This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Politics & Government

Social(list) Studies 2023

Are we living in a version of socialism right now??

Protester sign at recent Brighton Park protest in the 12th ward of Chicago.
Protester sign at recent Brighton Park protest in the 12th ward of Chicago. (Colon Boyle, twitter )

Here in Chicago we have a chapter of the largest organized socialist organization in the county , The Democratic Socialist of America (DSA) and their mission statement reads “We are creating a more equitable world by establishing socialism as a political force. We believe our governments and economy should operate, through social ownership, for the benefit of all.” Sounds great doesn’t it!?!?

Let's break that down a bit, “creating a more equitable world”. It prompted me to look up the definition of equitable and Webster dictionary has it as: “implies a less rigorous standard than JUST and usually suggests equal treatment of all concerned.” The term implies a less rigorous standard alone should raise concerns as it implies less effort. Equal treatment of all concerned is something that I believe the Judiciary branch of our governments have provided. Ending atrocities like slavery, voting rights granted to women and minority communities along with capitalism allowing the poorest of people to ascend to the top of their respective industries.

So, what does the DSA and its affiliates support? For starters it was a big supporter of the Safe-t Act here in IL and established its message that racial and poverty are the root causes of crime and that those who don’t have the means to support bail after committing a crime are being discriminated against. Secondly, they fully support an open border policy and present their case as such “Immigrants in the United States are living under apartheid conditions. Under the U.S. constitution, persons living in the U.S. are promised basic human rights; however, under the current legal framework migrants in the U.S. are disenfranchised from basic legal protections.” Have you heard the word apartheid recently? This group also demands of the US taxpayer that:

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Democratic Socialists of America demand:

  1. Abolition of ICE and the end to the persecution, jailing, and deportation of immigrants.
  2. Aid to those fleeing from violence, political and economic turmoil, imperialism, colonialism, as well as global warming-induced climate change instead of barring refugees at our borders and jailing those who arrive.
  3. Full labor rights for all those who work within the country and the integration of the labor movement with those who struggle for immigrant rights.
  4. Elimination of H-2 A, “guest worker” type programs.
  5. Afirm and unequivocal stance in favor of immigrants and refugees.

Immigrants' Rights Working Group - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) (
It was all good with the DSA during Covid-19 as they stood tall during the social justice riots that broke out all over the city. They united White, Black and Brown voices to fight the racism that a “police state” has delivered for the last 60 years. People took to the streets to give voice to the resistance of proclaimed fascists and gave a voice to the weary. BLM exploded alongside the DSA and became one of the biggest movements in American politics of the 21st century.

Now that the socialists are in charge in Chicago and surrounding areas how would you rate their governance? Do you feel safer and more equitable? Are you concerned that unvetted immigrants are coming to your areas soaking up the resources set aside for residents with generations of investments? Recently Gov Pritzker proclaimed that the rental assistance programs designed to help struggling tenants will be used to house immigrants Pritzker says rental assistance funding diverted to help pay for migrant care | Washington Examiner

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What about taxes? Do you feel you’re paying your fair share on income and property? Recently Cook County re-assessed taxes and targeted Hispanic neighborhoods for massive increases. This has caused those folks to sell and move to surrounding suburbs seeking more bang for their buck. Inflation has risen under the policies of president Biden (a president that the DSA supported upon request of Uncle Bernie) and household goods, groceries and services have increased 2x in some sectors.

Recently, publications like Politico have called out the DSA for supporting the gruesome acts conducted by the terrorist group Hamas. “Rep. Jamaal Bowman let his membership lapse. Colleague Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ripped the New York chapter over a pro-Palestinian rally Sunday. And others on the left are struggling to reconcile their views with the group — even disavowing it amid criticism from across the political spectrum.”
Democratic Socialists of America facing an internal reckoning on Israel - POLITICO

Have the tables turned on the socialist movement of late? Communities are seeing uprising as their neighborhoods are being selected to house asylum seekers. Residents have shown up in droves to protest the decisions of putting foreigners over their own community members' needs. The black community has been outraged on how total strangers have been treated better than their own hardworking people who have put in generation after generation into this beloved city. Brown communities have now lashed out as their time and investments are being threatened by housing immigrants as shown recently on twitter during a protest where the 12th ward alderwoman had to flee the scene:

Can we agree that regardless of your political brand loyalty to republican, democrat or independent that groups like the DSA don’t have equity in mind for our citizens. Their actions have spoken 1000 words on what they truly believe… criminal behavior is acceptable, Americans last and terrorizing to get what you want is acceptable as long as it's “for the cause”. This is coming to a neighborhood near you…

The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Want to post on Patch?