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Universal Manufacturing Corp on Maintaining Your Dog’s Ear Health

Chicago dog owners should be on the lookout for these telltale signs of an ear infection

Like all good pet owners, Chicago dog parents must be wary of the signs of poor health in their animals. Cleaning your canine’s ears should become part of their daily health care routine in order to avoid infection. It has been highly recommended by several veterinarians that you clean your dog’s ears at least once a week. Cleaning the ears of a healthy dog can also cause unnecessary damage. To tell if your pet needs a cleaning, sniff their ear. It sounds simple, but a bad odor is a telling sign of infection. If they smell of yeast or stink in general, there may be an infection forthcoming.

Another telltale sign of an infection is to look inside the ear. If the inside is pink with a small coating of yellow wax, all is well. When they are red, have too much wax build up, produce a dark brown or black substance, or if they shake their head often or paws at its ears, it’s best to visit a veterinarian.

Luckily, there are lots of different ways to combat this uncomfortable infection. These can include creams, ointments, or special devices such as Dog Ear Care Harnesses according to Universal Manufacturing Corp, a full service manufacturing company located in Westchester, Illinois.

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Which Breeds Are Most Affected?

All dogs need their ears cleaned but there are certain breeds that can be more affected than others. Those with floppy pinna (ear flaps), that like to swim and any with an ongoing skin allergy or infection most likely need their ears cleaned more frequently.

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How To Keep Them Healthy

Besides checking your dog regularly there are other options to keep their ears healthy. Introducing a proper diet that contains less starch will help. Too much starch in their diet can lead to the formation of yeast, which can cause an infection.

If your pup is prone to ear infections, make sure you dry their ears thoroughly after a swim or bath. Metro Vet Chicago explains that bacteria love warm and moist places so keeping your dog’s ears clean and dry is always the best solution. They also recommend keeping the hair trimmed around your the area to prevent bacteria from growing.

Natural treatment for these sorts of infections includes sulfur, phosphorus, tea tree oil, and boric acid.

Preparing To Clean

It’s best to be prepared before you clean your dog’s ears. Make sure you have all the necessary materials including proper cleaner, damp cotton wool and any drops that your veterinarian may have prescribed.

For optimal cleaning, ensure that you and your pet are both comfortable. Cleaning this delicate area can be a distressing task, to begin with. It’s also more convenient to have someone there to help you relax the animal. If you have a smaller animal, it may be easier to have them sit in your lap. On the other hand, if you have a larger canine, get them to sit or lay on the floor.

How To Clean Them

If your dog has long pinna, lift the first ear with one hand. Hold the flap with your thumb in order to see the inner part. Next, gently wipe with a piece of damp cotton to remove any dirt, dust or debris that may be inside.

Insert the cleaner, with the applicator tip inside of the ear canal. Do not push the tip in too far as this may cause damage. Squeeze a small amount of the cleaner into the area and then gently rub the base of the ear so that the cleaner can disperse. Allow your dog to shake its head around in order to also distribute the liquid throughout.

Once they are done shaking or you finish massaging the ear and there is still excess cleaner still visible inside the canal, clean it off with another piece of damp cotton wool. If you have previously seen a veterinarian about your dog’s ears, administer any drops as the instructions say on the bottle. Dispensing the drops after cleaning the ear ensure they will actually get inside rather than sitting on the outside of the ear canal.

Helpful Solutions according to Universal Manufacturing Corp.

Utilizing multiple preventative methods will improve the health of your dog’s ears more so than simply using one. Checking your pet for signs of infection weekly is very important in maintaining their health. If you neglect to clean your dog’s ears, wax, dirt, and debris will build up and harden inside. This will cause infections within the canals and could possibly damage their eardrums.

It is important to establish a weekly schedule in order to balance your pet’s hygienic needs, stressed Universal Manufacturing Corp. And remember that a happy pup is one with healthy ears.

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