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Politics & Government

Have you had enough yet?

When will the "Repubicrat" or "Red Dog" party form?

(deirdre hayes)

Last Tuesday November 7th off year elections for states took place with key ballot referendums taking center stage as the country looked on as a potential preview of things to come in 2024. The major ballot referendum was abortion. It is the kryptonite of the Republican party, and the modern world rejects the right-wing members view of this issue.
Republicans have been hijacked of late by the right-wing members of the party that have pro-life as the top priority on the platform. It is time to abandon this strategy, I know people in our base will be outraged at such a thing but when you look objectively at how we choose to govern ourselves by separating church and state it becomes evident that government overreach is at play. Morally the pro-life stance is one I hold dear being the son of an adoptive mother, I give thanks that my paternal grandmother decided to proceed with having her baby (my mother) so I can be here today. When we remove the religious aspect from governance should our government mandate protocol to private citizens when it comes to their reproductive rights or decisions? This has shown to be a losing argument in an increasingly pro-woman voting bloc in ruby red states like Kansas and now Ohio. In addition to this issue, we have watched Republican leaders in the house fumble the house of representatives to the point where our strongest ally enters into a conflict, and we are left leaderless to act as a whole. Government shut down act 2 is on this week’s horizon and we are leading the chaos right now. It’s frustrating to watch these 2 issues take us away from governing to lower costs for Americans, take care of our homeless and veteran populations instead of complete strangers, our 2a rights beginning to erode, remove poor legislature as crime seems to be encourage with little to no consequence and stop what looks like World War 3.
Left wing Democrats are actively promoting Marxism and Socialism as if it cure all for America’s problems. They believe the “oppressed” need to rise up against the “oppressor”. Recently our Jewish American brethren have found out they are not viewed as an ally in this fight but the opponent. Democrats have allowed the socialist view of the party to render it's will through “vote shaming”. Vote for us or you’re racist, vote for us or you’re anti-LGTBQ, vote for us or you’re a fascist, vote for us or you’re an oppressor. We fell for it hook line and sinker, who wants to be called one of those names in public or feel the wrath of cancel culture or doxing. They first attacked their own party into a paralyzed submission and then opened fire on the rest of us while using the guise of “equity and inclusion”. Look at how they have governed in the end:

  1. Passed the safety act of which has little to no consequence for criminal behavior but if you didn’t vote for it, you’re a racist.
  2. Want an open border policy and use tax dollars to house, feed and clothe undocumented people but if you’re against this you’re a fascist.
  3. Want to allow adult aged type of books on sexual orientation (which is confusing enough as an adult) to introduce to grade school age children but if you question this, you’re anti-LGTBQ.
  4. Have rallied around Hamas and their brutal attacks on Israel but if you don’t stand with them, you’re with the oppressors.

What the majority of us want in this area and across the country seems simple enough I believe:

  1. Provide for our families with good paying jobs and have the right to negotiate with our employers in good faith.
  2. To have safe neighborhoods so our kids can grow and play without concern.
  3. To have our kids be educated on reading, writing and arithmetic so they can have the best chances at landing a good job and career.
  4. To have our expenses lowered through the means of domestic production, shipping and warehousing.
  5. To allow people from all over the world to immigrate here but in an organized documented status so we can know who is here.
  6. To push off the racism and misogyny that plagued our forefathers to show a united front as in the end we are all American.
  7. To lower our financial burdens of war around the world and use those resources to take care of the sick, tired and poor as they are Americans as well.

I believe we can only have these things if we decide as a community to drop the labels (Democrat, Republication and Independent) and work to unite the middle portions of these parties. We always talk about a 3rd party formation and while it is seemingly impossible to construct, what isn’t impossible is to bind under a common thread. Center left and Center right working in unison to build out governance that can communicate, work and dispute peacefully together to achieve what is best for the community and its citizens. Is it possible? the eternal optimist in me really hopes so…

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