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Neighbor News

Odenton Herriage Society July Jubilation Open House

Come and learn about July Jubilation at the Heritage Society and a tour of Woodwardville.

On July 7th, the Odenton Heritage Society (OHS) will host July Jubilation, an exploration of religious organizations in early 20th century Odenton. Enjoy red, white, and blue ice cream at the Historical Center and a guided bus tour to Woodwardville with tours of the 1882 Trinity United Methodist Church and cemetery. Other religious landmarks and history will be explained along the way. The tour leaves at 2 PM and will last approximately one hour. Please pre-register for the tour, with number attending, through email [email protected] or our Facebook page.

The hours are from 1 pm to 4 pm, and the OHS community history museum will be open. Admission is free to the museum, tours, and Historical Center, located at 1367 Odenton Road in the Odenton Historic District.

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