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Health & Fitness

You Can Eat Great On The Go

When you eat at home, you are in control of your diet.  You know how to make healthy choices and watch what goes on your family’s plates.  But what happens when you are on the go?  Is there any way to grab a healthy meal when you’re rushing the kids around after school?  What about at work?  A lot of people grab take-out, eat at their desks, and miss meals to get more things done.

You have heard about the down-side of fast food, but sometimes you can’t avoid grabbing a meal on the run.  That doesn’t mean you can’t make healthy choices when eating out.  Here are some healthy hunger-fighting guidelines to remember the next time you are crunched for time.


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The restaurant industry knows where its bread is buttered.  It’s responding to consumer demand by offering healthier, faster and tastier options.  Many so-called fast food joints offer alternatives.  Besides wider salad selections (beware of high-fat salad dressings), many establishments offer sandwiches, subs, and wraps made with whole grain or whole wheat breads.  You can eat leaner cuts of meat, like skinless chicken breast or turkey.  Many fast food chains also offer vegetarian or soup options.   The choices are out there, but you have to look for them.


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This goes for salads, sandwiches and other foods.  Make sure that you don’t get “too much of a good thing” by taking your salad dressing, sauce, cheese and toppings on the side.  Add them to the food yourself so your meal won’t swim in empty calories.  Also, avoid the high-fat and high-sugar condiments.  Many fat-free dressings as actually high in sugar.  Try a little oil and vinegar salad dressing instead, along with mustard or light mayo for your favorite sandwich.


Research proves that restaurant portion sizes have been growing for years.  The average restaurant hamburger weighed 1.5 ounces in the 1950s.  Today, they weigh in at around 8 ounces.  The same growth spurt goes for other meals.  Even some “healthy” salad sizes have grown from large to gigantic.  Think about sharing an enormous entree with someone else or take half of it home for another meal.


The choices seem unlimited for anyone who wants to grab a drink to go.  There are countless coffee creations, plastic bottles filled with soda, and plenty of sports and energy drinks to go around.  Drink water instead.  Soda, sweetened iced tea, energy drinks and many juices are filled with high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners -- and empty calories.  Water is a healthier choice.  It’s also cheaper to fill your own container with filtered water at home.  Looking for some flavor?  Squeeze a little lemon into your water bottle or use sparkling water.


You won’t have to worry about finding a healthy snack during the day if you plan ahead.   Put healthy, non-perishable foods in your desk, car, bag, or purse for moments when hunger hits.  Great ideas include dried or fresh fruit, granola, mixed nuts and whole-grain crackers.  They are easy to transport and stay fresh in an air tight container.

Remember these ideas, and you can make healthy choices when you have to grab something on the go.

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