
Northern Essex Community College: Board Of Trustee Update: November, 2021

See the latest announcement from Northern Essex Community College.

Ernie Greenslade


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Dr. Paul Beaudin joined the college as vice president of academic affairs in early September and at the November meeting he provided a report on his first days at the college.

He told trustees that what impresses him most about Northern Essex is the commitment to student success. “I am honored to work at an institution where students are valued and where everyone truly cares about student success. I do not believe that I have ever worked at an institution at which this is such a priority.”

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Dr. Beaudin explained his commitment to the community college mission, saying “We are valuable because at open-access institutions such as ours, a desire for a better life is the only admission requirement for entry. Think about that for a minute…a desire for a better life is the only admission requirement.”

He also shared 10 goals that he has for the upcoming months

Sheila Muller, assistant professor and chair of the Business Administration Department and chair of the Executive Committee and All College Assembly, presented a report summarizing the accomplishments of the five standing committees for the challenging 2020-2021 academic year.

The five standing committees include the Executive Committee, the Academic Affairs Committee, the Finance Committee, the Information Technology Committee, and the Student Affairs Committee.

Reports for each committee can be viewed here.

President Lane Glenn shared that Trustee Ron Guilmette, a Northern Essex graduate and retired lt. colonel with the Massachusetts State Police, has written a book commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Massachusetts State Police. Guilmette conducted extensive research, scouring genealogical records and newspaper files, to create stories, paired with never before seen photos, highlighting each of the 40 members of the first training class. The hard cover book is available on the state police anniversary website.

Seventy-five percent of spring semester classes will have an on-campus component. Those courses could be hybrids, combining online and on-campus, which are the fastest growing means of delivery, according to Glenn.

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Wednesday, December 1 at 5 pm in the Hartleb Technology Center on the Haverhill Campus.






This press release was produced by Northern Essex Community College. The views expressed here are the author’s own.

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