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Neighbor News

Marietta Schools Responding to Student Aggressions with Police

Marietta Schools Sadly Responding to Student Aggression with Police Presence Urging Instead Reasoned Thinking

Marietta Schools Sadly Responding to Student Aggressions with Police Presence
Urging Instead Reasoned Thinking for far Better and more Effective Options to Counter and Remedy
Marietta Schools Sadly Responding to Student Aggressions with Police Presence Urging Instead Reasoned Thinking for far Better and more Effective Options to Counter and Remedy

Marietta Schools Sadly Responding to Student Aggression with Police Presence -Urging Instead Reasoned Thinking for far Better and more Effective Options to Counter and Remedy

As recently reported in the Patch News and Marietta Daily Journal “After seeing an increase in fights among students, the Marietta City Schools Board of Education unanimously voted Tuesday to increase police presence at Marietta Middle and Marietta High schools, the Marietta Daily Journal reported. The number of officers at the middle school will increase from one to two, and from three to four at the high school. Board members approved up to $96,000 for the additional officers”. see, e.g., Marietta Patch; Marietta Daily Journal, February 10, 2022 -

Following the teachings and principles of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (as well his own tools for analyses) it is highly suggested and urged that the Superintendent and entire Marietta Board of Education immediately reconsider such an approach.

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“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education”. Martin Luther King Jr.

The following is suggested for immediate reconsideration:

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*The so-called “fighting issue” is only a superficial indication of far more serious issues (social, economic, family, etc.) that in fact not only exist but tend to be prime drivers for aggression in all its various forms – bullying, fighting, teasing, verbal/social abuses, etc.).

*Taking the law enforcement option will never cure or solve the issues actually in play or driving the real problems – such is at best a “band aid” respecting a “symptom” – directed at only one of the many Heads of the Hydra.

* Consider metaphorically attempting to solve a pest (even rodent) problem by spraying/laying out bait/traps. None of those options will ever solve the real problem. Actual remedial actions require fundamental parts (1) identify the real problem in detail (2) find and locate the actual source or origins and (3) fashion specific corrective actions tailored to specifically eliminate permanently.

*That is what is precisely missing herein. Aggression issues within any educational environment (most especially primary/secondary levels) originate from varied sources and causes. One must first devote the time to properly investigate and specifically identify those causes – what are the core driving elements creating the problems? Only then can one properly and intelligent fashion remedies that “will in fact work”.

* It is suggested that use of law enforcement is usually an absolute last option and only then such must be accompanied with far more intelligently fashioned adjunct programs/efforts aimed at the core drivers of the problems – standing alone it will almost universally fail!

Why? Think about it? Law enforcement in a school to allegedly prevent fighting or violence will not stop the violence. It will simply continue unabated “outside school boundaries”. It usually will as a result become “escalated” into more serious consequences as well increase the likelihood for more affected victims.

Solve the problem in fact. Stop treating the symptoms with ineffective (at best temporary) band aids!

It is highly suggested that when the indicated tools and principles of Dr King are properly applied to the issues presented (“ethically grounded reasoned (critical) thinking based entirely upon independently verifiable objective facts” each and every word with specialized meanings within art/science) it will become evident that the endemic actual core causes for the problems (once properly identified) will require the input, direct involvements, and focused cooperative attention with\by “ALL STAKEHOLDERS” (administration, teachers/faculty, students, and parents).

Until that occurs past experiences across thousands of other school clusters/districts would tend to indicate non resolution of the alleged problems, virtually certain escalations resulting, and as well far reaching adverse prospective consequences (direct and indirect) throughout the entire educational system to follow.

It is highly recommended for “all stakeholders” (administration, teachers/faculty, students, parents) to immediately reading and study the only “hands-on” treatise of its type in the country specifically dealing with these and other equally important issues affecting Georgia schools. See, e.g.,;

Within that treatise one will find intensive personal “hands-on” experiences as follows:

*Either personally assisting, adjunct teaching at every single grade, educational level – primary, secondary, collegiate, graduate school of business (mentor, lecturer, trainer across a varied diverse field of subject matter disciples;

*Personal “hands –on” involvements within every aspect and development of a turnaround complete school cluster (primary, secondary, etc.) district involving all of the social, aggression, academic improvement issues presents (and far more) (parent, classroom, student organizations/groups, board of education levels, etc.)

*Detailed, comprehensive accounts within the treatise proving in fact within the “real world” that these problem issues can be solved with specific remedial recommendations that will provide (proven repeatedly nationwide) that can achieve concrete positive, constructive results for all stakeholders.

Investigation and reading by all stakeholders are highly urged and recommended.

God Bless

Woodrow D. Wollesen /Chairman, American Empowerment dba Operation Veteran Empowerment, a veteran created/operated 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated entirely to non partisan educational platforms that empower for the betterment of all Americans, especially veteran, women minority owned small businesses nationwide - one the nation’s foremost experts/authorities respecting small business operations/capital/financing/ entrepreneurship/ ethically grounded reasoned thinking, forensic investigator , business/personal empowerment– serial entrepreneur/executive/businessman - military veteran – former SBA Financing Champion – former Executive Officer Officer/Board of Directors/Instructor, National Women’s Business Center, Washington, DC , former national law firm partners/litigator/appellate counsel before the highest courts/tribunals in the country including personal appearances before the US Supreme Court, Taekwondo Master (4th Degree Black belt) Two time national champion, national record holder, USA Taekwondo Role Model National Champion - Professional Profiles at;

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