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Neighbor News

Do we need another override?

A letter from a MHS graduate on their experience inside of our schools during previous overrides.

As a 2020 graduate of MHS I have seen our schools go under funded, but each year there is an override the money seemingly does not go where it is promised. Being inside of the school system as a student greatly spins the view on how the money is being allocated.

Does the city of Melrose need another override? Our city FY24 budget was estimated and revised to be over $100 million but yet over 50% of it was spent (citing the Budget Analysis published by the City of Melrose on 05/01/2024)

Upon examining the proposed FY25 school budget, you can see a large discrpensicy between the core learning and athletics as well. In no way will i ever say that athletics and sports are not important and formative for children; but a question and conversation must be raised when the athletics budget is $1 million and the Non salary budget for the entire High School is under $200,000.

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I saw first hand large class sizes, under funding for core departments, computers going without repair. Year after year we had to share textbooks, gone were the days of being able to bring home our books. Students who could not afford the expensive calculators had to simply “deal with it” because my entire 4 years of highschool I can only remember 10 scientific calculators shared for the entire school, these calculators had to be locked away by teachers so they did not go missing or get stolen or taken home. In english class our required reading books had to stay inside of the classroom, because there was only so many books for over 300 kids.
I remember as well a conversation going on one year of completely cutting the art department, which thankfully never happened.

I share these real experiences that I and my classmates had not to sway any vote but to give a “insiders” view on our schools. I encourage everyone to exam the budgets of our city and schools and use those to inform your decision.

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I know first hand the effects of underfunding but each time there is an override and the money isnt seen inside of the schools then what is the purpose?

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