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Oswego East Student-Athlete of the Week-Willa Broznowski

Junior Dancer Looking To Build on This Season's Success For the Future

For junior Willa Broznowski, dance has always been a part of her life. Beginning at the age of 3, Willa used dance as a means of self-expression, but it has also provided her with self-confidence and an understanding of the importance of teamwork. Learning these skills has allowed Willa to be a leader and an integral part of the OE dance team, which is why she is this week’s Oswego East student-athlete of the week.

From 3rd through 8th grade, Willa competed for the Stormdance Alliance in Oswego. Doing so meant long practices after school and competitions on most weekends for the better part of the year. “It was a lot of work and time, but being involved in competitive dance taught me how to manage my time from a young age,” says Willa. Her parents, Bryan and Liz Broznowski, have witnessed their daughter learn time management skills, saying, “Being part of the OE team has taught Willa how to balance dance, academics, and her social life.”

Willa was able to make the JV team going into the fall of her freshman year, but by the time the winter competition season rolled around, she had secured a spot on the varsity. “Willa was more reserved as a freshman but has become a positive influence and outspoken leader for our program,” says head
coach Alex Raber.

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What Willa enjoys most about competing for OE is cultivating relationships and the team's bond. “I feel safe and comfortable with all of my teammates, and we are a big support system for one another,” says Willa.

The Lady Wolves earned a bid to compete at the state finals this season, and Willa hopes to use that momentum to improve even more next season. “Our goal is always to put our best foot forward and not only make it to state but place as high as possible,” says Willa. She goes on to say, “There’s not much time off for dance, so after tryouts take place in a couple of months, our focus will be to build the best relationships we can as soon as possible.”

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Coach Raber is expecting Willa to continue to build on what has made her successful during her three years on the varsity team. “I expect her to continue to grow and lead in a positive and uplifting way, whether that’s through practice, competitions, or team-building experiences.”

Willa is as hard-working and positive in the classroom as she is on the dance floor. She has earned a 4.3 GPA and also serves as the school spirit chair on the Student Council Executive Board. ‘Willa is a genuine, kindhearted person who demonstrates empathy and kindness in everything she does
and always infuses a sense of humor into her days,” says English teacher Stephanie Scapino.

Focused on being the best possible leader she can be moving into her senior year; Willa also has plans for after graduation. If competitive dance is a possibility, she may compete at the collegiate level, but her primary focus is on academics when choosing a college. She plans on studying medicine and a possible future career as dermatologist. “Willa’s strengths are math and science, so the medical field seems like a good fit,” said Bryan and Liz. They go on to say, “Willa also enjoys helping others. Willa has the potential to do anything she puts her mind to, and we are excited to see what the future holds.”

Stephanie echoes those sentiments, saying, “I cannot speak to dermatology specifically, but I have every confidence that Willa can succeed in whatever field she decides to enter. She has an innate ability to find common ground with people of all backgrounds, and she's an excellent listener. She is bright, articulate, and has genuine compassion for others. If she does pursue a career in medicine, she most definitely has the intelligence, character, and determination to find success in the field.”

Willa has been fortunate to not only find success in dance but competing on a team has taught her the skills necessary to not only succeed in the classroom but also learn how to serve others and be a member of a group. She shares her advice with any future Wolves, saying, “Find people who genuinely care about you and will support you, and develop good study skills by taking rigorous courses during your freshman year.” Competitive dance requires a great deal of attention to detail, teamwork, and a big-time commitment. It also gives back by building relationships and teaching the importance of teamwork. The dance team is in good hands moving forward next season, as Willa will be able to pass on her knowledge in both areas to returning members of the team as
well as any newcomers.

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