Politics & Government

Kevin Glowacz: Candidate For Northbrook/Glenview School District 30

Kevin Glowacz, 37, has been a software engineer for the past 15 years.

Kevin Glowacz earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Kevin Glowacz earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. (Photo provided by Kevin Glowacz)

NORTHBROOK, IL — Ahead of the April 4 consolidated municipal elections, Northbrook Patch and Glenview Patch provided questionnaires to all candidates on the ballot.

With Nancy Artz, current president, and Daniel Levin, current board member, not running for reelection when their terms end in April, five candidates are vying for four seats on the Northbrook/Glenview School District 30 Board of Education on Election Day. The candidates are:

  • Zivit Blonder, current member (term ends in 2023)
  • Ammar Mirza Rizki, current member (term ends in 2023)
  • Kevin Glowacz
  • Pamela Manicioto
  • Patrick Wang

Patch is publishing all responses submitted by candidates verbatim.

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Kevin Glowacz

Age (as of election day)


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Town/city of residence


School district

Northbrook/Glenview School District 30


Beth (35), Charlie (9), Miles (5)

Does anyone in your family work in politics or government?



Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


Software Engineer, 15 years

Campaign website


Previous or current elected or appointed office

Former Co-Division Consultant of the HPP Division of The MAGIC Foundation

The most pressing issues facing our (board, district, etc.) are _______, and this is what I intend to do about them.

With the recent decision to have the district take over the management of the Supportive Learning Environment (SLE) services, there will be a significant shift of responsibilities and ramping up including the hiring of a number of new employees to fill the roles needed. I will use my experience from working with the SLE staff as well as Early Intervention and private therapists for my own children to provide guidance and oversight as we build up our in house programs.

What are the critical differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?

My son is physically disabled and makes use of mobility aids like his wheelchair to help him get around. Experiencing the school district through the lens of a physically disabled child gives me a unique perspective not currently represented on the board. He has already faced some hurdles in his kindergarten year that the administration has partnered with me to address. Building upon the relationships that I’ve formed with the administration as well as the district’s existing commitment to equity, my added experience will push the district even further in its mission to provide the best possible education to all students and be the best place to work for all staff.

Additionally, my technical expertise from 15 years as an engineer in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry will bring additional security oversight to the board as more and more of our district’s learning tools and student data are being placed in the hands of SaaS companies.

If you are a challenger, in what way has the current board or officeholder failed the community or district?

The current board has done a great job working with each other and the community, especially during all of the uncertainty of the pandemic. I’m inspired by their leadership, and I’m looking forward to bringing my unique perspective to the board to continue the current momentum so that our community can achieve even greater heights.

Describe the other issues that define your campaign platform

In addition to DEI and software security, I’m passionate about continuous improvement of our curriculum by bringing in and evaluating the latest advances in teaching methods and tools both for academics and social-emotional learning.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

My youngest had a tracheostomy and used a ventilator for many years after he was first born. His medical care involved coordination and collaboration with medical teams in and out of state. It required negotiations with both private insurance and Medicaid. It involved the interviewing, hiring, and unfortunately sometimes firing of in-home nurses and agencies. I managed all this with my wife while we also raised our older child as we both worked full time and advanced our engineering careers. After handling all of that, I feel more than prepared to handle the board position.

Why should voters trust you?

At work I am trusted with access to and the handling of the billing data for millions of customers worldwide. Additionally, both my parents were educators, so I grew up in a family passionate about education and with my children currently attending 3rd grade and kindergarten in the district, I have a vested interest in its long term success.

If you win this position, what accomplishment would make your term in office a success?

I care deeply about seeing the district led SLE program grow into a program that families rave about. When families are excited not only by our amazing academics but also by our inclusivity and supportive learning programs, that will make my term in office a success.

What are your views on fiscal policy, government spending and the handling of taxpayer dollars in the office you are seeking?

It is our responsibility to make sure we are spending taxpayer dollars in a responsible way so that all financial expenditures provide the most value possible. We should follow expert guidance and community values to direct the funds towards advancements that will benefit everyone in our district.

What are your thoughts on how the district has handled the COVID-19 pandemic?

The district did a great job following expert advice and aligning their policies with the latest recommendations and requirements given by the ISBE and CDC. I think we should take what we learned during the pandemic, such as the improvements to ventilation and air quality, and continue to apply those learnings moving forward so that we can improve health every cold and flu season.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, some school boards saw extremely heated disagreements during public meetings. If elected, what changes, if any, need to be made to ensure meetings are run efficiently while still allowing open discussions?

Having attended most of the meetings this year, I can say that the board meetings are already run with a great balance between efficiency and open discussion.

How do you feel about sex education being taught in school? Should an LGBTQ component be included, and why or why not?

I think that sex education should be taught in the schools in an age appropriate manner. I know that District 30 is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion and that should extend to sex education as well by including an LGBTQ component. Being an institution focused on learning, our schools should provide all of the information available in a setting that makes all students and staff feel safe and included, tailored to the individual grade levels. Withholding information in our schools leads to our children seeking out this information elsewhere from potentially unsafe or untrusted sources.

What are your views on critical race theory and whether it should be taught in the district?

“Critical race theory” is a college level study, but I know some have started to use the term to describe the teaching of any concept related to systemic racial inequality. Considering our district has committed to providing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive education, teaching age appropriate versions of our history including the ways racism has shaped our country should be part of our education. I trust our administration and our teachers to know the best ways to teach about racism and inequality at the individual grade levels.

Do you think the current board has done enough to support racial equality, and if not, what specifically should be done to do so?

I’ve seen the presentations given by the DEI committee to the board about the efforts underway so far, and it is evident that the administration and staff care deeply about supporting racial equality in District 30. I think the pursuit of equity is never complete, and I’m excited about the opportunity to continue to foster and build upon the programs we have in place.

When it comes to student achievement, what are schools within this district doing well and what needs to be improved? How can those improvements be made?Having received a number of blue ribbons across our schools, it is clear that our district is already doing a great job with student achievement. Attending the board meetings, I’ve seen the district’s commitment to pulling in the latest teaching techniques and educational advancements. When elected to the board I’ll make sure we continue to foster that ongoing pursuit in our administration.Is there any reason you would not serve your full term of office, other than those of health or family?

I plan on staying 4 years.

The best advice ever shared with me was ____________

Fred Rogers: “Look for the Helpers.” Even during the most difficult times, we can find positivity and the strength to prevail by accepting help when we need it, and providing help when we are able.

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