Politics & Government

Patrick Wang: Candidate For Northbrook/Glenview School District 30

Patrick Wang, 40, has been a corporate banker for 15 years.

Patrick Wang has as Master's degree in business administration.
Patrick Wang has as Master's degree in business administration. (Photo provided by Patrick Wang)

NORTHBROOK, IL — Ahead of the April 4 consolidated municipal elections, Northbrook Patch and Glenview Patch provided questionnaires to all candidates on the ballot.

With Nancy Artz, current president, and Daniel Levin, current board member, not running for reelection when their terms end in April, five candidates are vying for four seats on the Northbrook/Glenview School District 30 Board of Education on Election Day. The District 30 School Board Caucus is endorsing the campaigns of Ammar Rizki, Pamela Manicioto and Patrick Wang. The candidates appearing on the ballot next month are:

  • Zivit Blonder, current member (term ends in 2023)
  • Ammar Mirza Rizki, current member (term ends in 2023)
  • Kevin Glowacz
  • Pamela Manicioto
  • Patrick Wang

Patch is publishing all responses submitted by candidates verbatim.

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Patrick Wang

Age (as of election day)


Find out what's happening in Northbrookwith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Town/city of residence


School district

District 30


Gigi (42), Albert (12), Andrew (9)

Does anyone in your family work in politics or government?





Corporate Banker (15 years)

Campaign website


Previous or current elected or appointed office


The most pressing issues facing our (board, district, etc.) are _______, and this is what I intend to do about them.

School District 30 recently hired the new superintendent Dr. Emily Tammaru who is very experienced but new to the district. The transition is crucial to ensure consistency and continue the success of the school district. I intend to work collaboratively to support this transition and process.

What are the critical differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?

I believe all the candidates come with similar passions and good intentions to support the school district. Based on my experience from my professional career, I'm confident that I have the leadership skill sets and tools to work collectively with other members to strengthen our school district and community.

If you are a challenger, in what way has the current board or officeholder failed the community or district?

The current board demonstrated harmonious collaboration and efficient relationships with the school leadership. During the peak of COVID-19, our school district delivered satisfactory strategies and outcomes to almost all families. I'd like to see the future board keep pursuing higher standards to challenge ourselves to be an even better and stronger school district.

Describe the other issues that define your campaign platform

I don't see a significant issue at this moment.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

I've been in the professional area for a long time and experienced complicated business situations where need broad knowledge, communication skills, and leadership to achieve mutual understanding and mutual benefit. This helps me buildup efficient personal skills set to confidently sever the school district for future development and potential headwinds.

Why should voters trust you?

I'm in the professional industry with the highest integrity and ethic manner in my everyday job. As a normal parent, I love the school district where my own kids go to learn, grow and enjoy themselves with other kids. Voters should trust me because I'm from them, with them and part of them who all love our kids and wish them success.

If you win this position, what accomplishment would make your term in office a success?

I would ensure the district continue its success and become more success.

What are your views on fiscal policy, government spending and the handling of taxpayer dollars in the office you are seeking?

I believe there's practical guidance that has been supporting this school district for a long time. I will work with the financial manager to continue reviewing and enhancing that.

What are your thoughts on how the district has handled the COVID-19 pandemic?

I think overall it was satisfactory.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, some school boards saw extremely heated disagreements during public meetings. If elected, what changes, if any, need to be made to ensure meetings are run efficiently while still allowing open discussions?

Pre-communication with parents and stakeholders. make rules when necessary. all depends on the situation, topics and the amount of participants.

How do you feel about sex education being taught in school? Should an LGBTQ component be included, and why or why not?

This topic doesn't only apply to a single school district but is an ongoing discussion in the entire society and nation. We shall always be open, kind, and respectful to all reasonable needs, by following the existing laws and regulations while best balancing each individual's feelings.

What are your views on critical race theory and whether it should be taught in the district?

This topic doesn't only apply to a single school district but is an ongoing discussion in the entire society and nation. We shall always be open, kind, and respectful to all reasonable needs, by following the existing laws and regulations while best balancing each individual's feelings.

Do you think the current board has done enough to support racial equality, and if not, what specifically should be done to do so?

They have embedded related points into the school development strategy and continuous effort to support the positivity factors for our district and society.

When it comes to student achievement, what are schools within this district doing well and what needs to be improved? How can those improvements be made?

There are multiple designs such as "Wescott WoW" to encourage kids from different perspectives. They are doing well.

Is there any reason you would not serve your full term of office, other than those of health or family?


The best advice ever shared with me was ____________

It's not an easy job, with a lot of responsibilities. But, go with our hearts, as parents and families, to love our kids and the community we live. We will prevail.

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