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Neighbor News

Rita Frances Chapdelaine Announces Candidacy for Dedham Public Library

A Letter From The Candidate

My name is Rita Frances Chapdelaine, and I’m happy to announce that I am running for Trustee of the Dedham Public Library!

Libraries have been an important part of my life since an early age. During my childhood, I used books as an escape, a way to travel to places that our family could not afford to visit. My aunt worked at our town library, and I regularly hitched a ride with her, staying for an entire shift to help put away books but to also spend quiet time reading. Visiting libraries and being among the books always transports me back to those times and is a refuge for me.

My husband Adam and our two children, Pearl, age eight, and Roger, age five, have happily lived in Dedham since moving here from Arlington in early 2020. When we began searching for a home, one of the criteria was that our home be within walking distance to one of the library branches. On an early scouting mission to Dedham, we were greeted warmly by the staff at the Blue Bunny, and were assured that Dedham is a “great reading town”. After living here for a few years, I can confirm that this is true. One of my fondest memories is walking around in the children’s room at the Main Branch following my daughter, who was carrying a stack of books higher than her head. I looked over at the librarian and asked how many books we are able to reserve at one time. She responded with a wink saying “it’s fifty, but don’t worry I have the override code”. I knew then that we were in the right place.

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After getting settled in Dedham, I began immediately figuring out how to contribute and participate in activities that benefit Dedham residents the most. I was encouraged to join the Friends of the Dedham Public Library which has been an extremely enriching endeavor. During the time I have been a part of this wonderful group I have helped create fundraising opportunities that benefit both the libraries and support our local businesses. I have also had the opportunity to help support hard-working library staff by making baked goods for library staff appreciation events. As a Town Meeting member, I have had the pleasure of seeing real change and progress happen quickly. As a board member of the Dedham Food Pantry, I was part of the team that facilitated the availability of hygiene products at the library for those who cannot afford them.

When not participating in town activities, I work as the Senior Director of the Behavioral Health Division at Pine Street Inn, and am on the faculty of the Boston University Graduate School of Social Work, two roles that make me extremely proud. In my work at Pine Street Inn, I see how the role of the library is different depending on whether or not a person’s basic needs are being met. When teaching students who are working towards a degree, I see how the library can be integral to their continued development. These roles show me that no matter your standing, libraries are an invaluable resource in the community.

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As a library trustee I will work hard to support the Director of the library and staff while they carry out the strategic plan that has been outlined for 2023-2026. I want to ensure that we continue to create a warm, safe, inclusive environment for all of our residents, and that the activities and support provided by the library match the needs of our changing community. It’s for all of these reasons that I am asking for your vote on April 8th.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you would like to learn more, share ideas, help with the campaign, or introduce yourself. My email is [email protected]. I am planning a kickoff event for the campaign in early March, more information to come.

Thank you in advance for your support.

-Rita Frances Chapdelaine

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