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Honoring Dr. King Series Part IV What Would Dr. King Do?

Honoring Dr. King Series Part IV What Would Dr. King Do? The Commanding Question for Every Freedom Loving American? Foremost –THINK!

Honoring Dr. King Series Part IV 
What Would Dr. King Do in the Face of Evil?
The Commanding Question for Every Freedom Loving American? 
First and Foremost – THINK?
Honoring Dr. King Series Part IV What Would Dr. King Do in the Face of Evil? The Commanding Question for Every Freedom Loving American? First and Foremost – THINK?

Honoring Dr. King Series Part IV

What Would Dr. King Do in the Face of Evil?

The Commanding Question for Every Freedom Loving American?

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First and Foremost – THINK?

Surveying in all directions it can be posited with certainty that Dr. Martin Luther King would be not only be deeply troubled but angered to his very core to be witnessing the complete and utter destruction of his legacies, teachings, and principles with utter abandon. Worse at the very forefront of the prime destroyers are the so called advocates for minority rights all seeking instead special entitlements and privileges openly based exclusively upon color, race, and creed (as well gender).

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One wonders how this could possibly have occurred (even as the worse of the lot (prime destroyers) claim to have recently celebrated Dr. King’s anniversary)?

Has no one truly read history, most especially what Dr. King personally faced during his life time or acquired lessons learned?

Has everyone gone “deaf, dumb, and blind” to every aspect of what confronted Dr. King and how he dedicated his life to seek equality, justice, and actual “civil rights” for all Americans?

Perhaps a reminder is needed to refresh recollections for everyone?

Dr. King was confronted with civil rights violations literally covering every single specter of living with wholesale denials\prohibitions based on race, color and /or creed – denials/unequal employment opportunities, wages, housing, access to public facilities of every conceivable type (medical, shopping,, entertainment, etc.), virtually all public services, accommodations/lodging, transportation/travel, and education. see, e.g.,,,

Every single facet of living (either directly or indirectly) was endemically invested with and infected by blatant discrimination, lack of equality based exclusively upon race, creed, and/or color. There existed an entire segment of our society that viewed such discrimination (denials of civil rights) as not only culturally embedded but required as the social and legal status quo. Therein almost every type entity or enterprise combined or co joined to present a united cooperative front to any and all that would seek in any way to change those conditions (e.g., media, industry of every type, etc.).

In fact the Democratic Party (virtually controlling every level of government in all affected areas) (both historically and continuing) was structured and wholly dedicated to ensuring all such civil rights denials would be maintained (even to be expanded) regardless of consequences – whatever was required without boundaries “the ends justified the means”. see, e.g.,;;;;; (Movie - Death of a Nation: Can We Save America a Second Time? e.g.,; Death of a Nation- Plantation Politics and the Making of the Democratic Party, Dinesh D’Souza (2018)

Does no one remember the vast array of instruments of persuasion openly utilized by all of those entities to maintain and ensure a status quo against any that might dare to speak out, stand up, and/or actively oppose those vast arrays of civil rights denials (cancel culture, open denials of free speech across the media, all communication mediums, prohibited rights to assembly/gatherings, disenfranchisement, loss of employment, wages, access to anything and everything) to include threats and actual acts of violence (even death)? see, e.g.,;;;;;; (Dr. King arrested 29 times), see, e.g.,

So now focus to current times – take a deep introspective look into what Dr. King would now see and experience? Every single facet of what occurred during those past “civil rights struggles” which Dr. King led and championed exists today – except the current versions are far more insidious, far greater in their breathe and magnitude of darkness beyond what could possibly be imagined. All are directed at and touching every single aspect of living. The current day onslaughts are so vast, with tentacles reaching into every fiber of our society that the civil violations quite literally cover every single provision with our constitutional Bill of Rights as well making a mockery of every civil rights protection act, law, or regulation enacted to since the Civil War and continuing to date. see, e.g.,

These all encompassing shrouds of darkness either impede or eliminate virtually every guaranteed liberty which our Constitution provides with our own government at the very forefront seeking to quash and silence any one that would dare to stand up, speak out, and demand those liberties as well be protected and our laws enforced.

Look around at the unbridled authoritarian abuses which are literally everywhere - widespread civil rights denials (cancel culture, open denials of free speech across the media, all communication mediums, prohibited rights to assembly/gatherings, disenfranchisement, loss of employment, wages, access to anything and everything) to include threats and actual acts of violence), see, e.g.,;;;;;;;; (Unvaccinated dad loses custody of kids; judge refuses to even consider waves scientific evidence supporting) e.g.,; (N .C. military veteran denied kidney transplant now facing death – openly denied his freedoms), e.g.,; (NJ mom, forced to get vaccine before a family wedding, ends up in the ER directly due to the vaccine) e.g.,; (Media Deploys Full Blackout After Senator's Forum Exposes Reports of Horrendous Vaccine Side Effects) e.g.,

From almost every conceivable perspective, the new rule from the authoritarian dark forces - one's ability to work and reap their just rewards depends solely upon one's politics and compliance with their edicts. These dark forces have directly weaponized the entire array of liberty protective mechanisms\systems to do the complete opposite - anyone that might deviate from their “group think” is to be targeted and punished - the Constitution and the Bill of Rights be damned

Consider that Big Pharma, big Tech, our own government with the main stream media in full support have openly combined into a cooperative unified front (a effective inter related and inner connected criminal syndicate of sorts) dedicated to crushing any\ all dissent and obviate all liberties that might hinder or impede radical agendas or narrative objectives. see, e.g., Federal Judge – Left Controlling all Major News Outlets -

Consider a sample of the new rules promulgated from these dark anti American combinations (Victor Hansen) -

*Money is a construct. It can be created from thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate national debt no longer matter much;

* Laws are not necessarily binding anymore (willfully rendered federal immigration null and void, rioters not prosecuted, Arrests, prosecutions, and trials are all fluid. Ideology governs when a law is still considered a law;

*Racialism is now acceptable. We are defined first by our ethnicity or religion, and only secondarily—if at all—by an American commonality - a type of “good” racism

* The immigrant is mostly preferable to the citizen (all benefits, even federal funding to violate our laws, no mandates, no vetting, no health screening)

* Most Americans should be treated as we would treat little children (all COVID-19 rules are necessary to protect “Neanderthals” from themselves)

* Hypocrisy is passé (for elites there are no rules, no boundaries, only for all others they guide and manipulate at will

* Ignoring or perpetuating homelessness\poverty is preferable to ending it. 8. McCarthyism is good. Destroying lives and careers for incorrect thoughts saves more lives and careers. Cancel culture and the Twitter Reign of Terror provide needed deterrence. - media guillotine is the humane, scientific tool of the “woke.” * Ignorance is preferable to knowledge (any and all objective fact based evidence or historical knowledge to be ignored)

* ‘Wokeness’ is the new religion, growing faster and larger than Christianity. Silicon Valley is the new Vatican, and Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Twitter are the new gospels. see, e.g.,

Virtually everything being shoveled out by the main stream media is staged and coordinated propaganda, see, e.g., ; (Biden and Big Tech Have Colluded to Silence Americans for 'Misinformation'), e.g.,, (Who Owns the Media), e.g., Our country is now beset with full scale openly complicit censorship - blatant refusals to report facts as well any and all dissenting voices or opinions to anything being promoted by the elitist combinations above noted. see, e.g.,;;;

Researcher Calls Out Censorship After Journal Pulls COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Analysis

Perhaps most alarming, the U.S. Department of Justice “has quietly asked Congress for the ability to ask chief judges to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies. " (abominable constitutional rights violations for due process just for starters) e.g.,;, see also, Victor Davis Hansen: Why the Left is the Party of Cancel Culture/Intimidation ,

Look around in every direction and facet of living there exists rampant segregation, discrimination, disenfranchisement from employment and every liberty existing. See, e.g., Are Americans becoming Soveitized?

Authoritarianism has become the new mantra as if our Constitution and liberties matter not in the least - lock-downs, mandate requirements masking, testing, and vaccines (none of which protect in fact from infection), public closures (even churches, centers of worship), a ban on gatherings, quarantine notices and orders for isolation have become increasingly common. The right to move freely, freedom of travel, freedom of assembly, rights to engage in one’s own business and the right to meet other people, form groups and engage in social interaction, privacy liberties all have either been impeded or denied.

Tens of millions are stunned by the abrupt wreckage of their businesses, livelihoods, and financial plans - the toll being taken on Americans’ freedom and constitutional liberties by the unprecedented strictures that have been imposed to keep people apart?

There exists a total halt to citizens’ First Amendment right “peaceably to assemble and to petition the government”?

There are wholesale shutdowns of entire industries and cultural events nationwide by unilateral decree?

Markets are crashing and production chains are being broken. People are losing their jobs, savings, and livelihoods not because they have been infected, with even our own law-makers fanning the flames of hysteria. see, e.g., Biden administration guidance prioritizes race in administering COVID drugs, New York and Minnesota among states prioritizing race in COVID treatment distribution; Progressives are re segregating American institutions – public education/public health policies, see, e.g.,;;;;

The manufactured and weaponized pandemic has been used to crush the entire array of American civil rights legacy – with risks for permanent abolishment? see, e.g.,;;;

*At least 83 governments worldwide have used the Covid-19 pandemic to justify violating the exercise of free speech and peaceful assembly, see, e.g.,

Dr. King Would Advocate Finding the Real, Core Source of the Civil Rights Denials – That’s Where the Remedies Must be Applied

Dr. King was a life time advocate for ethically grounded reasoned (critical) thinking. Accordingly initial first steps would be to seek deep introspection regarding all facets to be analyzed, then garner of any and all independently verifiable objective facts, and thereafter studiously apply reasoned thinking. By definition Dr. King would seek to cast out all propaganda, tune out/off all sources that would foster disharmony, disunity, divisions, polarization, hatred, and/or destruction of our cherished freedoms.

At the core of all Dr. King’s efforts and teachings were his focused goals to bring actual equality to and for all Americans regardless of race, creed, or color. He specifically sought by all available means to bring togetherness, better understanding, compassion, and offered love as the true bridges for unify. Accordingly, given the deluge of the complete opposite from our alleged leaders and media, why not test the propositions offered by utilizing those same Dr. King tools?

The obvious questions:

*Just as during the “civil rights” struggles of the fifties find the common foundational causes (the “how”?);

*Identify the real, core objectives of these dark forces (the why”?);

* Then identify the real sources of manipulation, who/what are “pulling the strings” (the who”?);

*Then one can formulate effective strategies to face, overcome, stop the denial of “civil liberties”, and get back America of equality and justice for all.

The How?

Just as in the fifties wherein threats, denials, intimidation (even brute force) were implemented to deny “civil rights” when one looks closely the basic, core or prime objective has been and remains to engender “FEAR” in order to encourage and get obedient compliance. Currently the exact same prime ingredient has been and continues to be employed by the above noted consortium of dark forces – the predominant objective is to create and engender “FEAR”.

Except today’s versions are far more insidious reaching every possible vulnerability based on threats, risks for serious illness, crippling maladies, and even death for anyone and everyone regardless of race, creed or color.

“Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear.” Bertrand Russell

How to use fear to manipulate? see, e.g.,;;;;;;;;

“The How” – Mass Manipulation – Mass Psychosis

How is mass manipulation achieved? The answer although straight forward has been so well designed and camouflaged by the media and dark forces that Americans seem to “not get it”. There exist highly coordinated targeting processes to achieve “Mass Psychosis” – to achieve collective beliefs in theories entirely removed and disconnected from reality. The medium is to use “FEAR” as a prime motivator to accept completely illogical even factually inconsistent dogma – all authoritarian based and driven.

Through cyclical lock-downs, an ever shifting state of emergency, consistently contradictory narratives and media induced states of mass panic supported by pure lies the entire focus\narratives are designed to shepherd people voluntarily into submitting to injections with substances not approved for use in humans (except for authorized emergency use) (wholly untested via independent clinical research through rigidly controlled standards – years to achieve) see (All COVID Shots Are Experimental) e.g.,

Through these intentional processes people have fallen victim to the unbelievable onslaught of lies and propaganda to achieve mass manipulations, see,;;;; Has the World Gone Mad,; People Giving Up Their Thinking During Pandemic in an Emerging Dystopia, e.g.,; Mass Psychosis, see, e.g.,; (Has Everyone Gone Insane); (listen carefully - a full explanation of the weaponizing, coordinated propaganda - The Coordinated Propaganda Narrative Around COVI-19, see, e.g.,;

“Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred”. Joseph Goebbels

The Why” – The Objectives

"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root". Henry David Thoreau

Having identified “the how” or mechanisms being employed to manipulate and achieve “mass psychosis (again following Dr. Kings tools for “critical thinking”) the follow-on questions are “who are entities actually pulling the strings” and “why” (what are the real objectives being sought?)?

Actually when digs down and applies deep scrutiny the answers to both questions are both inter connection and inter related. Perhaps to phrase it differently, once the real objectives have been identified those who would benefit the most are the same one’s funding and pulling the strings (as well vice versa).

From every conceivable perspective the primary goals are rather straight forward

*power, control, centralization for pure authoritarian purposes;

*by definition to either directly or indirectly remove all freedoms to achieve unbridled tyranny;

*nihilistic totalitarianism, the complete rejection of established laws, democracy and constitutional rights, see, e.g.,; (Rise of the technical/corporate state tyranny); (New World Order- Major Challenges – Rising Authoritarianism); (Dystopian Nightmare — Wrapped in Deceptive Equitable Socioeconomic Rhetoric); (Great Re Set Tryanny); (The Nihilist Soviet System)

“The Who”

One would think that given the breathe and magnitude of the continuing onslaught of onerous events and influences that have literally impeded, indeed threaten complete eradication, of all of our rights and liberties, knowing all of it not be sheer coincidence would be beyond reasonable conjecture. The overwhelming efforts to divide, polarize, actively shut down free speech and dissent (any opposing views whatsoever) speak volumes as the real objectives as well the real players – “The Who”. see, e.g., There's Something Much Bigger Going On Here | Dr. Robert Malone 2022 ; They’re Hiding The Facts From You! | Dr. Robert Malone 2022 Despite the herculean efforts by the dark forces involved to hide from plain sight, distract attention from themselves, and/or be forced into the purifying fires for responsibility or accountability, all the identifying indicators and fingerprints are there for anyone to see\find for themselves. All are urged and encouraged to research and verify anything and everything.


The plain, simple, even brutal fact is that your freedoms, your existence indeed your very lives depend upon it!!

Although not necessarily important as far as a genesis, the context is to the contrary vital to understand how and what is occurring all around everyone.

Central in focus (aside from the obvious goals for dominance, control, authoritarianism, unbridled tyrannies, etc.) is the general housing - “The Great Reset” :

“In 2020, members of the world’s elite met at the World Economic Forum and launched the Great Reset initiative to transform the world economy. Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive director of the Forum, wrote, “Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” see, e.g., The leftist authoritarianism is the political ideology and modus operandi of what I call Big Digital, which is on the leading edge of a nascent world system. Big Digital is the communications, ideological, and technological arm of an emerging corporate-socialist totalitarianism. The Great Reset is the name that has since been given to the project of establishing this world system. see, Google Archipelago,

The Great Reset - “... is a vision for transferring the world into a totalitarian and authoritarian surveillance state manipulated by technocrats to manage traumatized populations, to shift wealth upward, and serve the interests of elite billionaire oligarchs.”

Every conceivable aspect of life and society is scheduled to be “reset” according to their plan — including global food policies. Leading that specific charge is an organization called the EAT Forum, co founded by the Wellcome Trust, which describes itself as the “Davos for food.” All of the aggressive marketing of the shots, the coercion and threats made to get as many injected as possible — has all been a ploy to “tag” as many people as possible in preparation for the New World Order which will be managed by a small select group, and used to enslave all of humanity. see, e.g.,

Consider, that the grand scheme is to literally create a “new world authoritarianism” under The Great Reset plan, one has the whole reason for why the COVID-19 pandemic was created, nurtured, and being daily inflamed. see, e.g., Medical Doctors Declare That the Pandemic was Planned -; The entire pandemic is being used as an excuse for a vast political and economic transformation of Western society that will enrich the already rich and turn the rest of us into serfs and untouchables The role Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, the CDC, WHO, intelligence agencies and others played in psee, “COVID Call to Humanity”see, e.g.,;; planning, launching, and profiting from the COVID pandemic,; September 2020 House Minority Intelligence Committee report that reviews the evidence available at the time on the origins of COVID-19,

So who are the individuals and organizations driving these changes?

By identifying the members of this small tight-knit group, their motivations become apparent.

It’s really a straight forward matter of identifying and connecting the dots - who’s working with whom, where, and why? Who’s paying whom? And once you’ve done that, you can more clearly identify the motivations behind various decisions

*Not surprisingly the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation stand at the center of this COVID pandemic network. Gates is also a major funder of mainstream media, and his network extends into global food and climate change policy;

*The Gates Foundation, through its funding of the WEF, also plays an important role in The Great Reset, which was officially unveiled during a WEF summit in May 2020;

*Gates’ power over the media is immense, but he’s a not a sole actor.

*Other players in media control include BlackRock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world, which also control Big Pharma. They’re at the top of a pyramid that controls basically everything, but you don’t hear about their terrifying monopoly because they also own the media.

*As noted in the video, “The Puppet Masters Portfolios,” see, e.g.,, Vanguard and Blackrock

"... own the news that's been created, they own the distribution of the news that's been created, they own the lives of the reporters that are reporting the news that's being distributed that's being created on your TV screen. CBS, FOX, ABC, it doesn't matter which you're watching.

* Journalism’s gate Keepers, see, e.g.,; Gates Foundations direct funding to the media, see, e.g.,

* BlackRock and Vanguard are two of the Big Three (every industry is clumping) passive fund asset management firms. The third, State Street, is owned by BlackRock. Whose largest shareholder is Vanguard. Together, BlackRock and Vanguard own:

• Eighteen percent of Fox.

• Sixteen percent of CBS, and therefore also of Sixty Minutes.

• Thirteen percent of Comcast, which owns NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, and the Sky media group.

• Twelve percent of CNN.

• Twelve percent of Disney, which owns ABC and FiveThirtyEight.

• Between ten and fourteen percent of Gannett, which owns more than 250 Gannett daily newspapers plus USA Today.

• Ten percent of the Sinclair local television news, which controls seventy-two percent of U.S. households' local TV.

• A large unspecified chunk of Graham Media Group, which owns Slate and Foreign Policy.

*By the way, to see that the same trio also owns major stakes in every big company in every major industry, just go to Yahoo!Finance and see for yourself including Pfizer;

*In all, BlackRock and Vanguard have ownership in some 1,600 American firms, which in 2015 had combined revenues of $9.1 trillion. When you add in the third-largest global owner, State Street, their combined ownership encompasses nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms.

* Interestingly, Vanguard also holds a large share of Blackrock. In turn, Blackrock has been called the "fourth branch of government" by Bloomberg as they are the only private firm that has financial agreements to lend money to the central banking system.

*Owners and stockholders of Vanguard include Rothschild Investment Corp, Edmond De Rothschild Holding, the Italian Orsini family, the American Bush family, the British Royal family, and the du Pont family, the Morgan, Vanderbilt and Rockefeller families.

It does not stop there. In fact the elites within the Great Rest include a complex network of relationships, from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), companies, documents and people.”The 170-page document details more than 7,200 links between 6,500 entities and objects, including payment flows and investments.

* Due to the complexity of the network connections, there’s really no easy way to summarize them here. You simply have to go through the document, page by page. That said, key organizations, whose networking connections are detailed, include:

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The Wellcome Trust, an organization funded by and strategically linked to GlaxoSmithKline (a vaccine maker in which Bill Gates is financially invested)

The World Health Organization

The Rockefeller Foundation

The World Bank Group

The World Economic Forum (WEF)

GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, founded by the Gates Foundation

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), founded by the governments of Norway and India, the Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and WEF

The Global Fund

Forum of Young Global Leaders, founded by WEF in 2004

FIND, the global alliance for diagnostics, seeks to ensure equitable access to reliable diagnosis around the world

Big Pharma

Johns Hopkins University

Charité, Universitätsmedizin Berlin

The Robert Koch Institute

The European Commission

The European Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

The Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products

The German Global Health Hub

We are in the middle of the biggest, most effective propaganda war in the history of the world, designed to make everyone helpless, obedient and docile. The end goal is to create a totalitarian world regime

* See also ,COVID 19 and the Global Predators, Predators include - partners in this scheme, which include the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, NIAID and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).

Bill Gates and his organizations

Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF)

Drug companies

Fauci and the NIH/NIAID

The Wellcome Trust




The WHO See, e.g.,; The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects New York Time,;

*How Anthony Fauci Controls Science Globally

*George Soros – No Regret No Guilt New World Order the Great Reset,


Following the precepts, teachings, and principles directly from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the above presents a comprehensive profile of a grave and very real threat to the very existence of every American, our freedoms, and our country by “a vision for transferring the world into a totalitarian and authoritarian surveillance state manipulated by technocrats to manage traumatized populations, to shift wealth upward, and serve the interests of elite billionaire oligarchs.”

Following Dr. King’s analytics the following have been presented:

*Just as during the “civil rights” struggles of the fifties find the common foundational causes (the “How”?);

*Identifying the real, core objectives of these dark forces (the Why”?);

* Identifying the real sources of manipulation, who/what are “pulling the strings” (the Who”?);

In Part V of this Dr. King series there will be presented –

What Dr. King would do – formulated, effective strategies to face, overcome, stop the denial of “civil liberties”, and get back the real America of equality and justice for all.

God Bless

Woodrow D. Wollesen /Chairman, American Empowerment dba Operation Veteran Empowerment, a veteran created/operated 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated entirely to non partisan educational platforms that empower for the betterment of all Americans, especially veteran, women minority owned small businesses nationwide - one the nation’s foremost experts/authorities respecting small business operations/capital/financing/ entrepreneurship/ ethically grounded reasoned thinking, forensic investigator , business/personal empowerment– serial entrepreneur/executive/businessman - military veteran – former SBA Financing Champion – former Executive Officer Officer/Board of Directors/Instructor, National Women’s Business Center, Washington, DC , former national law firm partners/litigator/appellate counsel before the highest courts/tribunals in the country including personal appearances before the US Supreme Court, Taekwondo Master (4th Degree Black belt) Two time national champion, national record holder, USA Taekwondo Role Model National Champion - Professional Profiles at;

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