This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Neighbor News

Sudbury United Methodist Church

The Chronicle - December 14th, 2023

“He was in the world,
and the world came into being through him;
yet the world did not know him.”
John 1: 10
Happy Advent and Merry Christmas Friends!
Grace and Peace in the blessed name of Jesus Christ.
What a hectic season this Advent has been and promises to be! We began Advent with the gift of welcoming Bishop Peggy Johnson and the Reverend Mary Johnson to help us celebrate 200 years of Methodism in Sudbury. Importantly, this was one of the few times we have hosted a United Methodist Bishop during our Sunday morning worship. The service included many of the hallmarks of our Christian faith including both communion and baptism. We had a delightful lunch coordinated by our council chair, Kristin Murphy, with the help of so many of you who brought salads and sandwiches, creating a bountiful spread for all who attended.
The second Sunday of Advent we delighted in the beauty and mystery of a “Wicked, Awesome Cantata” composed and arranged by our own Kevin Murphy and directed by Rob Hammerton. We are truly blessed to have such talented and skilled directors in our midst, as well as the voices that filled our chancel and poured into the sanctuary. This was a memorable undertaking, and we should never underestimate the amount of work and commitment our musicians provide. In the end, we could all exclaim with Libby Dilling, “Dang!”
The third Sunday of Advent we will hear from the children as they retell the Christmas story during the annual “Wicked, Awesome Children’s Pageant.” Shepherds, sheep, and kings will once again visit the holy family, as we all consider again the gift of the child in a manger on Christmas morning.
This year the fourth Sunday of Advent overlaps with Christmas Eve. Pastor Leigh will preach on Mary’s Magnificat, one of the most amazing songs in the Christian scriptures. Together we will contemplate this season of light and wonder as we hope for Christ to come yet again. Later that evening, there will be a Family Christmas Eve service at 6 pm, and a Service of Lessons and Carols at 8 pm. Come prepared to rejoice in song and praise as we celebrate the birth of Christ again.
As all of this unfolds, we will enjoy three Advent soup suppers (only three Wednesday evenings in Advent this year!) with presentations from Zack and Pastor Leigh, as well as a Blue Christmas service on December 20. A Cookie Swap and Carol Singing brought together children of all ages on December 10. Magic Years is hosting a Moravian Love Feast on Thursday afternoon, December 14. Christmas Breakfast with Pastor Leigh will be at 10 am on December 25.
Our Advent Conspirators have coordinated multiple events this year, including:

  • Caroling at Sudbury Pines (December 10)
  • Ministry in Woburn, 3:00 pm (December 17)
  • Musketahquid Village Caroling, 7:15 pm (December 22)
  • Sudbury Farms Flash Mob, 3:00 pm (December 23)

On the last day of 2023, Dec. 31, New Year’s Eve morning, our service will be entirely Christmas Carols, including Christmas Carol Communion. If you didn’t have an opportunity to sing your favorite carol, this is your chance.
All of this might prompt us to ask, what is the purpose of Advent? It sure is a lot of fun, with music, pageants, celebrations, and food, but what are Advent and Christmas really about?
Some may say that we are waiting for the Second Coming of Jesus. This is a fair response. However, while we are waiting, what does God ask of us?
We are asked to look around and to notice the ways that God is near to us. Diana Butler Bass tells us that near is about both time and place, both imminence and immanence. “Imminence speaks to God’s immediacy; immanence reveals a God who dwells within.” Importantly, we aren’t just waiting, but God already dwells within us.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux, the great medieval theologian of love, once insisted that there were three Advents. “We know that the coming of the Lord is threefold,” he preached. “The first coming was in flesh and weakness, the middle coming is in spirit and power, and the final coming will be in glory and majesty.”
The middle Advent is the second of three Advents: 1) Jesus’ birth, 2) God coming into our lives, and 3) the return of Christ we think of as “The Second Coming.” Bernard referred to the middle Advent as the “road” between the two chronological and spatial Advents. In this “middle,” or Second Advent, God comes to us now and here, in the lives we have, a kind of inner Advent. “If you wish to meet God,” Bernard said, “go as far as your own heart.”
Meditating on the past and future Advents, we learn to recognize the present Advent that is taking place at every moment of our own earthly life.
Meditation on the first Advent gives us hope of the promise offered us. The Third Advent kindles in us fear so we might remain alert as we wait for the fulfillment of the first promise. The second Advent, the present, set in between these two, is a time of wrestling with both fear and joy.
During this season of Advent, God is near in both time and place. Take some time during this amazing season of light and dark to seek the Coming of Christ that is both imminent and immanent, immediate and within you, even as you read this.
May your Advent shine with the love of Christ every day, a love that you take into the world that needs you and Jesus so very much.
Blessed Advent and Merry Christmastide to you. I will write to you again in the 2024!
Pastor Leigh
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Live-Streamed Sunday Services Available on YouTube and Facebook Live

Sunday morning services at Sudbury UMC can now be viewed on SUMC’s own YouTube channel and Facebook page live each Sunday morning. Missed a service and want to watch it later? You can find them using the same links! We hope these social media platforms will help us reach a larger audience. Please help us grow by using these services. You can also connect with SUMC through (InstagramSUMC) and (TwitterSUMC).


Find out what's happening in Sudburywith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Greetings from the SUMC Youth!

From now through January 7, you might notice a big stocking in the narthex as you enter the sanctuary. At the time this month’s Chronicle is going out, the stocking is empty, but we hope to fill it with socks over the next few weeks – socks that will be donated to and distributed by the Outdoor Church, a homeless ministry in Cambridge.
Over the last two years, SUMC has given hundreds of wool and synthetic socks to The Outdoor Church, and each pair has found an extremely grateful recipient. Warm socks are one of the biggest needs for the homeless population in the winter (and often one of the most overlooked needs), so bring some socks to the church.
Please make sure the donated socks are either wool or synthetic so that the recipients’ feet stay dry. Please do not donate cotton socks.
Youth volunteers will hand out the socks personally when we head into Cambridge to help with their food distribution ministry (which we do monthly). If you cannot bring socks to the church, please use this link to an Amazon wish list where you can purchase socks and have them sent directly to SUMC:
If you have any questions about the Outdoor Church, the sock drive, or anything else pertaining to youth ministry at SUMC, contact Zack ([email protected]).
Keep the Faith.

Magnific Moment

Where can you go after bringing your children to Kidbury? We have options! There are two adult education opportunities every Sunday. Our newest class, which meets in Davison Chapel, is called Exploring Topics for Adult Faith Formation. During December, this class is exploring questions you might have regarding the history, structure, and message of the Bible. Each week will address a new topic about the Bible, so please feel free to drop in and out of the class as your schedule permits.
The Morning Devotional Group is in its second year and meets in the O'Reilly Room. Each Sunday, the group opens in prayer, then uses a scripture passage or devotional reading to inspire spiritual reflection/discussion. The material is provided by individual volunteers from the group so that each week is a different experience. In December, we are looking at the Christmas story from the perspective of a different character each week.
Both classes are 9:15-9:45 am. If you'd like more information about our Christian Education/Formation programs, contact Caryl Walsh ([email protected]) or Zack Moser ([email protected]).
Last week of Kidbury UMC in 2023
Kidbury will be open after worship this Sunday (December 17), but will then close until after the New Year. Don’t worry, though. We will pick back up in January with a new theme, new activities, and a renewed spirit from the Christmas Season! The theme for the month will be “What Can I Do?”, and we will learn about Jesus’ baptism and how Jesus called his disciples to follow him.
But that’s not all…
Kidbury Choir Returns
The Kidbury UMC Choir will return in January! We will rehearse each Sunday morning from 9:30-9:50 am, and it is all leading up to January 28, when the children will join the adult choir in worship to sing the morning’s anthem. We hope to have many voices singing with us to lead our congregation in worship and praise the Lord!

Spirituality Book Group - An Altar in the World starting Thursday, January 4th, at 6:30 pm

Starting Thursday, January 4th, at 6:30 pm, we’ll venture into Barbara Brown Taylor’s An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith. In this beautifully written book, Taylor reveals meaningful ways to discover the sacred in the small things we do and see, from simple practices such as walking, working, and prayer. Even the most ordinary tasks can become acts of meditation if we take time to notice the sights, smells, and sounds around us. Making eye contact with the cashier at the grocery store can become a moment of connection. As we incorporate these practices into our daily lives, we discover altars everywhere we go and in everything we do. We learn to live with purpose, slow down, and practice reverence.
Books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Cokesbury. Please let Karen Lubic or John McKinney if you plan to attend so they can send you the Zoom link. We’ll wrap up our study on Thursday, February 8th.

"Where the World Meets to Pray"

Free copies of The Upper Room may be found in an outdoor Lucite rack next to the O'Reilly Room entrance and in the narthex. Daily readings can also be found online by clicking:
Five minutes, fifteen, or thirty reading Scripture and sitting quietly in God’s presence will set the tone for the whole day.

Do You Have a Prayer Request for “Concerns and Celebrations”?
How can we pray for you? Share prayer requests at: and send us a message by clicking on the blue “Send Message” button. Or email ([email protected]).

Year End Donations

The Stewardship & Finance Committee kindly reminds everyone to fulfill 2023 pledges by the end of the calendar year. For those who are current, thank you. We would appreciate whatever you can do to bring your pledge payments up to date, and for donations to be received by December 31, 2023 (this will also ensure you can take your tax deduction in 2023). If you need help in understanding any aspect of your 2023 pledge, please feel free to call either Mike Greb our church’s business manager, at the office (978-443-4351) or Chris Heberlig (617-794-7943). Thank you so much.

Upcoming Advent and Christmas Worship Services

Sunday, December 17, at 10:00 am: Children’s Christmas Pageant
Wednesday, December 20, at 7:00 pm: Blue Christmas Service
Sunday, December 24, at 10:00 am: Fourth Sunday of Advent
Sunday, December 24, at 6:00 pm: Christmas Family Service
Sunday, December 24, at 8:00 pm: Christmas Lessons & Carols Service
Monday, December 25, at 10:00 am: Christmas Breakfast with Pastor Leigh

Peanut Butter Giving Tree – Thank You!

We are ecstatic that we have filled all of the 94 Peanut Butter Tree tags we were given! We are especially delighted to continue our partnership with Sunny Hill families and are very thankful for their participation and support of this Outreach initiative.
Please remember that all unwrapped gifts are due back this Sunday, December 17, by 11:00 am.
We are truly grateful to all the participants for your generosity.

Advent Conspiracy 2023

Advent is about presence not presents. God did not give us more stuff. He gave us his Son, whose birth we prepare for during the four weeks of Advent and celebrate on Christmas. By sharing more of ourselves we share something that can’t be found in a store & wrapped in paper with ribbons.
Please join us this Advent as we leave the sanctuary and try to embody Matthew 25.
Sunday, Dec. 17 at 3:00 pm Woburn UMC, 523 Main St. in Woburn. (Teaming with Woburn UMC for good Haitian home-cooking and children’s activities supporting the Haitian Refugee Ministry).
Friday, Dec. 22 at 7:15 pm. Meet at church for caroling at Musketahquid and local homes in Sudbury.
Saturday, Dec. 23 at 3:00 pm. SUMC Flash Mob at Sudbury Farms, 439 Boston Post Rd in Sudbury (Carols and Festive Attire).

An Invitation to Thank our Church Staff!

We know that it is a blessing to give to others, and this Advent season, we have the opportunity to feel blessed by giving our wonderful Church staff some Christmas cheer. If you’d like to express your appreciation to our staff for their tireless commitment and effort, the Staff Parish Relations Committee invites you to send a check to SUMC with “Staff Christmas Gift” in the memo line. Feel free to either mail the check to the church office or drop it in the collection plate, ideally before Christmas. Thank you for the consideration!

Dinner for the Middle East

Make a difference in the world and build community in Sudbury while enjoying food from the Middle East.
Based on the visitation to Abraham in Genesis 18, our menu includes:

  • Sarah’s Flat Barley Bread
  • Wheatberry Soup
  • Middle Eastern Vegetable Casserole
  • Dates with Holy and Ricotta Curds Spread
  • Grilled Kabob with Sumac Garnish
  • Angel Food Cake

Sudbury United Methodist Church is hosting a Middle Eastern Dinner to raise funds for UMCOR's efforts in the Middle East. We'll serve a multi-course dinner inspired by the story of Abraham's angelic visitors in Genesis 18.
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, January 10, at 6 pm! In order to make this event a success you can help by:

  • inviting friends and family,
  • making reservations for the dinner,
  • volunteering to help cook (contact Heather Josselyn-Cranson at [email protected]),
  • contributing to help fund the cost of ingredients,
  • volunteering your time and skills at decorating or setting tables or clean-up afterwards.... all help is welcome!

The deadline to R.S.V.P. is January 7, 2024.
Suggested donation is $20 per adult, $10 per child under 12, 5 and under are free.
Please R.S.V.P. using this link: Middle East Dinner

Christmas Wreaths for Sale

Christmas wreaths are still available in Hawes Hall. Pick one up and support the ministries of the Outreach Commission.

Ron Smith Memorial Fund

The Ron Smith Memorial Fund award is given each year to remember a beloved member of our congregation. Ron was a member for many years and contributed much to the music program with his very talented trumpet playing.
The Fund was established in 2019 after Ron's passing and is given annually
(1) to a young person to encourage and to help pursue their musical goals.
(2) It can also be awarded to cancer patients and loved one who provide care for them.
The Fund awards a monetary gift in May. Please see Pastor Leigh or a member of the Worship and Music Commission for more information and to apply.

Musical Notes

  • A capella

Our a cappella singers were sidelined during the pandemic, and it has been four long years since we could gather again and sing in a small group. But it appears conditions have returned in which we can organize a “run” of four Wednesdays this coming January, beginning January 10, 2024.
We follow a cappella practice like that in high school, colleges and barbershop groups, using only our voices and mixing reading of notes with rote learning through repetition. We open every rehearsal with a potluck supper in Hawes at 6:30 pm till 7:00 pm. Come try it out! This is a perfect opportunity to get involved with group singing for the first time. For more info please contact: ([email protected]) or ([email protected])

Sunday Greeters Needed

The Church Growth Commission has resumed our custom of welcoming visitors and members to church each Sunday morning. Cindi Bockweg maintains the schedule of Sunday Greeters. She would appreciate hearing from you, if doing this is a way you want to contribute to our time together. Cindi’s email is ([email protected]). She looks forward to hearing from you!

Join the Flower Team!

Do you love flowers? Would you like to join the team that creates the beautiful arrangements on the altar each Sunday? Please contact Kerry Healy to let her know of your interest and she’ll be happy to fill you in about the process. Her email address is [email protected].

Looking for Coffee Hosts

We need help!!! Coffee and Fellowship Hour is enjoyed by many and we want to thank the dedicated people who have been serving as hosts.
Sherry and Ernie are willing to train those who are willing to join the team. It is a fantastic way to get to know our congregation. Contact Sherry at ([email protected]) to offer your help.

Coming to Church? Please Follow Safety Guidelines!

The windows in the sanctuary will remain open for the foreseeable future to improve air flow and enhance public safety. We’re trying to prevent the spread of viruses and COVID. Please be mindful of the outdoor temperature and dress accordingly. Mask wearing is optional; if you need a mask, the ushers have a supply on hand.

How to Donate Sunday Morning Altar Flowers

The Flower Team welcomes altar flower donations. To choose a date, visit a user-friendly website: Flower Sign-Up Genius. or email (Kerry Healy). Please use the comment section to note if your gift is intended to be in honor or in memory of someone special. And if you have specific flowers in mind, please share that information also in the comment section. Thanks.

Going Shopping? Pick-up Something for the Food Cart!

Donations to our church’s shopping cart may be left at the O’Reilly Room entrance Monday through Friday. The best canned items to donate include solid white tuna, fruits, and vegetables. Raisins in boxes, dried beans, condensed milk, rice pilaf, pancake mix, syrup, pasta and pasta sauce in jars, macaroni and cheese, instant coffee, laundry detergent, shampoo, soap, feminine care products, and wipes are also appreciated. Whenever you shop – or have groceries delivered to your home – please remember the food cart!

Christmas 2023 Flower Order and Dedication Form




_____Cyclamen @ $10.00

_____Christmas Cactus @ $10.00

_____Poinsettia @ $20.00


Dedication in memory or honor (please circle one):




Check one: Deliver plant to shut in____________
Pick up Plant after service__________
Paid: _______ cash_______checkDeadline for orders is December 17th.

Sudbury United Methodist Church, 251 Old Sudbury Road, Sudbury, MA 01776
Phones: (978) 443-4351 or (978) 443-6785Fax: (978) 443-3052
Church Office: [email protected] Website:
Church Staff
Pastor: The Rev. Leigh E. [email protected]
(Pastor Leigh observes Sabbath on Friday)
Youth & Children’s Ministries Director: Zachary Moser [email protected]
(Zack observes Sabbath on Wednesday)
Organist/Music Director: Kevin Murphy, [email protected]
Sanctuary Choir Director: Rob [email protected]
Business Manager: Michael Greb[email protected]
Sunny Hill Director: Kathy Palmer[email protected]
Office Manager: Shetal Kaye [email protected]
Sexton: Joe Picorelli[email protected]

We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation

We are a Reconciling and Welcoming Congregation

The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Want to post on Patch?