This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Neighbor News

Sudbury United Methodist Church

The Chronicle January 2024

Greetings from the SUMC Youth!

Outdoor Church Sock Drive Continues!
From now through January 21, you might notice a big stocking in the narthex as you enter the sanctuary. We hope to fill this stocking with socks that will be donated to and distributed by the Outdoor Church, a homeless ministry in Cambridge.
Over the last two years, SUMC has given hundreds of wool and synthetic socks to The Outdoor Church, and each pair has found an extremely grateful recipient. Warm socks are one of the biggest needs for the homeless population in the winter (and often one of the most overlooked needs), so bring some socks to the church.
Please make sure the donated socks are either wool or synthetic so that the recipients’ feet stay dry. Please do not donate cotton socks.
Youth volunteers will hand out the socks personally when we head into Cambridge to help with their food distribution ministry on January 28. If you cannot bring socks to the church, please use this link to an Amazon wish list where you can purchase socks and have them sent directly to SUMC:
Provide Dinner for our Youth
One of the great things about this congregation is how much it supports and cares for its youth, and one of the best ways to support us and get to know us is by providing dinner at an upcoming Sunday Night Fellowship meeting. We eat dinner each Sunday at youth group from 6:00-6:30, and we depend on volunteers from our congregation for those dinners. If you would like to provide dinner one Sunday night this semester, click this link to sign up:
(Thank you in advance!)
If you have any questions about the Outdoor Church sock drive, youth dinners, or anything else pertaining to youth ministry at SUMC, contact Zack ([email protected]).
Keep the Faith.

Magnific Moment

Kidbury UMC
Kidbury UMC is open before and after worship! The theme for the month of January is “What Can I Do?” We will learn about Jesus’ baptism and how Jesus called his disciples to follow him. We’ll also learn a song about all the disciples, and as usual, the Kidbury Library, games station, and prayer tent will be available for children to visit.
Kidbury is for all ages (there’s even a toddler table!) and opens at 9:00 am each Sunday. Feel free to come by any time before 9:45 or after worship.
Adult Formation Classes
Where can you go after bringing your children to Kidbury? We have options! There are two adult education opportunities every Sunday. Our newest class, which meets in Davison Chapel, is called Exploring Topics for Adult Faith Formation. Through February 4, this class is exploring what it means to be a member in the United Methodist Church. The schedule will be…

Find out what's happening in Sudburywith free, real-time updates from Patch.

  • January 14: UMC Structure – Purpose and Mission
  • January 21: Our Theology of the Christ
  • January 28: The Communion of Saints
  • February 4: Social Principles of the UMC

The Morning Devotional Group meets each week in the O'Reilly Room. Each Sunday, the group opens in prayer, then reflects on a scripture passage or devotional reading. The material is provided by individual volunteers from the group so that each week is a different experience, and we would love to have you join us to see what it’s all about.
Both adult classes are 9:15-9:45 am. If you'd like more information about any of our Christian Education/ Formation programs, contact Caryl Walsh ([email protected]) or Zack Moser ([email protected]).

Spirituality Book Group - An Altar in the World on Thursday Evenings at 6:30 pm

Starting Thursday, January 4th, at 6:30 pm, we’ll venture into Barbara Brown Taylor’s An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith. In this beautifully written book, Taylor reveals meaningful ways to discover the sacred in the small things we do and see, from simple practices such as walking, working, and prayer. Even the most ordinary tasks can become acts of meditation if we take time to notice the sights, smells, and sounds around us. Making eye contact with the cashier at the grocery store can become a moment of connection. As we incorporate these practices into our daily lives, we discover altars everywhere we go and in everything we do. We learn to live with purpose, slow down, and practice reverence.
Books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Cokesbury. Please let Karen Lubic or John McKinney if you plan to attend so they can send you the Zoom link. We’ll wrap up our study on Thursday, February 8th.

Find out what's happening in Sudburywith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Sudbury Inter-Faith Social Justice Event February 25th: Gun Violence Film Screening and Discussion

SUMC is co-hosting a screening of Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence on February 25th at 2:00 pm. The event will be held in person at the Presbyterian Church in Sudbury and online via zoom. Join to watch the 51-minute film, hear from the film’s producer, and engage in discussion about what we can do to end our crisis of gun violence.

"Where the World Meets to Pray"

Free copies of The Upper Room may be found in an outdoor Lucite rack next to the O'Reilly Room entrance and in the narthex. Daily readings can also be found online by clicking:
Five minutes, fifteen, or thirty reading Scripture and sitting quietly in God’s presence will set the tone for the whole day.

Do You Have a Prayer Request for “Concerns and Celebrations”?
How can we pray for you? Share prayer requests at: and send us a message by clicking on the blue “Send Message” button. Or email ([email protected]).
Finding Sudbury UMC on SOCial media

Live-Streamed Sunday Services Available on YouTube and Facebook Live

Sunday morning services at Sudbury UMC can now be viewed on SUMC’s own YouTube channel and Facebook page live each Sunday morning. Missed a service and want to watch it later? You can find them using the same links! We hope these social media platforms will help us reach a larger audience. Please help us grow by using these services. You can also connect with SUMC through (InstagramSUMC) and (TwitterSUMC).

Magic Years Luncheon

The January Magic Years program will be held on January 18, featuring our own Dan Cetrone and his rare books. Join us at noon in Hawes Hall for lunch, learning and friendship. Sign up after worship this Sunday, January 14, or RSVP to Kay D’Orlando at [email protected] or call/text 508-561-5382.

Keep the Snowball Rolling!

As we start the new year, I would like to express my gratitude to you for your warm embrace of recent fall and winter events at SUMC. Beginning especially with the Interfaith Thanksgiving Service on November 19th through Advent’s many events, and with the physical presence of so many in our three Christmas Eve services, your offering of gifts, talents, service, along with your presence have begun rolling a snowball of engagement at Sudbury UMC this program year.
A special thank you also to those who attended service on December 3rd to welcome Bishop Peggy Johnson as she led us in a memorable service. Thank you also for so, so many of you - more than 80! - who stayed for lunch that day to celebrate 200 years of Methodism in Sudbury. I am incredibly grateful to so many of you who helped Sherry Stonebraker, Alison Condon, Lyn MacLean and I to plan, set up for, provide for, and clean up after the luncheon.
Thanks also to those who joined together for the Advent Suppers. These gatherings have created a warm and inviting space for us to come together mid-week, share relaxed and meaningful conversations, and deepen our sense of community. Your commitment to these suppers, along with Heather Josselyn-Cranson’s organization, and Zack and Leigh’s program leadership, has enriched our collective experience of Advent.
The musical journey of the cantata, the fun at Kidbury and the learning also taking place at many classes and studies, the “loving all” during the many Advent Conspiracy outreach events, the joyous celebration of the pageant, and the sweet melodies of the cookie swap and sing along filled our collective hearts as we approached Christmas. Your contributions, whether through music, acting, helping children, caroling, or sharing delicious treats, have added layers of joy and warmth to the holiday.
As we step into the new year, we are thrilled to announce a series of enriching and uplifting events. Save the dates for these upcoming gatherings and let's start the year with joy, music, service, and spiritual reflection. Keep the snowball rolling!
In Faith, Kristin
January Highlights:
Sunday, January 7,14, 21, and 28 Chapel Bible Study at 9:15 am - Learn more about the United Methodist Church from Pastor Leigh and Pastor Zack.
Sunday, January 14 at 10:00 am - MLK Sunday: Help us welcome Diliana DeJesus as our guest preacher.
Friday, January 19 from 7:30-9:00 pm - Come and be part of Shabbat at Temple Beth El, celebrating the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sunday, January 21 at 3:00 pm: Connexions Concert - Come to hear friends and friends of friends come together to make musical connections during a special concert.
Saturday, January 27 and February 24: Youth Outdoor Church - Youth and youthful alike are welcome to join as the Outdoor Church ministers to the needs of people in Cambridge. See Zack for more information about how to help with distributing food and warm socks.
Wednesday, February 14 at 7 pm: Ash Wednesday Service in Davison Chapel - Commence the season of Lent with our Ash Wednesday service, a time of reflection and renewal. Join us as we mark the beginning of this sacred period leading up to Easter.
Wednesday evenings, from February 21 through March 20, at 6:30 pm: Lenten Suppers - Share in the spirit of fellowship and nourishment during our Lenten Suppers. These gatherings provide an opportunity to break bread together, engage in meaningful conversations, and deepen our understanding of the Lenten season. This year’s study is entitled “Embracing the Uncertain.”
March 15-17: Youth Berea Trip - Youth are invited to sleep away at Camp Berea and enjoy winter activities. Contact Zack to find out how to register.
March 24, 28, 29, 31: Holy Week and Easter - Join together for services during Holy Week, a time to reflect on the sacrifice of Christ and the hope of Easter. Details about Palm/Passion Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday services are forthcoming.
We encourage you to participate in these events, as well as the many Bible studies and classes - and of course Kidbury - throughout the week, by bringing your energy, enthusiasm, and faith to each gathering. Let us come together as a church family to make these months a time of spiritual growth, community building, and shared joy. Keep the snowball rolling!

Musical Notes

  • Instrumental hymnody

Now that the holidays have passed, it is time again to invite SUMC instrumentalists to jump into playing the congregational hymns once each month. Do you play a wind, brass or percussion instrument? A string instrument, bowed or plucked? Our Sunday for the “Wesley Winds” (winds, brass, percussion) is this coming Sunday, January 14. The SUMC Strings will play Sunday, January 28. Sign up in the form below to let Rob and Kevin know of your interest and to get more details about this project.
Wesley Winds January 14, 2024:
SUMC Strings January 28, 2024:

  • Connexions Concert II

Mark your calendars for the next Connexions Concert of the 2023-2024 season: Sunday, January 21st at 3:00 pm in the sanctuary. We will have another eclectic mix of offerings! Snow date will be the following Sunday at 3:00 pm. If you have any questions about the event or perhaps want to get involved with the performances or production, contact Kevin or Rob at the emails below.

  • Joining Our Neighbors

The SUMC Gospel Group has been invited to attend a Shabbat Rinah service in honor of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Friday evening, January 19, at 7:30 pm. Our Gospel Group participated in this service last winter, and the event was a memorable one. If you would like to help us musically or just be in attendance, contact Kevin or Rob at the emails below, we will fill you in.
([email protected]) or ([email protected])

Ron Smith Memorial Fund

The Ron Smith Memorial Fund award is given each year to remember a beloved member of our congregation. Ron was a member for many years and contributed much to the music program with his very talented trumpet playing.
The Fund was established in 2019 after Ron's passing and is given annually
(1) to a young person to encourage and to help pursue their musical goals.
(2) It can also be awarded to cancer patients and loved one who provide care for them.
The Fund awards a monetary gift in May. Please see Pastor Leigh or a member of the Worship and Music Commission for more information and to apply.

Sunday Greeters Needed

The Church Growth Commission has resumed our custom of welcoming visitors and members to church each Sunday morning. Cindi Bockweg maintains the schedule of Sunday Greeters. She would appreciate hearing from you, if doing this is a way you want to contribute to our time together. Cindi’s email is ([email protected]). She looks forward to hearing from you!

Join the Flower Team!

Do you love flowers? Would you like to join the team that creates the beautiful arrangements on the altar each Sunday? Please contact Kerry Healy to let her know of your interest and she’ll be happy to fill you in about the process. Her email address is [email protected].

Looking for Coffee Hosts

We need help!!! Coffee and Fellowship Hour is enjoyed by many and we want to thank the dedicated people who have been serving as hosts.
Sherry and Ernie are willing to train those who are willing to join the team. It is a fantastic way to get to know our congregation. Contact Sherry at ([email protected]) to offer your help.

Coming to Church? Please Follow Safety Guidelines!

The windows in the sanctuary will remain open for the foreseeable future to improve air flow and enhance public safety. We’re trying to prevent the spread of viruses and COVID. Please be mindful of the outdoor temperature and dress accordingly. Mask wearing is optional; if you need a mask, the ushers have a supply on hand.

How to Donate Sunday Morning Altar Flowers

The Flower Team welcomes altar flower donations. To choose a date, visit a user-friendly website: Flower Sign-Up Genius. or email (Kerry Healy). Please use the comment section to note if your gift is intended to be in honor or in memory of someone special. And if you have specific flowers in mind, please share that information also in the comment section. Thanks.

Going Shopping? Pick-up Something for the Food Cart!

Donations to our church’s shopping cart may be left at the O’Reilly Room entrance Monday through Friday. The best canned items to donate include solid white tuna, fruits, and vegetables. Raisins in boxes, dried beans, condensed milk, rice pilaf, pancake mix, syrup, pasta and pasta sauce in jars, macaroni and cheese, instant coffee, laundry detergent, shampoo, soap, feminine care products, and wipes are also appreciated. Whenever you shop – or have groceries delivered to your home – please remember the food cart!

Sudbury United Methodist Church, 251 Old Sudbury Road, Sudbury, MA 01776
Phones: (978) 443-4351 or (978) 443-6785Fax: (978) 443-3052
Church Office: [email protected] Website:
Church Staff
Pastor: The Rev. Leigh E. [email protected]
(Pastor Leigh observes Sabbath on Friday)
Youth & Children’s Ministries Director: Zachary Moser [email protected]
(Zack observes Sabbath on Wednesday)
Organist/Music Director: Kevin Murphy, [email protected]
Sanctuary Choir Director: Rob [email protected]
Business Manager: Michael Greb[email protected]
Sunny Hill Director: Kathy Palmer[email protected]
Office Manager: Shetal Kaye [email protected]
Sexton: Joe Picorelli[email protected]

We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation

We are a Reconciling and Welcoming Congregation

The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Want to post on Patch?