Arts & Entertainment

Un Nuevo Comienzo (A New Beginning) By Rosalinda Calmo Pablo

Rosalinda has also submitted her poem to the Boston 100 word poetry contest.

June 28, 2021

Un Nuevo Comienzo (A New Beginning) by ROSALINDA CALMO PABLO

Rosalinda, a student at The English High School in Boston, was born in the U.S. but grew up in Guatemala. She has recently returned to the U.S. and settled in Rozzie with family, but her parents remain in Guatemala. She is 16 years old and will be a Junior in the Fall. Rosalinda's poem explores her experience of coming back to Boston without her parents but feeling a deep connection to them as she walks the streets of Roslindale, the same streets her parents walked when they first emigrated here years ago. Rosalinda has also submitted her poem to the Boston 100 word poetry contest.

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"Un Nuevo Comienzo"
Por Rosalinda Calmo Pablo

Llegas a un nuevo país, todo es nuevo para ti y es difícil sentirte cómodo.

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Decides salir a caminar para escapar de esa tormenta de emociones y sentimientos.

Te das cuenta que el parque del centro de Roslindale es pequeño, pero hermoso, la estación de Otoño le da un color vintage al lugar.

Notas que hay personas pasando el rato con sus amigos e incluso paseando a sus mascotas.

También hay personas que se bajan en la parada que está en la esquina de la gasolinera, probablemente vienen de la estación de Forest Hills el cual tiene un reloj enorme en la cima y cada que paso miro la hora que marca.

El hecho de pensar que posiblemente he pasado por lugares donde mis padres pasaron cuando estaban aquí me hace suspirar.

La sensación que Boston me brinda me hace sentir como si una parte de mi familia estuviera conmigo.

Aquella sensación que te hace sentir como si Boston te abraza y te da la bienvenida permitiendote comenzar de nuevo.

"A New Beginning"

By Rosalinda Calmo Pablo

When you come to another country, everything is new and uncomfortable.

You decide to walk to escape that storm of emotions and feelings.

You realize that Roslindale Square is small, but beautiful. Autumn gives everything a vintage color.

You watch people get off the 36, coming from Forest Hills, the huge clock marking the hour.

I sigh, knowing that I am passing through the same places my parents did, when they were here. Boston makes me feel that a part of my family is here with me. Boston hugs me and welcomes me to begin again.

This press release was produced by the Roslindale Village Main Street. The views expressed are the author's own.

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