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Oswego East Student-Athlete of the Week-Krisha Majmundar

Busy Junior Provides Leadership on the Court and for Her School

Multi-sport junior Krisha Majmundar is as busy as they come as a high school student. Competing in varsity badminton and tennis, enrolling in a rigorous course load while maintaining a high GPA, and having numerous leadership roles in various clubs around the school make you wonder how she is capable of fitting it all into her schedule. Self-determined, Krisha never shies away from a challenge or competition, which is why she is this week´s Oswego East student-athlete of the week.

Krisha participated in many sports growing up but did not start competitive badminton until her freshman year at OE. ¨I played a lot of badminton with my parents growing up, and after joining the team as a freshman, I did well and realized I could use my experience from tennis and other sports to help me excel,¨ says Krisha.

Being a student at OE and a member of the badminton team has helped Krisha mature into the person she is today. ¨Her participation in badminton has shaped her goal setting and perseverance,¨ says Kimsi and Kunal, Krisha´s parents. They say, ¨Whether improving her ranking, winning a tournament, or mastering a specific skill, Krisha learned the importance of setting realistic goals and persevering through challenges to accomplish them. This has fostered a sense of determination, resilience, and a growth mindset in her. It has also helped her with time management and discipline.¨

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Krisha is competing as the #4 singles player for the Wolves and part of the #1 doubles team alongside her partner, Nishka Bijumalla. The team is 6-3 going into the conference finals meet next Thursday, where Krisha will compete in both singles and doubles and more than likely be representing the team at sectionals.

Head coach Craig Morris relies on Krisha for not only her play but the leadership she provides for her teammates. ¨Krisha is competitive and relentless in her effort in matches particularly against strong opponents. She has a positive connection with all of her teammates and is always encouraging. She shows initiative in organizing practice, drills, and other team events,¨ says Craig.

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That initiative is true outside of sports, as Krisha has earned a 4.7 GPA and is a member of the Indian Student Association and its President next year, a member of the Key Club, has earned the distinction of being in 5 different honor societies, and has been chosen to be the President of the Business Professionals of America, a group that has helped Krisha shape her future. Her parents understand the value of Krisha being so involved, saying, ¨Her participation in these activities as well as being on the leadership board for several of these extracurricular clubs and activities has allowed her to explore her interests, develop leadership skills and build a well-rounded resume for college applications and future job opportunities.¨

Krisha wants to stay in the Midwest for college but is undecided and plans to major in Finance or Statistics. Stacy Sajder Adams, the head of the BPA, has seen how the club has helped Krisha fortify her decision to pursue a business career and is now relying on her leadership for the younger members of BPA.

¨As a freshman, Krisha placed at nationals, which is rare,¨ says Stacy. She goes on to say, ¨Krisha has continued to make her way to nationals year after year. Her end goal has always been to get on stage at nationals. This year, she is hoping to be in the top three, having earned a top-five finish in the past. I have been consistently impressed by her drive and work ethic. She approaches her studies with a level of determination that is truly commendable. Her ability to balance a challenging course load while excelling in various extracurricular activities is a testament to her exceptional time management skills and dedication to her education. In addition to her academic achievements, Krisha stands out as a natural leader among her peers. She can take charge and effectively delegate tasks and possesses the unique ability to motivate and inspire those around her. Krisha's leadership skills were particularly apparent when she helped lead her team to victory at BPA nationals.

Despite having a full plate, Krisha is determined to represent her team at the state tournament before she graduates, and on the days that are difficult and trying, she is thankful for her teammate's support. ¨I truly love my team and coaches. Everyone´s supportive of one another, win or lose, and it is very accepting of one another,” says Krisha. If Krisha can pass down something to future Wolves to have the best experience possible at OE, she says, ¨Try to get involved in as much as possible, and if you can figure out your path early the school has so many opportunities for you to explore as it relates to your future career.¨ Krisha´s resume will provide her plenty of opportunities as she explores various colleges and universities in the midwest, and continuing to excel on the court, classroom, and through her many leadership roles will position her for success for a very long time.

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