This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Politics & Government

Where my dogs at?

Where will the pendulum swing next to battle far-left ideology?

(By George Rodriguez )

A close friend of mine who moved out to the west coast often tells me that there is a difference between a “California Liberal and a Chicago Democrat”. Over the last 4 years I’m not sure that is true any longer, the progressive party has all but removed any reminiscence of the once proud Blue Dog Chicago Democrat. When you look up the term Blue Dog Democrat the first phrase that prompts are “would rather vote for a yellow dog than a republican”. This seems to be the sentiment today here in the Chicagoland area as crime runs rampant, property tax assessments on the rise, asylum seekers bussed in on a daily basis and inflation at the grocery store and gas station placing a burden on the working class not seen since the late 70’s.

The Blue Dog Coalition formed on February 14th, 1995 (happened to be 2 days after my 16th birthday) after crushing defeats in 1994 midterms as the Republicans had gained 54 house seats and 8 senate seats. Republicans had not had that type of majority since the 83rd congress in the year 1952 (43 years). The coalition stated that Americans had rejected the far-left agenda, and a fiscally conservative, socially moderate approach was needed to compete in elections across the nation.
Fast forward to the 2020 Election cycle, progressives put a stranglehold in the Chicago market taking congressional seats, cook county local rep and state senate seats to hold a massive super majority in Springfield and City council. Republicans were not a threat as leadership and infrastructure weren't in place to capitalize due to the hollowing out of the party since the late 90’s. Progressive agenda took shape, SAFE-T act, New Asylum approach that has left major Dem cities buckling under financial duress and voter upheaval, Property tax assessments with averages of 30% or greater across Cook County and cost of goods and gas weighing down blue collar folks like a ton of bricks. They formed an advocate education system which is leaving our children unable to compete in the 21st century job market while raising the budget to meet the progressive party agenda.
I admit it is easy to point out the faults but hard to suggest solutions, I have always favored the latter. Back in 1995 I was a 16-year-old kid who listened to his dad like most kids about things revolving around politics. He was a Teamster local 725 and my Uncle Donny was the steward at Ecolab. I worked there for years to earn money as I came home from breaks from college and often talked with the other workers about their beliefs as I was a kid learning the ropes. When I look back, I was a Blue Dog Democrat, fiscally sound but socially moderate. I was a benefactor of affirmative action when it came to getting grants and funding so I could attend College and always felt a need to be a part of whatever community I found myself in as a way to give back to the blessings I received. My father and my mother were a part of the Lions club of Romeoville and spent our time at events to help those in need.
Chicago land Blue Dog Democrats had a deal with voters that they would spend wisely, keep jobs readily available, invest in neighborhood upkeep, keep the peace and provide education that our children can use to better their lives. That contract has been materially breached as the progressive faction has taken control of the majority now. They have breached on keeping taxes low as Cook County now has the largest sales tax in the nation and since President Preckwinkle has taken the reins the budget has skyrocketed by 582% over the last 10 years. Is that fiscal responsibility? While the pie has grown CTU has taken money from budgets that built infrastructure jobs and placed it into a failing school system and continues to ask for more. Does the SAFE-T act keep the peace? What type of jobs are available as private unions in the factory/warehousing/infrastructure sectors have seen their jobs move across state lines or overseas due to the cost of doing business in IL continues to grow or lack of local investment of our tax dollars. How can the middle class grow without industry growth and true local investment?
As we approach November in 2024, can we merge the Republicans of the 90’s with the Blue Dogs of the early 2000’s (basically the same person) and build a strong coalition inside a hollowed-out GOP? Can we brand it a “Cook Republican '' which stands for fiscal responsibility, focused on keeping the peace, bringing back industry so the private unions can grow the middle class while we reform an education system that our children can use to live out their dreams. Promise to spend government money wisely on infrastructure that keeps the maintenance of our roads a priority, our bridges safe and investment into sewers and basic needs so the investments we put into our homes can bear fruit?
Or am I California dreaming…

The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Want to post on Patch?