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Kids & Family

What’s in Your Kitchen?

Momma Chef: Bringing You Dozens of Fabulous Recipes Using Less Than 6 Ingredients and Under 6 Minutes Prep Time! Easiest Dinner This Week!

What’s in Your Kitchen?

Once upon a time, I found myself sheltering-in-place for a seemingly infinite amount of days. Guess what cooking nerds do when we are stuck at home? We head to the pantry. And refrigerator. And freezer. After a few monotonous days of moving around cans and checking expiration dates, I created a new game. I called it: “What's in Your Kitchen?" The goal? To make recipes using only what I could find in my house. This "game" invigorated me; it was a blast creating different meals for my family that required no special trip to the grocery store.
Enjoy these quick and easy recipes!

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