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Kids & Family

Holiday Gifts Provided to more than 800 Adults and Children

REACH Beyond Domestic Violence annual Holiday Gift Program successful in 2018

During December participants of our Holiday Gift Program, more than 275 families (over 800 adults and children), received gifts – supplied by strangers they've never met. The gifts are items that they themselves asked for and that donors thoughtfully picked out based on information provided by each survivor such as sizes, favorite colors, and hobbies. For REACH Beyond Domestic
Violence staff and volunteers, it is a wonderful few weeks of organizing and distributing the gifts.

One attendee sums up her Holiday Gift experience nicely:

"REACH has been here for me in so many ways in the last few years and I know that I'm where I am now because of your support and the extended hand your organization has provided me. I would like to express how special the people that buy the gifts are. In my experience I feel the love and hope when I open the bags and start to wrap my children's gifts. The gifts are so thoughtful and carefully selected. I'm speechless when I see the generosity pour in and I’m so grateful
to see the smiles on my children's faces when they are able to open their gifts on Christmas morning."

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Survivors have acknowledged two primary benefits of this program – the material support and the emotional boost of knowing that people care. The financial impact of domestic violence can be long-lasting, and this program allows survivors to focus their financial resources on basic needs.

All of this would not be possible without the kindness of REACH donors and volunteers who do so much to brighten the holiday season. If you are interested in contributing to the Holiday
Gift Program in 2019 please contact Chloe Snyder, REACH’s Annual Giving Officer, at [email protected].

Find out what's happening in Needhamwith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Everyone at REACH Beyond Domestic Violence wishes you and your family a Happy and Healthy New Year.

For more information about programs and services provided by REACH visit:

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