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Neighbor News

Meet Kal El!

Seeking Foster or Forever Family!

Meet Kal El!

Male Husky/American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

About 2 years old

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About 65lbs

Hi, I’m Kal El but my friends call me Kal. I spent several months in the shelter and was overlooked for all those cute little dogs and puppies. I am looking for a Foster or Forever family for the holidays. I want a family more than anything!

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I’ve been told that I’m a big DERP! I love to run and play and need a home that has a backyard for me to run. While I was at the shelter, I was a favorite of the volunteers. I’m a pretty quiet guy and don’t bark all that much, unless you are ignoring me and then I will “talk” to you like most Huskies to let you know I’d like attention. Since I was in the shelter and didn’t get much opportunity to stretch my legs, I’ve been known to have a need for speed and zoomies are my jam! I’m pretty strong on a leash and could use training with leash manners and not pulling…but there’s so much to explore and I’ve been in a kennel for so long! With training, I’m sure I could master it quickly!

When I chill out, I’m very cuddly and like affection. I know the sit command and will sit for a treat, most of the time, unless I get distract…SQUIRREL! I take treats very gently too! I like to play “tug” and I know when my mouth gets too close to your fingers and am gentle with my mouth. But don’t be fooled, I play a hard game of tug and won’t let you win just because you’re a human.

I’m available to adopt or I’m available for the Foster to Adopt Program. What’s that you ask? It’s where you foster me until my forever family finds me…or until you fall in love and decide to adopt me (hint, hint!). AND, while you foster, Safe Haven Dog Rescue provides you with all the supplies you need; crate, food, leash, collar, toys, and vetting, you provide the love.

I’m a “Superman” for sure and if you’re not a DC fan, you should also know that I’m absolutely “MARVELous”…see what I did there?

Please hurry and email [email protected] or [email protected] , I’d love to meet you!

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