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The Legacies of Dr. King are being openly destroyed

The Legacies of Dr. King are being openly destroyed by our own leaders and media - an Open and Direct Challenge to Reverse Course

The Legacies of Dr. King are being openly destroyed by our own leaders and media - an Open and Direct Challenge to Reverse Course - Without Ethically Grounded Reasoned Thinking there can never be positive outcomes or endings - Dr. King was a firm advocate and proponent !

Think about it

As we approach special recognition for the teachings, guidance, and principles for which Dr. Martin Luther King lived (as well died) to in fact bring together, create harmony, and enhance the well fare for anyone and everyone regardless of race, creed, or color it appears our so called alleged leaders (with our media fully aiding and abetting) are doing the complete opposite.

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If Dr. King were here today (based upon those principles and teachings) he would not only be challenging but calling out everyone single one of the offenders in blatant explicit terms. Dr. King spent his entire life as a “THINKER”. He constantly asked hard questions, refused to accept the offered garbage status quo, and demanded hard concrete answers. He always sought to formulate logical, well reasoned answers for anything and everything.

“Cowardice asks the question, 'Is it safe?' Expediency asks the question, 'Is it politic?' Vanity asks the question, 'Is it popular?' But, conscience asks the question, 'Is it right?' And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because one's conscience tells one that it is right” Martin Luther King Jr.

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So for everyone in Cobb County, Georgia, our entire state, and the nation why are we allowing our woke, corrupt leadership and media to blindly and mindlessly appear to be lock step propagating falsehoods, non factual narratives, perpetuating fear and disharmony when all should be doing the complete opposite – asking hard, penetrating questions, demanding transparency in all matters with independently verifiable objective (scientific) facts?

A prime example just occurred (front page news no less by the Marietta Daily Journal) Cobb County Chairwoman Lisa Cupid and the Cobb County Commission in a virtual town hall claiming not only that its “fake emergency” will continue but might well be extended alleging (along with other alleged health types) raging increases in infections and hospitalizations.

Did no one notice that not a single directed hard question was even offered by the MDJ, any of the media, or anyone else?

How could that be possible given prior direct and repeated challenges to their claims (all provided or available to the media and our so called leaders)? See, e.g.,;;

Did no one notice the following:

*Since the beginning of the pandemic, worldwide experts have warned that the PCR test is not a valid diagnostic tool and produces far too many false positives, as it can pick up on “dead,” non replicating viral debris?

*The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now admits the PCR test can remain positive for up to 12 weeks after infection. For this reason, they say most people don’t need to retest negative before ending their quarantine

*The CDC also admits the PCR cannot identify active infection or measure contagiousness

*People who are double-jabbed or unvaccinated and test positive for SARS-CoV-2, or have known exposure, but remain asymptomatic, now only need to isolate for five days.

* The PCR test cannot distinguish between “live” viruses and inactive (noninfectious) viral particles. This is why it cannot be used as a diagnostic tool.

*Furthermore, a PCR Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. test cannot confirm that SARS-CoV-2 is the causative agent for clinical symptoms as the test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens (see, e.g., the inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, who won a Nobel Prize for his work).

Has no one noticed that there has been complete silence by our alleged leaders and media respecting every single above noted fact - not a single word!

Think about it. The pandemic of false positives was then and continues to be used by our so called leaders with woke media in full support to implement pandemic countermeasures that have destroyed our Georgia and national economy, ruined countless lives, decimated the education of an entire generation and stripped us of basic human rights and freedoms – every single facet with which Dr. King would not have taken extreme umbrage as well openly challenging, demanding transparency and full accountability for all involved.

Dr. King would openly question:

*How is it that the CDC didn’t realize until now that the PCR test was picking up dead viral debris for three months after infection?

*The facts that the test (a) was far too sensitive, and b) couldn’t identify active infection, were criticisms from the very start.

*What the CDC’s belated admission means is that, for the past two years, Americans have unnecessarily wasted time in self-isolation — perhaps weeks — waiting for a negative test as well been treated for nonexistent maladies.

* Worse these so called unreliable tests especially the rapid tests apparently do not pick up Omicron at all (Id. Dr Mullis). see, e.g.,;;;;;

Has no one noticed that starting next week, Americans can begin ordering free rapid COVID tests through a new government-sponsored website as well such are being openly "hawked" by our alleged leaders and media (completely worthless for Omicron)?

Has no one even considered following the money trail (owners\producers of mask, test apparatus being provided via precious tax payer dollars as our economy goes down the toilet)?

Has no one noticed that after almost two years of open and blatant misrepresentations (even lies) the now open admissions - absolutely none of the vaccines prevent COVID infections (no protection whatsoever) and all only have limited effectiveness - after that nothing!

"First they still allow infections (‘breakthrough’) and the duration appears to be limited. We need vaccines that prevent re-infection and have many years of duration,” Gates said.

Has no one noticed that aside from the “three monkey syndrome” (deaf, dumb, blind – also perhaps added stupid) openly being practiced by alleged leaders and media there has not been a single mention, report, or review of any of the above “FACTS” from the CDC and/or the multitude worldwide experts constantly questioning all of it?

Has no one noticed that no matter the admissions, no matter how ineffective vaccines that can never prevent any infection that the always never ending narrative from our alleged leaders and media is keep on being vaxing?

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

By definition in of all the above it means that every single claimed figure, statistic in anyway related to infections, testing results, hospitalizations and the like are per se unreliable, non credible, all deserving immediate deep forensic investigations from every perspective with accountability to the fullest extent of our laws being brought to bear against any and all propagators.

Even CNN and fake news originators are coming full circle –

"The CDC has turned into a punch line. There’s a huge credibility crisis for the CDC … it just causes people, if they hear all these mixed messages and all this confusion, it’s all too complicated, they just move on and ignore it.” Brian Salter, see, e.g.,

It means any and all claimed emergencies and/or other edict, restrictions, impediments to our Constitutional rights and liberties must come to an immediate cessation pending those forensic investigations!

Dr. King would demand no less!

If in fact all within in Cobb County, Georgia, or the nation wish to properly honor Dr. Martin Luther King, there should be full scale outrage arising to demand answers to hard questions with full transparency on anything and everything related to alleged virus, masking, and all the rest. This is open and direct challenge to reverse course!

Thank you - Have a blessed day and renewed prosperity in 2022

Woodrow D. Wollesen/ Chairman, American Empowerment (a veteran created/operated 501 (C)(3) nonprofit a dedicated educational resource platform for personal/business empowerment - One the nation’s foremost experts/authorities respecting small business operations/capital/financing/entrepreneurship as ethically grounded reasoned thinking, forensic and scientific investigations, – Military veteran with unprecedented combinations of diverse “real world” professional expertise across multiple disciplines - see professional profiles at LinkedIn;

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