Politics & Government

Scott Nelson: Candidate For Glenview School District 34

Scott Nelson, 55, has been a member of the board of education since 2019.

Scott Nelson has been a commodity trader on the Chicago Board of Trade for the past 34 years.
Scott Nelson has been a commodity trader on the Chicago Board of Trade for the past 34 years. (Photo provided by Scott Nelson)

GLENVIEW, IL — Ahead of the April 4 consolidated municipal elections, Arlington Heights Patch provided questionnaires to all candidates on the ballot.

Five candidates are vying for four seats on the Glenview Community Consolidated School District 34 Board of Education on Election Day. Current Vice President John Heggie, Secretary Michael Korman and Natalie Jachtorowycz are not running for reelection. The following candidates will be on the ballot:

  • Scott Nelson, current president (term ends in 2023)
  • Alex Kamilewicz
  • Julie Moon
  • Jennifer Patel
  • Vasilios Soupos

The Glenview District 34 Caucus is endorsing the campaigns of Nelson, Kamilewicz, Moon and Soupos.

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Patch is publishing all responses submitted by candidates verbatim.

Scott Nelson

Age (as of election day)

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Town/city of residence


School district

Glenview Community Consolidated School District 34


Spouse Jennifer, daughters Zoe (23), Trinity (22), and son Joshua (19). All 3 of my children graduated from D34 schools and Glenbrook South.

Does anyone in your family work in politics or government?



University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign, BA Political Science


Commodity Trader, Chicago Board of Trade (34 years)

Campaign website


Previous or current elected or appointed office

Incumbent, board member since 2019

The most pressing issues facing our (board, district, etc.) are _______, and this is what I intend to do about them.

We need to focus on completing our construction projects in a fiscally responsible manner. We need to meet all students on their education path so they can aspire to reach their highest potential. We should persist to address the many mental health issues children are facing. We must continue to retain and attract the best teachers, staff, and administrators.

What are the critical differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?

I have been lucky enough to have had many different perspectives of Glenview School District 34. I have been a parent, volunteer, committee member, community member, taxpayer, School Board member, and School Board President. These experiences will continue to enhance my ability to serve all students, parents, teachers, staff, administrators, and community members.

Describe the other issues that define your campaign platform

I am very proud of this community for supporting public education by passing the $119 million dollar referendum to update our aging infrastructure and provide for new construction to add Full Day Kindergarten. During my time as a board member the district issued debt at historically low rates, managed a large scale multi building construction project during supply chain disruptions, and had to navigate a global pandemic that disrupted all facets of our lives. This year Glenview School District 34 School Board is one of 33 school boards in the state of Illinois to earn the Illinois
Association of School Boards 2022 School Board Governance Recognition. This is the district's first time being recognized. I feel my work is not complete and I would like your support to continue to serve this community. Thank you for considering me for the Glenview District 34 School Board.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?


Glenview Education Foundation 2012-2018
● 2013 Vice Chair
● 2014 Chair
● 2015 Past-Chair / Operations
● 2016-2018 Operations
Glenview District 34 Citizens Finance Advisory Committee 2017-2021
Glenview District 34 Superintendent Interview Committee 2016
Glenview District 34 Director of Communications Interview Committee 2014
Glenview District 34 School Board Member 2019-Present (Board President 2021-Present)
Glenview District 34 PTA Council BOE Rep - 2018-2020
Youth Services of Glenview / Northbrook - Youth Mentor 2016-2019
Philip Rogers Elementary School - Local School Council 2006-2008 (Chair)
Indian Boundary Park Advisory Council 2007-2008 (Vice Chair)
CME Group Business Conduct Committee 2007-Present

Why should voters trust you?

During the 15 years I have lived in Glenview I have been very involved in supporting the public schools. Through my volunteer activities on the Glenview Education Foundation, my work with Youth Services, and my time on the current school board I have tried to be consistent in my values and beliefs while prioritizing the needs and well being of others while demonstrating empathy and understanding.

If you win this position, what accomplishment would make your term in office a success?

Completion of the current construction projects that have been started, improved student achievement, and increased awareness that the schools are the center of the community and need all stakeholders to continue to strongly support them.

What are your views on fiscal policy, government spending and the handling of taxpayer dollars in the office you are seeking?

The district budget is as concise as it has been in years. With the input from the Citizens Finance Advisory Committee the board does a thorough examination how the tax monies are spent. District 34 spends the least amount of money per student of all the surrounding feeder districts that send students to District 225. As highlighted in the recently passed school construction referendum, the district has had to always tighten its belt to meet our budgets. When Attea school was built, the community did not support additional tax revenue to staff the new building. Hence for the past 22 years we have had to support 8 schools with the same resources that used to support 7. This has been a constant drag on our operating budget for years and will show up down the road if we do not address it in the coming years. This leads to a structural operating deficit we must solve going forward.

I am very proud of the current board’s diligence in the new construction to provide full day Kindergarten for the students of Glenview. We as a board saw historical low interest rates when issuing the debt and sped up the issuance to take advantage of those low rates for the taxpayers of Glenview. By moving quickly and decisively we saved the taxpayers of Glenview approximately $30 million over the life of the bonds by issuing those bonds when we did.

What are your thoughts on how the district has handled the COVID-19 pandemic?

As a current board member I feel we did the best we could with the information we had at the time decisions were being made. It felt like we were trying to change a flat tire on a car while it was driving down an expressway at full speed. I know the board and the administration learned many things during the pandemic and we will always try to do what is best for all stakeholders. We tried to be open and honest with our decisions and still offer the best education to the students in the safest manner possible. We have so many more tools in our toolbox than we did at the beginning of the pandemic.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, some school boards saw extremely heated disagreements during public meetings. If elected, what changes, if any, need to be made to ensure meetings are run efficiently while still allowing open discussions?

We had many meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic that saw many diverse opinions. The current board allowed all community members the opportunity to speak and be heard. Board policies define the community participation and were suitable for our needs.

How do you feel about sex education being taught in school? Should an LGBTQ component be included, and why or why not?

We provide families a choice to allow their children to learn about sex education starting in the 5th grade. Inclusive sex education programs can provide information and support to LGBTQ+ students, as well as help promote understanding and acceptance among all students.

What are your views on critical race theory and whether it should be taught in the district?

Critical race theory is an academic framework that examines how race intersects with law, politics, and society, particularly with regard to systemic racism and its effects on marginalized groups. It is an advanced graduate level theory, it likely does not belong in a K-8 curriculum. Critical Race Theory is not taught in District 34.

Do you think the current board has done enough to support racial equality, and if not, what specifically should be done to do so?

The current board has always supported racial equity and will continue to strive to provide the best education we can for all students.

When it comes to student achievement, what are schools within this district doing well and what needs to be improved? How can those improvements be made?

The district is student centered and more aligned across buildings than ever. A strategic plan has been implemented and continues to grow to inform administration how to create the greatest student success while being good financial stewards. The district must continue to move forward out of the pandemic. We have to close any learning gaps that may have appeared during the last 2 years. We need to focus on those groups of students who are most in need. We cannot stand still, we should always be striving for better student outcomes.

Is there any reason you would not serve your full term of office, other than those of health or family?


The best advice ever shared with me was ____________

As an Eagle Scout, we are instructed to leave a campsite better than we found it. I have tried to use that as a guide in all aspects of my life.

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