Politics & Government

Mike Quigley: Candidate For IL 5th Congressional District

Incumbent Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) is running unopposed in the March 19 Democratic primary, but will face a challenge in November.

Mike Quigley has been in the U.S. House of Representatives since 2009.
Mike Quigley has been in the U.S. House of Representatives since 2009. (Mandel Ngan/Pool via AP)

ILLINOIS — After several candidates dropped off the ballot, U.S. Congressman Mike Quigley (D-IL 5) has no opponent in the upcoming Democratic primary on March 19.

Jerico Matias Cruz, Jonathan Bishop and Dan Wozniczka have all withdrawn or been disqualified for the election.

Quigley, who has been a member of the U.S. House of Representatives since 2009, will face a challenge in November's General Election as two Republicans are vying for their party's nomination — Tom Hanson and Frank Rowder, the latter a write-in candidate. Quigley defeated Hanson in 2022.

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Illinois Congressional District 5 includes all or parts of Chicago, Inverness, Arlington Heights, Barrington Hills, Des Plaines, Palatine, Mount Prospect, Deer Park, Kildeer, Lake Zurich, Long Grove, and North Barrington.

Prior to the other Democratic candidates dropping out of the race, Quigley filled out one of our election questionnaires, and here are his responses.

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Candidate Mike Quigley

Town of Residence: Chicago

Position Sought: IL-05

Party Affiliation: Democratic

Family: Barb Quigley, Wife

Education: Roosevelt University (BA); University of Chicago (MPP); Loyola University Chicago (JD)

Occupation: U.S. House of Representatives since 2009

Previous or current elected or appointed office: 1998–2009: Cook County Board of Commissioners, 2009–Present: U.S. House of Representatives

Campaign website: quigleyforcongress.com

The single most pressing issue facing our (board, district, etc.) is _______, and this is what I intend to do about it: The issue that I hear from my constituents about the most is overwhelmingly crime and gun violence in our communities. The only way we can effectively tackle these issues is to pursue a comprehensive approach to violence prevention. That means ensuring that our local police and the Department of Justice have the resources they need to prosecute criminals, and simultaneously creating new options for communities when police presence is not needed. Congress must also take steps to provide communities with the resources they need to address the root causes of crime and violence. This should include increased access to affordable housing, cheaper childcare options, more equity in education, and direct financial assistance for families where necessary, among many more needs. As the leading Democrat on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development, I will do everything possible to ensure the Chicagoland area has the federal financial support necessary to tackle some of these needs.

Most importantly, Congress must take steps to address the crisis of gun violence in our communities. Put simply: it is much harder to commit violent crimes like carjackings and robberies without access to a firearm. While we took some long overdue steps last Congress with Democrats in the majority, there are still significant actions that need to be taken. I believe our next action must be to ban assault weapons and implement universal background checks.

What are the critical differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?

I have spent more than four decades in public service, including my time as a Cook County Commissioner where I worked to increase transparency within the Cook County Board of Commissioners. Since 2009, I have been proud to represent Illinois’ 5th District. My experience and dedication to my district mean that I am uniquely positioned to serve my constituents effectively. I am currently the highest ranking Democrat on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development and I expect to serve as Chair if Democrats take the Majority in the House of Representatives. With that position, I can prioritize funding to the city of Chicago and the state of Illinois to improve our transportation, address our housing crisis head-on, and make sure that the issues that matter most are prioritized in Congress. My role on the Appropriations Committee also means that I am well placed to continue to defend critical services from Republican attacks. In the past year, I have stood up to efforts to use our government funding process to attack the LGBTQ community, women’s reproductive rights, and more. Serving the 5th District is the pride of a lifetime and I am eager to continue my work on behalf of my constituents.

Describe the other issues that define your campaign platform:

In addition to the critical role I play on the Appropriations Committee and the Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development Subcommittee, I have spent my career dedicated to standing up for my constituents. I founded the Congressional Transparency Caucus to bring transparency with the public into the forefront and have repeatedly introduced legislation to further that goal. At a time when public confidence in government is at a low point, I am dedicated to restoring faith in our government. As the saying goes, sunlight is the best disinfectant, and I will continue to champion transparency in the federal government under every administration- Democrat and Republican.

My earliest public activism was in environmental affairs and I have maintained that dedication throughout my time in Congress. Climate change is the crisis of our lifetime and so far, the federal government has simply not done enough. Whether it is through highlighting the ways climate change is impacting our nation already, raising the issue of climate change as a national security issue, or making the economic case for fighting climate change, I will not relent until our nation has taken the critical steps necessary to save our planet for future generations.

I am also a proud lifelong defender of the LGBTQ community. In recent years, that community has come under tremendous attack from extremists who see transphobia and homophobia as a path to power. I have repeatedly stood up to those efforts in Congress and I will not back down. We have a long way to go to achieve equality for LGBTQ individuals and I am deeply committed to preventing the far-right from dragging us backwards.

If you gain this position, what accomplishment would define your term in office as a success?

If elected for another term representing Illinois’ fifth congressional district, and if Democrats win back the House, I will be serving as chair of the appropriations subcommittee that funds the Departments of Housing and Transportation. In this role, I will be well positioned to push federal funding to support housing and transportation to Chicago. I will also be able to expand Congressional Project Funding in the appropriations process to bring funding to local projects supporting infrastructure, education, and community safety throughout Chicago.

In addition to pushing federal funding back to communities I represent, I am confident a Democratic majority in the House will vote for legislation that supports gun control, fights climate change, and expands the U.S. economy.

Why are you running for office?

It has been an honor to represent Illinois’ Fifth District in Congress. As your Representative, I have utilized my position on the Appropriations Committee to bring funding home to our community and ensure that our needs are prioritized in government funding. As the highest-ranking Democrat on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development, I have been deeply focused on improving our public transportation so it works for everyone and building infrastructure for the next century. When Democrats take back the House in the 2024 election, I expect to become the Chair of that Subcommittee and be even better positioned to advocate for Chicago’s needs.

Explain your attitudes toward fiscal policy, government spending and how taxpayer dollars should be handled by your office?

Since being elected to office, government transparency has been one of my number one priorities. I helped found the Congressional Transparency Caucus and have repeatedly championed bills - now laws - that make Congressional use of taxpayer dollars more transparent to the public. I believe fiscal transparency is one of the most important ways that the federal government can maintain trust with the public and fundamentally ensure that our government spends responsibly.

Additionally, as the former Chairman of the Subcommittee that funds the IRS, I have been a strong advocate for a tax system that reflects our nation’s values. That means expecting the wealthiest 1% and massive corporations to pay their fair share. It also means increased enforcement by the IRS to collect money the government is owed by long-time, wealthy tax cheats. I proudly voted for the Inflation Reduction Act in part because it would do just that.

What would you do to help constituents struggling with the ever-increasing cost of living?

Under President Biden, the U.S. economy has seen unprecedented growth, with more jobs created in three years than any other President. The Federal Reserve’s policies have been regarded as overwhelmingly successful, threading the needle of decreasing inflation while avoiding a recession. I proudly supported the Inflation Reduction Act, which took several steps to address post-pandemic inflation and rising costs of living including ensuring that millions of Americans no longer have to choose between putting food on their table and paying for life-saving medications. Nonetheless, many Americans are still feeling like they are having to make tough decisions with their personal budgets.

While the Biden Administration has led the world in responding to the “Putin Price Hike” by finding new energy solutions that have slowed the rising cost of energy, there is more work that needs to be done to diversify our nation’s energy supply so Americans have more choices and lower costs for their energy. Congress must also work to address the housing crisis that is impacting so many Americans, both directly and indirectly. More affordable housing will decrease homelessness, decrease housing costs, diversify wealth, and make our communities stronger. When Democrats win back Congress in the 2024 election, I look forward to supporting funding to expand HUD programs that invest in more affordable housing. Finally, more must be done to connect people and places. Too many Americans lack access to public transportation which would save them money and time. As the highest-ranking Democrat on the Appropriations Subcommittee that funds the Department of Transportation, I am committed to doing everything I can to provide Chicago with the federal resources it needs to make our public transportation infrastructure an example for the entire nation.

Regarding the migrant crisis: Should the Biden Administration stiffen requirements for asylum seekers, and should Texas provide more notice to Illinois when busing migrants to the Chicago area?

The time for quick fixes to our immigration crisis is long past and it is high time that Congress tackle comprehensive immigration reform. That must include everything from securing our border to reforming our immigration court system to passing the Dream Act. Immigrants who come to our country are seeking a better life and want to work and provide for their families - just like every other American. They deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, not wielded as political pawns to appeal to the conservative base. Texas Governor Abbott’s treatment of new arrivals has been dishonorable and callous. I am proud that Chicago has stepped up and insisted that every single arriving migrant receives humane, welcoming treatment.

Should state or federal funding be provided to help municipalities address the arrival of asylum seekers?

Our city, and cities across the country, need more funding to help tackle this crisis. We all want our new arrivals to receive humane and appropriate receptions when they arrive, and that means we need more money to provide services. But this is a big issue that requires big solutions. Our state’s senior Senator, Dick Durbin, has been a strong voice on this issue and I have long agreed with his calls for comprehensive immigration reform. Ultimately, we have to address the root causes of migration if we want to truly tackle this issue.

Is the federal government doing enough to secure the borders? Why or why not?

We can do more to reduce the number of illegal border crossings that take place. Ports of entry need more financial and personnel support and agencies like Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement need help from Congress to be able to do their jobs effectively. But additional security at our border simply cannot be the only step we take if we truly wish to address our immigration crisis. We can do more by improving court processing times and simplifying the work permit system. Immigrants who want to work to support their families and contribute to our economy should be able to do so. One of the first steps must be rebuilding the immigration processing system that President Trump systematically gutted during his time in office.

Critically, any immigration reform must also include addressing the root causes of migration by providing targeted aid to the nations that migrants are overwhelmingly arriving from. Until we resolve the issues in Latin America from which immigrants are fleeing, the flow to our southern border simply will not be fully resolved.

Should the US stop funding Israel and support a ceasefire in Gaza?

The conflict in the Middle East is one of the most complex foreign policy challenges of our time and addressing it requires a nuance that is not often rewarded in today’s political climate, and an acknowledgement of generational hurt the scope of which is difficult to comprehend. First, it is vitally important to recognize that the Hamas attack on October 7th was the largest terrorist attack in Israeli history, resulting in the deaths of thousands and the kidnapping of more than 200 civilians and soldiers. Much like the United States in the wake of 9/11, Israelis are still processing the trauma from that attack. Since that day, I have unwaveringly supported Israel’s right to defend itself. Hamas’s capability to launch attacks must be eradicated and all remaining hostages must be returned.

As one of our closest allies and the only democracy in the region, Congress should continue providing Israel with aid to defend itself from outside threats. Simultaneously, it is critical that Congress take steps to address the unprecedented loss of civilian life in this conflict. Humanitarian aid must be provided to Gaza, in much higher numbers than it is currently, and it must enter Gaza without interference by either the IDF or Hamas.

Additionally, Congress must, in one voice, reiterate our continued dedication to a two-state solution. The language used by Israel’s far-right in recent weeks, and the recent comments by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejecting the possibility of a two-state solution are not conducive to the peace process and do not represent the interests of the vast majority of Israelis.

Hamas must be rooted out of Gaza for the good of all. Israel should cease the use of dumb bombs and recommit to efforts to limit the loss of civilian life. The only true path forward in this conflict is through the diplomatic peace process.

Should the U.S. continue providing aid to Ukraine?

Congress’ support for Ukraine against Putin’s aggression ensures the continued existence of Ukraine as a sovereign, democratic nation and sends a clear message to Putin and autocrats around the world that they cannot invade a neighboring democracy with impunity. As Co-Chair of the Congressional Ukraine Caucus, I’ve repeatedly called on Congress to continue its support against Putin’s aggression and provide Ukraine with the resources it needs to defend itself. Our aid displays our commitment to preserving democracy across the globe. Failure to continue our aid to Ukraine would be a dereliction of duty as the world’s most powerful democracy. Additionally, after World War II, the entire world vowed “Never Again.” Now is the time to live up to that credo. Putin is in the midst of trying to erase Ukraine and Ukrainians. When I visited Ukraine in 2022, I saw the mass graves in Bucha that show just how far Russia is willing to go in those efforts. We can’t let that happen.

Should candidates be disqualified from holding office if they faced misdemeanor charges related to Jan. 6, 2021?

On January 6th, 2021, President Trump incited an attack against the U.S. Capitol and members of Congress. The insurrection’s goal was to overturn the results of the 2020 election. I was in the U.S. Capitol on January 6 and I saw firsthand how close we came to losing our democracy. I do not believe that anyone who participated in that effort is worthy of holding elected office and I believe that the majority of voters agree with me. Nonetheless, it seems apparent that the Supreme Court is ready to rule against the ability of a state to remove someone, namely Donald Trump, from a state ballot for their involvement in January 6. In that case, it is up to every community leader across the country to remind the voters of the heinous actions taken by Trump and some of his supporters on January 6 and remind Americans that the threat has not ended. Rest assured, if Donald Trump and those like him can re-capture elected office, they will do everything in their power to never rescind that power.

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