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Politics & Government

Parents Matter Coalition

We need your help to get a ballot referendum that states parental notification is mandatory in every law concerning our children.

Mom with young child
Mom with young child (Robert Cruz )

In IL we have come to a fork in the road as far as parental notification is concerned. We have guidelines that school districts are using to hide things about our kids that are life changing. Guidelines like not disclosing to parents if a child comes to them in confidence about their gender confusion. Decisions like allowing growing biological males to compete in sports with budding young women. We even allow those young biological males to use the same locker rooms and facilities.

We are getting these directives from ISBE (which isn’t elected) and our elected officials stand by idle as the construct of family is pushed aside. As parents we don’t really want to accept that this is happening because that reality would mean our roles are being eroded.

Regardless of your opinion on abortion, I think we can all agree that it is wrong for the facility performing that procedure to NOT be required to notify a parent or guardian! How is this helping young people who are facing such a life changing decision? I just can’t understand why this is accepted now and no longer discussed. So many things can go wrong physically, and the emotional baggage can turn a child in the wrong direction without adult guidance or supervision.

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This is why all parents should sign a petition that is circulating that prohibits any laws without parental notification for minors. This isn’t a partisan issue, it's a parent/child issue. Regardless which party you consider yourself, thinking children can make these life changing decisions without notification of their parents is simply wrong.

Join us in this mission and let's put our kids first for a change! We need your help circulating these in your areas. If everyone can do 1 sheet (10 names) we can accomplish this goal of seeing that all decisions made in a child's life include their parents or guardians! Parents Matter Coalition

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