
Coronavirus Risk Considered 'Very Low' With The Proper Measures In Place At Beverly Regional Airport

A Harvard review just published their results after a hard look at the risks of transmission of Covid-19 while flying, and data is clear.

(Beverly Regional Airport)

November 13, 2020

A Harvard review just published their results after a hard look at the risks of transmission of Covid-19 while flying, and the data is clear.

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The researchers stated concluded two important facts that are instrumental in building confidence regarding aviation travel. One, research to date indicates a relatively very low risk of acquiring SARS-CoV-2 while flying.

Secondly, researchers maintain that the risk of COVID-19 transmission onboard aircraft is well below that of other routine activities during the pandemic, such as grocery shopping or eating out.

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It turns out, airlines and aviation officials have been proactively leading the way in doing what is necessary to create safe environments for passengers and crew. And what is necessary and right, is that it’s not one thing, but many things done well and consistently. Aptly named Layers of Protection, let’s take a closer look.

Layers of Protection

Advanced Ventilation and Filtration Systems
Many airlines including Delta are replacing their industrial-grade HEPA filters twice as often as recommended.

Frequent and Through Cabin Cleaning
There’s traditional cleaning and then there’s frequent and through cleaning with upgraded materials that is now in place. Airlines are now using electrostatic spraying over all high touch surfaces using top grade disinfectant between flights and every single day. These goes for both cabins and lavatories

Masks for Everyone

Absolutely no surprise here, but the study concluded that the use of face masks was “the most essential part of a comprehensive set of measures to reduce COVID-19 during air travel.” Masks on everyone, distancing during boarding and deplaning are all measures that layer up to keep the virus from spreading.

The bottom line is this layered approach adds up to a remarkably safe environment for people to travel with one airline executive saying that “risk of Covid-19 transmission is virtually non-existent.”

The Aviation Public Health Initiative (APHI), comprised of faculty and scientists at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, recently published its this report, which was analyzing “gate-to-gate travel” onboard planes. NOTE: It has not been peer-reviewed.

Although the initiative is sponsored by major U.S. airline lobbying group Airlines for America, other aircraft and equipment manufacturers, and airline and airport operators, the APHI insists the study and results are the “independent conclusions” of the Harvard researchers.

“Until there has been widespread vaccination, there remains the risk of infection in all walks of public life,” the report said.

For More Information

At Beverly, we of course believe that it is your choice whether to fly or not, however we are doing everything imaginable to make it as safe and

If you have any questions about our policies and procedures at Beverly Regional Airport, please contact Airport Manager, Gloria Bouillon C.M, ACE

This press release was produced by Beverly Regional Airport. The views expressed are the author's own.

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