This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Politics & Government

Our Campaign

Let's Build a Bridge to Gwinnett's Future

As a lifelong resident of Gwinnett, I have been able to see how much our county has grown and changed over the years. We are now one of the most diverse counties in the nation—boasting languages, ethnicities, races, and cultures from all across the globe. Our county has also become increasingly progressive recently, and with the delegation to the General Assembly becoming Democratic for the first time in decades after this last election. However, the county’s leadership remains relatively unchanged.

After leaving office earlier this year and listening to many of my constituents, I kept hearing how much they wanted someone to represent them at the county level. So, I decided that the time was right to seek Gwinnett’s highest office, the County Commission Chair. While in the legislature for the last 16 years, I was able to gain the skills and experience needed to serve an area with needs as diverse and important as Gwinnett’s are.

I understand that a one-size-fits-all solution won’t always work and how important it is to listen to the voices of those that I represent. Too many politicians have forgotten that this is the purpose of government. When I was in the state legislature, my motto was “making your voice count.” That was my top priority at all times. It was what I fought to do every single day and, when I’m elected, it’s what I promise to continue doing.

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Our county needs someone who is willing to stand up and fight for their voices. Together, we can ensure that our county expands public transportation and we can ensure that we do not discriminate against members of the LGBTQ+ and minority communities that make up our diverse county of over 120 spoken languages. We can build affordable housing and expand access to education and parks. We can build a county wide public wifi network so that small and service businesses do not have to worry about the cost of providing that service to their customers and so low income families don’t have to send their kids to Starbucks and McDonald’s to do their homework. We don’t have to choose between safe streets and having to worry about “driving while brown”. We can enact the progressive and forward-looking vision that Gwinnett needs. This is the campaign where we decide to take up the mantle and become the county that leads the nation.

Let me be very clear: this is not my campaign, this is our campaign. This is our campaign for our future. This is our campaign for our children’s future. This is our campaign for Gwinnett’s future. I am asking for your vote and your support. In return, I promise that I will fight for you every day so what Gwinnett is a place we are all proud to call home.

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I hope you join us as we build a bridge to that future, together, because now my goal is not to just represent a singular and particular district in Gwinnett, but the entirety of the county overall. If you want to join this fight please to my website - and sign up be a part of building that bridge.

The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Want to post on Patch?

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