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Politics & Government

Pressley Joins Project Bread, Historic Coalition to End Hunger in MA

First-of-its-kind Coalition Aims to Eradicate Hunger Statewide

BOSTON – This week, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07) announced she has joined Project Bread and over 200 individuals and organizations as a part of the Make Hunger History Coalition, a first-of-its-kind coalition aimed at eradicating hunger in Massachusetts. The steering committee, developed in April this year, includes Representative James P. McGovern (MA-02), local elected officials, community advocates, and organizers.

“Food insecurity has impacted the Massachusetts 7th and our Commonwealth for far too long, and we must affirm food as the human right that it is. No child should go to bed hungry, and no senior or parent should have to choose between paying for medicine or putting food on the table,” said Rep. Pressley. “I am proud to join Project Bread, Congressman McGovern, and this historic coalition of advocates, organizers, and elected officials to make food insecurity a thing of the past. Another world is possible, and I believe Massachusetts can be the first state to end hunger – permanently. We can build that world through transformative legislation and sustainable movements like these.”

“Massachusetts is at a critical juncture in advancing a plan to end hunger statewide, and we are proud to welcome Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley to join us in this effort,” said Erin McAleer, President and CEO of Project Bread. “The Make Hunger History Coalition is focused on stewarding anti-hunger solutions developed with people with lived experience with hunger at the helm. Congresswoman Pressley is an incredible advocate in this mission and has long demonstrated her own commitment to listening and uplifting diverse voices for a healthier, stronger, hunger-free future.”

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“I am beyond excited to welcome Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley to the historic Make Hunger History Coalition,” said Congressman Jim McGovern. “As an early supporter of the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, Ayanna has been a nationwide champion in the fight against hunger—not just talking the talk, but walking the walk to make sure food is a fundamental human right for all people. Massachusetts will be the first state in the nation to make hunger history, and I’m proud to build this movement alongside incredible partners like Ayanna as we work to deliver the hope and promise of food to every child, every senior, every parent, every student, and every person in America and around the world.”

The Make Hunger History Coalition envisions a Massachusetts where the status quo is challenged, the cycle of hunger is permanently broken, and every person has dignified access to affordable, nourishing food. The coalition is committed to crafting and implementing a comprehensive statewide plan to eliminate hunger in Massachusetts once and for all.

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Throughout her tenure in Congress, Rep. Pressley has been a strong advocate for food security in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and nationwide. In July 2022, at the request of the White House, Rep. Pressley held a district convening on Food Insecurity with Project Bread as part of the upcoming WH hunger conference. Testimony from this convening was transmitted to the White House, along with some specific recommendations, to help inform the conference.

  • In May 2024, Rep. Pressley delivered remarks on the House Floor during a special order hour on the importance of protecting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Thrifty Food Plan ahead of the markup of the 2024 Farm Bill.
  • In August 2023, Rep. Pressley applauded the Massachusetts Legislature vote to include permanent universal free school meals for K-12 students in the Commonwealth in their FY24 budget.
  • In September 2022, Rep. Pressley issued a statement on the White House Hunger Conference, which she participated in along with Chairman James P. McGovern (MA-02) and others.
  • In July 2022, at the request of the White House, Rep. Pressley held a district convening on Food Insecurity with Project Bread as part of the upcoming WH hunger conference. Testimony from this convening was transmitted to the White House, along with some specific recommendations, to help inform the conference.
  • In October 2021, Rep. Pressley joined Congressman James P. McGovern (MA-02) and Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) at a press conference to unveil legislation that would start the process of convening a national White House conference on food, nutrition, hunger, and health.
  • Rep. Pressley has also led efforts to extend the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) child nutrition waiver authority, which has allowed millions of children in Massachusetts and across the nation to access free and healthy school meals during the pandemic. She delivered a floor speech renewing her calls for its extension last month and applauded the House’s passage of legislation to do so later that month.


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