
Tennis Courts Opens In Town Of Hamilton

Playgrounds and basketball courts in Hamilton will remain closed.

May 31, 2020

Tennis courts in Hamilton will open on Monday, June 1 with the guidelines listed below. Playgrounds and basketball courts in Hamilton will remain closed.

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In accordance with state Department of Public Health Guidelines:

· Users should sanitize hands before and after play, not share equipment and clean and wipe down equipment, including racquets, balls, and water bottles.

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· Users waiting to utilize a court should wait outside the court’s gates/fence until previous users have vacated the facility to ensure proper social distancing and prevent accidental contact of other users’ equipment.

· Users should not engage in pick-up games, organized games, or tournaments.

General Rules for Facility Usage

· If you are not feeling well, stay home.

· Wear face coverings in accordance with Governor Baker’s Order Requiring Face Coverings in Public Places Where Social Distancing is Not Possible.

· Physical distancing must be practiced at all times, with a minimum of 6 feet from others

· No activities or gatherings of more than 10 people

· Avoid touching surfaces/equipment, as they are not being disinfected

Town of Hamilton Guidelines:

· Courts are for singles use only. No doubles tennis is allowed.

· Players should bring their own balls and not pick up or touch other tennis balls.

This press release was produced by the Town of Hamilton. The views expressed here are the author’s own.

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