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Neighbor News

2024 CCACC Health Center Annual Health Fair & Preventive Blood Work

2024 CCACC Health Center Annual Health Fair & Preventive Blood Work

CCACC Health Center will hold the annual Health Fair on September 28, 2024. Prior to the event, we will offer blood testing services from August 26 to September 25, Monday through Friday. If you do not have insurance, do not have a primary care physician, or have not had a physical examination in the past year for any reason, we welcome you to participate in this event.

If you do not have insurance but reside in Montgomery County, we can assist eligible residents in applying for the Montgomery Cares Program. Once enrolled in the program, you can receive affordable healthcare services at the CCACC Health Center, including a free annual physical examination and basic medical services ($25 fee per visit after the Health Fair). Additionally, you can receive free chronic disease medications (if available) from the CCACC Health Center pharmacy with a prescription after your visit.

Preventive Blood tests include:
Regular three screening:

  1. CBC - complete blood count, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets
  2. CMP - a comprehensive metabolic panel, including liver function, kidney function, and blood sugar level
  3. Lipid Panel - Blood lipids, including cholesterol classification, triglycerides, etc.

Hepatitis B Screening:
Hepatitis B surface antigen and antibody, core antibody test
Hemoglobin A1c:
Patients previously diagnosed with Diabetes or with family history

· Free for uninsured, low income Montgomery County Residents who signed up for Montgomery Cares Program
· Free for those who has insurance that CCACC Health Center takes
· $30 for those who do not fit 1 and 2 criteria

After the blood test results are reviewed by a physician, we will mail the results to the participants. We also welcome you to pick up your report in person on Health Fair day, September 28. If any health issues are identified in the report, we will contact you for further consultation.

Service Times:
8/26 – 9/25, Monday to Friday (Registration Required)
Service Address:
CCACC Health Center, 9318 Gaither Road, Suite 205, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Please click here to register or contact 240-393-5950
Question: call 240-393-5950 or email [email protected]

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(Article by CCACC Health Center)

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