This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Neighbor News

Sudbury United Methodist Church

Announcements 11-30-23

Be Our Guest: Sunday, Dec. 3rd!

SUMC will be celebrating 200 years of Methodism in Sudbury this Sunday, December 3rd with a special service and luncheon to follow! Our bishop, Rev. Peggy Johnson will be preaching a sermon entitled “Stay Awake” at our 10:00 a.m. service. Join us after church for a celebratory luncheon. You are invited! Let's celebrate together, and fill Hawes Hall with people breaking bread together!
Would you like to bring a food item to the luncheon?
We still need: salads (for 8 people), and fruit plates (for 10 people). Email Kristin at [email protected] if you would like to bring one of these items.
Join us for lunch after church this Sunday, December 3 - and bring a friend!

Peanut Butter Giving Tree

It’s the time of year for the Peanut Butter Giving Tree. We are delighted to continue our partnership with Sunny Hill families and are very grateful for their participation and support of this Outreach Initiative. Each tag on our “giving tree” represents a child or teenager that is anonymously assigned through Wayside Youth & Family Support Network and Justice Resource Institute. Wayside’s mission is to provide leading edge counseling, family support, residential and educational services for building strength, hope, and resiliency in youth, families, and communities. Many of the children represented on our giving tree have experienced multiple placements with various family members or foster homes and have histories of abuse, neglect, and trauma. Through Justice Resource Institute, we support teens that reside in group homes. These adolescent residential settings specialize in supporting those struggling with depression, anxiety, mood disorders, and PTSD symptoms who lack the appropriate family setting to provide the emotional and educational support needed
We continue to offer multiple ways to get involved in this year’s Peanut Butter Tree. - please choose the option that is best for you:

Find out what's happening in Sudburywith free, real-time updates from Patch.

  • Option 1: Select a Tag, purchase wish list items, and drop-off unwrapped gifts in the Church Office on or before December 18th
  • Option 2 - Select a Tag, make a financial donation to SUMC, designating Peanut Butter Tree, and someone else will shop for the gifts on your behalf (participate entirely from home)
  • Option 3: Select a Tag, purchase wish list items through an online registry and gifts will be shipped directly (participate entirely from home)

Getting Started

  1. Click this link to go to the Virtual Peanut Butter Tree on Please come back and visit as more Tags are pending and will be added as soon as we receive the wish lists.
  2. Review the Available Tags. Click on each Tag to see the Wishlist of items.
  3. Select one or more Tags to be paired with recipients for this year's program. You will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on file. Leave a comment indicating which option you are choosing (option 1, 2, or 3 from above) and more details will be emailed to you pertaining to the specific option you select.

You will receive an automated confirmation from Sign-up and Karen Monteiro will follow-up with more detailed instructions. Please direct questions to Karen at [email protected] or text/leave her a message at 781-760-6796.
Many we support have no family contact and the holidays can be an especially difficult time for them. Please consider including this in your Advent season. The Peanut Butter Tree is a wonderful and fulfilling family outreach program and we look forward to another successful year!

Find out what's happening in Sudburywith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Magic Years Christmas Luncheon

Join us for a festive Christmas luncheon on December 14, in Hawes Hall at 12 noon. Our guest speaker will be our very own Jody Avery who will give a brief talk about the Moravian Lovefeast service. After lunch we will serve cookies, cider and red-trimmed beeswax candles in the style of the Lovefeast. Christmas carols accompanied by piano music will be sung throughout the luncheon. So join us to get in the Christmas spirit! There will be a sign-up sheet in Hawes Hall after the Sunday worship services. You can also contact Linda Cooper at [email protected].

SUMC Is Live-Streaming on Facebook and YouTube Every Sunday! Join us on Social Media!

The Church Growth Commission invites you to follow SUMC on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter!
Beginning this Sunday, December 3, we will be switching to SUMC’s own YouTube channel. We will also continue to live-stream on our Facebook page. Please take note and bookmark the links!
By reaching out through social media, the commission hopes to reach a larger audience. Please help us to grow. Follow us on (YouTube), (Facebook), (InstagramSUMC) and (TwitterSUMC).

Cookie Swap and Carol Sing!

Join your SUMC friends for a cookie swap and carol sing on Sunday December 10 at 3:30 p.m. Wear your favorite holiday attire (ugly sweaters encouraged) and bring 2-3 dozen of your favorite cookies (no shame in bringing Oreos!) to share. Plain cookies will be available for all to decorate. Sorry, but NO TREE NUTS, PEANUTS or COCONUT in your recipes. This event is hosted by the Friends in Faith Commission.

Greetings from the SUMC Youth!

The youth will be participating in some of our favorite activities in the next few weeks!
The next event will be our annual Lock-in and Christmas Party on Friday night, December 8. We'll get started at 7:00 p.m.
If you have any questions about any youth events and activities, contact Zack ([email protected])
Keep the Faith.

Magnific Moment

Kidbury UMC News
Kidbury UMC continues from 9:00-9:50 a.m. every Sunday morning. During November we are learning about how God leads the people of Israel on the journey from Egypt to the Promised Land.
Sunday Morning Adult Formation Classes
Where can you go after bringing your children to Kidbury? We have options! There are two adult education opportunities every Sunday. Both groups meet from 9:15 to 9:45 a.m.
The Morning Devotional Group, which meets in the O’Reilly Room, began a 4-part Advent series on Sunday November 26. Each week, we will reflect on a different character from the Christmas story, using An Unlikely Advent by Rachel Billups to guide our discussion. It is not necessary to purchase or read this book ahead of class (unless you’re curious and want to get a sneak preview).
The Exploring Topics for Adult Faith Formation sessions in Davison Chapel will explore the Bible prior to worship. Join fellow SUMCers for 30 minutes of fellowship and fun as we poke our way around the Bible, looking for lesser-known gems as well as the background to well-known passages.
December 3rd - The Prophets: Come meet 16 Biblical authors you may or may not know.
December 10th - Jesus' Early Years: The Christmas Story and more.
December 17th - The New Testament General Letters: Come explore the letters that seem to get less attention than the letters of Paul.
If you’d like more information about our Christian Education/Formation programs, contact Zack Moser or Caryl Walsh.

Embracing Our Blessings: A Season of Fellowship, Learning, and Fun!

Dear Friends,
I am excited to bring you an update on the events and activities in December. It promises to be a season filled with fellowship, spiritual growth, and joyful celebrations.
December 10: Advent Cantata - presented during our 10:00 a.m. service by the choir!
December 10: Cookie swap and carols! Come to the 2nd intergenerational event of the 2023-2024 program year in Hawes Hall at 3:30 p.m.
December 17: SUMC’s Christmas Pageant - presented during the 10:00 a.m. service.
December 24: Join us in celebrating the birth of Christ at any or all of our three worship services! We will gather at 10:00 a.m., as well as 6:00 and 8:00 p.m.
May the blessings of this beautiful season fill your hearts with joy, and may our unity and faith continue to shine brightly.
In His Grace,
Kristin Murphy
Council Chair

Musical Notes

  • Pageant Band

Greetings would be band members! The Christmas Pageant will take place during worship on Sunday, 17 December this year. It has been our custom to invite instrumentalists from the SUMC community to accompany the pageant. If you have an interest in playing with us, let us know by signing up here:
URL for strings:
URL for winds, brass, percussion:
We enjoy working with players of all skill levels, so if you have a concern about whether or not you can “keep up”, let us know and we’ll work it out! Hope to see and hear you at this joyful service.

  • Cantata Sunday

On Sunday, December 10, 2023, during the proclamation block of service, SUMC musicians will present the Christmas Cantata of Kevin Murphy. This cantata sets passages from the Gospel of Luke in its five movements. The piece was premiered in 2009 here at SUMC, and we are looking forward to sharing it again with the church. It is not too late to join us if you are looking for a challenging choral work to undertake during the holiday season!

  • A capella

Our a cappella singers were sidelined during the pandemic, and it has been four long years since we could gather again and sing in a small group. But it appears conditions have returned in which we can organize a “run” of four Wednesdays this coming January, beginning January 10, 2024.
We follow a cappella practice like that in high school, colleges and barbershop groups, using only our voices and mixing reading of notes with rote learning through repetition. We open every rehearsal with a potluck supper in Hawes at 6:30 p.m. till 7:00 p.m. Come try it out! This is a perfect opportunity to get involved with group singing for the first time.
([email protected]) or ([email protected])

Sunday Greeters Needed

The Church Growth Commission is recruiting greeters to welcome visitors and members to church each Sunday morning. Cindi Bockweg is putting together a Sunday Greeters’ calendar. Cindi’s email is ([email protected]). She looks forward to hearing from you!

Looking for Coffee Hosts

We need help!!! Coffee and Fellowship Hour has been back for over a year and is being enjoyed by many. Thank you to the few dedicated people who have been serving.
Sherry and Ernie are willing to train those who are willing to join the team. It is a fantastic way to get to know our congregation. Contact Sherry at ([email protected]) to offer your help.

Coming to Church? Please Follow Safety Guidelines!

The windows in the sanctuary will remain open for the foreseeable future to improve air flow and enhance public safety. We’re trying to prevent the spread of viruses and COVID. Please be mindful of the outdoor temperature and dress accordingly. Mask wearing is optional; if you need a mask, the ushers have a supply on hand.

How to Donate Sunday Morning Altar Flowers

The Flower Team welcomes altar flower donations. To choose a date, visit a user-friendly website: Flower Sign-Up Genius. or email (Kerry Healy). Please use the comment section to note if your gift is intended to be in honor or in memory of someone special. And if you have specific flowers in mind, please share that information also in the comment section. Thanks.

Join the Flower Team!

Do you love flowers? Would you like to join the team that creates the beautiful arrangements on the altar each Sunday? Please contact Kerry Healy to let her know of your interest and she’ll be happy to fill you in about the process. Her email address is [email protected].

Going Shopping? Pick-up Something for the Food Cart!

Donations to our church’s shopping cart may be left at the O’Reilly Room entrance Monday through Friday. The best canned items to donate include solid white tuna, fruits, and vegetables. Raisins in boxes, dried beans, condensed milk, rice pilaf, pancake mix, syrup, pasta and pasta sauce in jars, macaroni and cheese, instant coffee, laundry detergent, shampoo, soap, feminine care products, and wipes are also appreciated. Whenever you shop – or have groceries delivered to your home – please remember the food cart!

The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Want to post on Patch?