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Neighbor News

Seeking Fellowship - Seeking Friends

Seniors Need Fellowship As Much As Any Age Group

Pilgrimage Group At Wool Mill in County Mayo, Ireland
Pilgrimage Group At Wool Mill in County Mayo, Ireland (Deacon Dale Metcalfe at DeaconTravel Ministries)

Seniors - the older generation - all around us - wherever we look. Many think that at this stage of life they have all the answers, all the money, all the friends needed to enjoy their "golden years".

Unfortunately that is very often a misconception. Many are lonely, forgotten and tossed aside by society. As children, our world revolves around family, school and classmates. As we age, our social group turns to others in our own age group, co-workers, those we socialize with. Once older and married, our social group changes to other married couples, children, family, groups with shared interests. In the senior years we no longer have large families that surround us, retirement separates us from co-workers, death removes family, friends, spouses. In our later years, many find themselves alone and lonely. Often we hear from seniors who feel like the outcasts of society - no one to talk to - no one who will listen. That is where senior social groups sponsored by communities and churches help to fill that void of loneliness. One such group in the Yorkville, Illinois area is the Fellowship55Plus group at Saint Patrick Parish. This group is self funded and schedules frequent events which are all inclusive, inviting seniors from the surrounding communities with no concern for religious affiliation. At the core, it is seniors ministering to other seniors with the sole focus on fellowship - reaffirming ones individual value as a person - letting them know that somebody cares. This group plans events that are comfortable and affordable, taking into consideration limited budgets and mobility. To become involved just join us at one of our events.

Our next event is a Christmas Buffet Breakfast on Saturday morning, December 7th at Whitetail Ridge Golf Course in Yorkville. For more information please email: [email protected] or call Deacon Dale Metcalfe at 630.334.5065. We look forward to sharing time with you.

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