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Parenting vs priorities, a food for thought.

As parents we attempt to have a work life balance. Our fast pace life forces children to adapt quickly but are they emotionally neglected?

Parenting styles
Parenting styles

Food for thought


"No's "

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How many times do you say "no," to an adult/ peers/ friends without any reservations ? If you do, do you put a lot of thought into it before you decline. Comparatively, How many times do you say "no" to your kid without any reservations ? Perhaps, consider counting the number of times you say no to your kid in a day. Ask yourself, if you observe and hear their unspoken emotions. Easier to protect an adult's emotions than your kid's isn't it ?

Planning, executing and decision-making:
How much time do we spend on planning a vacation, work meetings, dining reservations, cooking, cleaning etc. But when your kid asks you for one planned event, how many times have you said you are too tired and put it off? I'm not suggesting that the former is not a priority cos it requires timely execution. However, have you thought of how crushing it can be for a child to walk away and accept that fact that you are tired. In all reality kids are more accepting and empathic
to understand you. But have you thought for a moment how many times you've turned them away with the same excuse?

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We learn as we go as parents only if we allow ourselves to stop and self reflect. As I see my children grow, I've realized that they have taught me a lot more life lessons than the thick textbooks.

I would love to hear your thoughts!

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