
Meet Gloria Bouillon, Beverly Regional Airport Manager

Pilot, Business Woman, Adventurer, Skier, Hiker, Photographer, Foodie and Lover of all Things Aviation

December 17, 2020

What is your background?

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I have a varied background including aviation planning, construction project management, system planning, insurance, operations and security. I was even an airport rescue firefighter at one point in my career.

What energizes you most?

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I genuinely love to meet new people, and get a tremendous amount of energy from involvement with others.

What’s your biggest asset as a manager?

I’m known as a collaborator who brings diverse stakeholders together to pursue common interests. I also value people. I like working as a team to solve problems. I can’t say enough about the different teams we have in place!

What are your other interests besides flying?

I live a very active lifestyle. I enjoy skiing, hiking, flying, travel, and photography. I’m also a bit of a foodie. Of course, ultimately I am a business woman.

What other skills do you bring to the role as Airport Manager, and as an ambassador for aviation and for women in aviation?

Like I mentioned earlier, I genuinely love people and so I take every opportunity to meet and engage with all sorts of people. I’ve also had the privilege of doing a great deal of public speaking at both national and international conferences.

What are your favorite things about being a pilot?

I love the flying community! The adventures, sharing of stories, and the unbridled joy that we all get from being up in the air. There’s nothing else like it!

What are your goals for Beverly Regional Airport?

My vision includes bringing the airport to the highest standards. I want us to be the best airport that we can be, while we continually strive towards excellence. Our Master Plan will help guide the airport for the next 20 years and ensure we succeed on every level.

This press release was produced by Beverly Regional Airport. The views expressed are the author's own.

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