
University Of Evansville: Support For Our UE BIPOC Community

The University of Evansville wants to shed light on recent expressions of hate, bias, and discrimination. Less than a month ago, the Uni ...

April 19, 2021

The University of Evansville wants to shed light on recent expressions of hate, bias, and discrimination. Less than a month ago, the University sent out a statement to students and employees condemning acts of racism in our country after the tragic deaths in Atlanta. Sadly, times have continued to weigh heavily on our hearts and in our minds as we endure an international pandemic in addition to an emotionally taxing trial. Yet, lives continue to be taken at only 13 and 20 years of age.

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The University of Evansville recognizes the systemically discriminate acts taking place in our country and condemns those who uphold those systems of oppression by acting with racism, hatred, violence, and ignorance. The loss of a life cannot and should not be reduced to an “accident.” Throughout our country, around the world, and in our backyard, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) individuals face a daily charge of images, videos, and experiences clearly depicting the disparities their communities face. It is our responsibility as individuals to learn about these inequities and utilize our spaces and privileges to support and uplift BIPOC community members.

Today, we reach out to our entire University community, focusing on our BIPOC students and employees, to acknowledge the continued pain and frustration they are experiencing as a result of seeking “justice for all.” As an institution, we are dedicated to creating and fostering a space not only for diversity and inclusion, but also for belonging. We are committed to providing support and advocating for our community members affected by acts of hate.

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Those outside of the BIPOC community should recognize the immense pain BIPOC community members are facing right now and how that may be affecting them in all aspects of life. It is imperative that we acknowledge and support others different from ourselves and strive to become a more empathic and compassionate community. It is not enough to not be racist. We need to stand up for our community members and be anti-racist. We want to encourage everyone to take care and, in a time fueled by hate, spread love. Love yourself and love each other.

We understand these times are extremely difficult and confusing. The Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will offer campus community members an opportunity to process recent events in a safe and collaborative space during the week of April 19-23. Please look for a posting in AceNotes, UEngage, and on our social media sites for further information regarding this intentional safe space.

If you or any University community member has experienced harassment or bias, we want to know. As part of our continued commitment to creating and maintaining a safe, welcoming, and inclusive community, we encourage you to stand up against hate and contact the Office of Institutional Equity to file a report. Reports can also be made anonymously through the Office of Public Safety online reporting system.

The Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Office of Institutional Equity welcome suggestions on ways to better support our community. We encourage you to reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected].

Say their Names:
Daunte Wright, Adam Toledo, Anthony Alvarez, Sun Cha Kim, Yong A. Yue, Hyun J. Grant, Soon Chung Park, Delaina Ashley Yuan, Paula Andre Michels, Xiajie Tan, Daoyou Feng, Lieutenant Nazario, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Sandra Bland, Philando Castile, Ahmaud Arbery, Elijah McClain, Michael Brown, Aura Rosser, Botham Jean, Andres Guardando, Eric Garner, Anthony McClain, Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, Janisha Fonville, Freddie Gray, Alton Sterling, Atatiana Jefferson, and so many more that have gone unnamed and unpublicized.

Christopher M. Pietruszkiewicz
University of Evansville

This press release was produced by the University of Evansville. The views expressed here are the author’s own.

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