This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Neighbor News

Sudbury United Methodist Church

Announcements 3-21-2024


Holy Week Prayer at Home – 2024 Lenten Blog
Looking for a good place to begin or conclude each day of Holy Week? Check out Sudbury UMC’s Lenten blog, a collection of devotional reflections written by our members and friends, by clicking here: Lenten Devotionals
Holy Week Services of Worship
March 24 at 10:00 am: Palm/Passion Sunday– (Sanctuary)
March 28 at 7:00 pm: Maundy Thursday – (Davison Chapel)
March 29 at 7:00 pm: Good Friday – (Sanctuary)
Easter Sunday Services of Worship.
A Celebration of Christ’s Resurrection
March 31 at 6:30 am: Easter Sunrise Service (Outdoors and Davison Chapel)
March 31 at 10:00 am: Easter Sunday Service (Sanctuary)

Find out what's happening in Sudburywith free, real-time updates from Patch.


Easter Egg Olympics This Saturday, March 23!
The second annual Easter Egg Olympic games are scheduled for this Saturday, March 23 (if we do it one more year it will officially be a tradition!). Bring the family! Invite the neighbors! It’s gonna be a blast (see the inserted picture for an idea of all the fun that is in store). The fun starts at 2:00 pm.
Want to help? Here are a few ways…

Find out what's happening in Sudburywith free, real-time updates from Patch.

  • We need empty TP tubes for the pre-K activities. We’d love for you to stop tossing those for now and give them to Zack instead.
  • Donate some candy to stuff Easter Eggs (no nuts…no nuts!)

You can still volunteer on the day of the event. Just contact Zack or Caryl (emails below) if you want to help.

Kidbury UMC
Kidbury UMC is open before and after worship! It is for all ages (there’s even a toddler table!) and opens at 9:00 am each Sunday. Feel free to come by any time before 9:45 or after worship during Coffee Hour. We will not have Kidbury on Easter Sunday, but we look forward to seeing everyone on April 7th!
Adult Formation Classes
There are two adult education opportunities every Sunday. Both adult classes are 9:15-9:45 am.
Exploring Topics in Christianity meets in Davison Chapel. During March, the "Exploring Topics in Christianity" class is focusing on specific Bible passages, including the Sermon on the Mount and two of the events of Holy week.

  • March 24th - Mark 11:1-11, Palm Sunday.
  • March 31st - Easter Sunday, no class.

The Upper Room Group meets each week in the O'Reilly Room. This group opens in prayer, then reflects on a scripture passage or devotional reading provided by individual volunteers from the group.
For more information about any of our Christian Education/Formation programs or to volunteer at the Easter Egg Olympics, contact Caryl Walsh ([email protected]) or Zack Moser ([email protected]).
New: Sunday Morning Youth Devo
A new weekly Christian formation opportunity for youth (grades 6-12) began last month. Each Sunday* through June 9 at 9:15 am, youth are invited to the youth room (below the sanctuary) for a morning devotion using the d365 app or website. d365 is a daily devotion written for youth and adults. The devotion follows a five-step format – Pause, Listen, Think, Pray, Go – and the reading/discussion will usually take 15-20 minutes. Afterward, youth are encouraged to go one room over into our livestream booth, where SUMC’s livestream team can teach them to use the video/streaming equipment and (under supervision and if they feel comfortable) help stream and record that morning’s worship service. For those who would rather not join the tech crew, they are free to play games in the youth room until 9:45 am.
The SUMC youth and the Christian Education Commission are thankful for our adult volunteers who will facilitate the morning devotion and discussion, and for the livestream team leaders for their leadership.
Provide Dinner for our Youth
One of the great things about this congregation is how much it supports and cares for its youth, and one of the best ways to support us and get to know us is by providing dinner at an upcoming Sunday Night Fellowship meeting. We eat dinner each Sunday at youth group from 6:00-6:30, and we depend on volunteers from our congregation for those dinners. If you would like to provide dinner one Sunday night this semester, click this link to sign up:
If you have any questions about anything pertaining to youth ministry at SUMC or if you are a youth/parent who would like to receive weekly updates, contact Zack ([email protected]).
Keep the Faith.

Monday Evening Bible Study

Greetings, Monday Evening Bible Adventurers,
Our most meaningful day in the life of Christians, Easter, is a week away. We have one remaining Monday evening to grapple with the reality of Jesus’ death on the Cross and to hold the final words of Jesus in our hearts.
Please join us on March 25, at 7:30 pm. No book is required.
To join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 899 1568 6864 Passcode: 860424
In the LOVE of our Lord Jesus, see you Monday evening, John at ([email protected])

Spirituality Book Study Starts Thursday, April 11th, at 6:30 pm.

In Learning to Walk in the Dark, Barbara Brown Taylor guides us through a spirituality that teaches us how to find our footing in times of uncertainty, and gives us strength and hope to face all of life’s challenging moments. By putting aside our fears and anxieties, we are free to explore all that God has to teach us “in the dark.” Through darkness we find courage, we understand the world in new ways, and we feel God’s presence around us, guiding us through things seen and unseen. Often, it is while we are in the dark that we grow the most.
We’ll start Thursday, April 11th at 6:30 pm and end on Thursday, May 16th. Please contact either Karen Lubic or John McKinney to get the Zoom link.

The LENT BLOG !###/h2Lent Blog

SUMC Is Live-Streaming on Facebook and YouTube Every Sunday! Join us on Social Media!

The Church Growth Commission invites you to follow SUMC on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter! We are now streaming live to our own YouTube channel. We will also continue to live-stream on our Facebook page. Please take note and bookmark the links! By reaching out through social media, the commission hopes to reach a larger audience. Please help us to grow. Follow us on (YouTube), (Facebook), (InstagramSUMC) and (TwitterSUMC).

Easter Music for Strings, Brass, Winds and Percussion

Greetings, SUMC players! It has been our custom to invite instrumentalists from the SUMC community to accompany the Easter Sunday music. If you have an interest in playing with us, let us know by signing up here: URL for strings: URL for winds, brass, percussion: We enjoy working with players of all skill levels, so if you have a concern about whether or not you can “keep up”, let us know and we’ll work it out! Hope to see and hear you at Friday evening rehearsal and Sunday service. ([email protected]) or ([email protected]).

Coffee Hour

We will not be having Coffee Hour for the next two Sundays, but hope to see everyone on April 7th!

Coming to Church? Please Follow Safety Guidelines!

The windows in the sanctuary will remain open for the foreseeable future to improve air flow and enhance public safety. Please do not close the windows during worship. We’re trying to prevent the spread of viruses and COVID. Please be mindful of the outdoor temperature and dress accordingly. Mask wearing is optional; if you need a mask, the ushers have a supply on hand.

Donating Sunday Morning Altar Flowers

The Flower Team welcomes altar flower donations. To choose a date, visit a user-friendly website: Flower Sign-Up Genius. or email (Kerry Healy). Please use the comment section to note if your gift is intended to be in honor or in memory of someone special. And if you have specific flowers in mind, please share that information in the comment section. Thanks. Do you love flowers? Join the Flower Team! Would you like to join the team that creates the beautiful arrangements on the altar each Sunday? Please contact Kerry (Kerry Healy) to let her know of your interest and she’ll be happy to fill you in about the process. Going Shopping? Pick-up Something for the Food Cart! Donations to our church’s shopping cart may be left at the O’Reilly Room entrance Monday through Friday. The best canned items to donate include solid white tuna, fruits, and vegetables. Raisins in boxes, dried beans, condensed milk, rice pilaf, pancake mix, syrup, pasta and pasta sauce in jars, macaroni and cheese, instant coffee, laundry detergent, shampoo, soap, feminine care products, and wipes are also appreciated. Whenever you shop – or have groceries delivered to your home – please remember the food cart!

Sunday Greeters Needed

The Church Growth Commission is recruiting greeters to welcome visitors and members to church each Sunday morning. Cindi Bockweg puts the Sunday Greeters’ calendar together. Cindi’s email is ([email protected]). She looks forward to hearing from you! Easter Flower Order Form 2024 Easter Flowers Honor a loved one or friend by donating a flowering plant to adorn the Sanctuary Deadline for ordering is this Sunday, March 24th. Plant Number of Plants Amount Paid Pansies - $5.00 Tulips - $12.00 Daffodils - $12.00 Martha Washington Geraniums - $12.00 Hydrangeas - $25.00 Dedication (Your notations below will be reflected in the Dedications insert in the bulletin.) Given By: In Memory of: In Honor of: I will bring my plant home __________ Please deliver to a shut-in __________ Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Phone # or E-mail: _______________________________________________________ Amount Paid: _____________________ Cash / Check

Please place forms in the collection plate or the file pocket outside the office door. Thanks!

Sudbury United Methodist Church, 251 Old Sudbury Road, Sudbury, MA 01776 Phones: (978) 443-4351 or (978) 443-6785Fax: (978) 443-3052 Church Office: [email protected] Website: Church Staff Pastor: The Rev. Leigh E. [email protected] (Pastor Leigh observes Sabbath on Friday) Youth & Children’s Ministries Director: Zachary Moser [email protected] (Pastor Zack observes Sabbath on Wednesday) Organist/Music Director: Kevin Murphy, [email protected] Sanctuary Choir Director: Rob [email protected] Business Manager: Michael Greb[email protected] Sunny Hill Director: Kathy Palmer[email protected] Office Manager: Shetal Kaye [email protected] Sexton: Joe Picorelli[email protected] If you would like to make a donation to Sudbury United Methodist Church, please use the QR code below. We are a Reconciling and Welcoming Congregation

The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Want to post on Patch?