Politics & Government

Yusuf Vidal, Candidate for Moraine Valley Community College Board

Yusuf Vidal is one of 10 candidates running for the Moraine Valley Community College Board of Trustees in the April 4 consolidated election.

 Jose “Yusuf” Vidal Valdes is one of ten candidates running for the  Jose “Yusuf” Vidal Valdes in the April 4 consolidated election.
Jose “Yusuf” Vidal Valdes is one of ten candidates running for the Jose “Yusuf” Vidal Valdes in the April 4 consolidated election. (Courtesy of Yusuf Vidal)

JUSTICE, IL — Jose “Yusuf” Vidal Valdes is running for the Moraine Valley Community College Board of Trustees. There are 10 candidates running for two open seats in this race. Both terms are for six years.

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The consolidated election is April 4.

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Read Vidal's answers to the Patch candidate questionnaire.

Your name: Jose “Yusuf” Vidal Valdes

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Age (as of election day): 32

Town/city of residence: Justice

Office Sought: Moraine Valley Community College Board of Trustees

Family: I have been married to my wonderful wife, Arifa, for seven years, have a 2-year old son, and another little one on the way.

Does anyone in your family work in politics or government? If yes, please explain.: Yes.

Education: I received my associate degree from the College of San Mateo. After community college, I went on to graduate as the first in my family with a Bachelor of Arts from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Recently, I received my Master’s Degree in Public Policy at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy.

Occupation: Chief of Staff for State Representative Abdelnasser Rashid

Campaign website or Facebook or other social media: Vidal for Moraine

Previous or current elected or appointed office: I have not been elected nor appointed to office in the past.

The most pressing issues facing our (board, district, etc.) are _______, and this is what I intend to do about them.

I believe the most pressing issue facing colleges across the state is preparing for the 21st century economy. While the economy has changed, our workforce training and education has yet to keep up. “Earn and learn” models like apprenticeships are crucial to preparing students for the workforce while not forcing them to take on the burden of student debt. Moraine Valley has already invested in great programs like cybersecurity, welding, amongst others. But there is much more to do: Moraine Valley should increase investment in other industry sectors like health, business, and jobs related to the green economy. By doing so, students will have access to viable career path options, receive nationally recognized credentials and certificates, and earn higher wages–without the burden of high student debt.

What are the critical differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?

Throughout my career, I have worked in higher education and workforce policy, municipal administration and finance, and community outreach and education. I am also a graduate of community college.

I am proud to be endorsed by the Chicago Federation of Labor, Cook County College Teachers Union, International Union of Operating Engineers 150, International Union of Operating Engineers 399, Cook County Board Commissioner Donna Miller, Mayor of Palos Hills Jerry Bennett, and many others. This unique group of leaders has endorsed me because they believe I am a highly qualified candidate, and they trust me to move Moraine Valley forward.

If you are a challenger, in what way has the current board or officeholder failed the community or district?

One of the board members has retired from the board, creating a vacancy. I believe I am highly qualified to bring fresh ideas and leadership to Moraine Valley.

Describe the other issues that define your campaign platform?

Community colleges have long served students by providing an accessible and affordable education. However, due to the impact of inflation, students are forced to bear the growing costs of books, transportation, living expenses, food and child care. We have also seen the crippling impact of student debt and should not allow it to continue for the next generation of students. As a Moraine Valley Community College Trustee, I will push to prioritize wrap around support like mental health and child care, and other resources are offered to students.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

Throughout my career, I’ve built statewide coalitions and convened a wide array of stakeholders, managed and led policy portfolios for various government offices, and have proposed and helped implement municipal and organizational budgetary priorities. I look to bring these strengths to uplift working families across Moraine Valley’s district.

Why should voters trust you?

I have devoted my career to public service. My track record shows that I am both capable and passionate about higher education. I am proud that the Chicago Federation of Labor, many unions and elected officials have put their trust in me, and I commit to being an accessible and responsive trustee once elected.

If you win this position, what accomplishment would make your term in office a success?

My priority is ensuring Moraine Valley invests in workforce training and apprenticeship programs for the 21st century economy. This is critical to providing students of all backgrounds with a path to success and prosperity, and to rebuilding the middle class in our state and our country.

What are your views on fiscal policy, government spending and the handling of taxpayer dollars in the office you are seeking?

Smart policy proposals are also fiscally responsible. It is important that Moraine Valley remain fiscally sound, seek additional resources, and fulfill its fiduciary responsibility to the residents of the district.

What are your views on critical race theory and whether it should be taught in college?

I believe that Moraine Valley should be an inclusive campus to all the diverse students and communities it serves. As a trustee, I look forward to making sure everyone feels welcome.

How would you enhance the physical safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors?

The physical safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors is very important. I am committed to working on solutions that will ensure everyone is safe on campus.

Do you think the current board has done enough to support racial equality, and if not, what specifically should be done to do so?

I believe Moraine Valley is making progress, but there is much more to do to ensure every student has the tools to succeed. I understand the needs of underserved communities and the challenges they face through their higher education experience. I am committed to working with the board along with students, faculty and staff, and the many communities across the district in order to address equity concerns.

What are your thoughts on how the college handled the COVID-19 pandemic?

I believe the board at Moraine Valley did their best in handling the pandemic by ensuring the health and wellbeing of students, staff, and faculty was a priority.

How can the college enhance or improve curriculum that supports job growth in burgeoning industries, such as cybersecurity, green energy and artificial intelligence?

Moraine Valley has already invested in programs like cybersecurity. I am excited to work with the board to expand access to other sectors and prepare students at Moraine Valley for the 21st century economy.

With inflation and the rising cost of post-secondary education, what ideas do you propose to avoid raising tuition costs to keep MVCC affordable?

By increasing enrollment and further diversifying the school’s public-private partnerships, we can create revenue generating programs that will prepare students for the workforce. Many of the goals outlined in my platform can be done by developing a similar model to other community colleges, by collaborating with local nonprofit and other community organizations to provide services sought by students on and off campus.

When it comes to student achievement, what is the college doing well and what needs to be improved? How can those improvements be made?

By investing in cybersecurity programs, the College has recognized the need to prepare students for the 21st century economy. We must build on this by expanding into other sectors to ensure students have access to various opportunities in the trades, healthcare and other industries. With major investments being made by both federal and state government, Moraine Valley is well-positioned to enhance opportunities for students.

Is there any reason you would not serve your full term of office, other than those of health or family?


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“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” Martin Luther King

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