of over $2000 and I am not giving this away until I have my 50 total businesses.

Do you have to be local? Nope! That is why we have webinar software so that you can be any where in the US! Regardless of if you are in my office with us or on the other side of the US we will record the session so that you can review it for later. What kind of business is ideal? Any business that is ready to implement a plan that we lay out and will report back each quarter for a year. Yes, you have to commit to this! You will have to commit to implementing the plan we lay out for you, or else we wasted our time and so did you.

The page is still up and I will leave this link active until I have all 50 people wanting in on this special! Here is the link:

That is all I have for right now, check out the class we have next week and until next time stay focused on your goals!

 View the Original Blog Here

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