This post is sponsored and contributed by AFS-USA, a Patch Brand Partner.

Community Corner

Welcome an AFS-USA exchange student from one of 80 countries!

Open your home to an international experience that will benefit your family, school, and community.


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Hosting an AFS exchange student in your home will allow your family to see the world from a fresh perspective, while you discover more about yourself and your own culture as well! You’ll create a relationship with your host student which will last long after their exchange year ends. An experience like this allows families to grow as individuals, become more flexible and adaptable, and more globally aware.

Learn more about the many benefits of hosting from an actual AFS host family! In this blog, the Hudson family shares why they host with AFS-USA. Need more information? Attend one of our upcoming hosting info sessions and hear from volunteers, staff, and other host families – you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions and learn all about the hosting experience, whether it’s a few months or a full academic year, from those who know it best!

As an AFS host family, you have an opportunity to join us in building a better future by helping to shape global perspectives and cultural understanding. Hosting is also an opportunity to experience personal growth and growth as a family.

“The AFS-USA program of connecting people and families works! The organization is truly helping to create a more just and peaceful world.” - Holly Fisher, AFS host parent

Ready to get started? Fill out a short form to get in touch with us and begin your hosting journey with AFS! You can also email us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!

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This post is sponsored and contributed by AFS-USA, a Patch Brand Partner.