This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Neighbor News

Sudbury United Methodist Church

The Chronicle - July 11, 2024

Letter From Pastor Leigh

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches,
and favour is better than silver or gold.
The rich and the poor have this in common:
the Lord is the maker of them all.
Whoever sows injustice will reap calamity,
and the rod of anger will fail.
Those who are generous are blessed,
for they share their bread with the poor.
Do not rob the poor because they are poor,
or crush the afflicted at the gate;
for the Lord pleads their cause
and despoils of life those who despoil them.
-Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23
Blessings and Peace in the name of Jesus Christ.
I am writing this on the second day of Jurisdictional Conference, in a conference room on the 17th floor of the William Penn Hotel. We’ve been working for a day and a half preparing ourselves for the beginning of the decisions that will be made starting tomorrow morning. There are 171 of us from states in the Northeast Jurisdiction reaching as far north as Maine, as far west as Pennsylvania, and as far south as West Virginia.
That geographic area houses ten Annual Conferences. None of them are as large as New England in pure square miles, but many of them are home to populations and numbers of churches that far exceed New England numbers. The smallest of our Annual Conferences is Peninsula/Delaware with five delegates, while the two largest are Baltimore/Maryland with 27 delegates and Western Pennsylvania with 24 delegates. In comparison, New England has 14 delegates.
The work of the Jurisdictional Conference includes the business that is assigned by the Book of Discipline. We hear reports, celebrate what has been accomplished and look forward to the future with hope.
At this writing, based on the action of The General Conference and the Interjurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy, it appears that we will not have an episcopal election. Tuesday, which is normally a day of interviews of possible candidates, has been spent meeting and sharing thoughts about the number of bishops who will serve the Northeast Jurisdiction for the next four years.
This is a critical decision which will stretch the Jurisdiction in ways it has not been stretched before. It is reasonable to expect that annual conferences in some configuration will share bishops. We don’t know what those configurations might look like, but we will be working for the rest of this week to determine the most reasonable combinations for effective ministry throughout our ten annual conferences.
Please pray for the work of the Jurisdictional Conference. May we use the wisdom of the ages, reflected in Proverbs, to work together for justice, hope and well-being in the Northeast Jurisdiction.
I look forward to seeing you at the end of this conferencing season at the place of hope and good will, and with the name of a brand-new bishop to share with you all.
Pastor Leigh

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Greetings from the SUMC Youth!

There’s a lot of youth outreach going on this summer, and the first thing we’ll mention is the last thing on the schedule…
Outdoor Church (July 27)
Remember that really cool guest pastor who came and preached at the end of June? Don’t you want to be a part of that incredible ministry? If you want to join the Cambridge Crew on Saturday, July 27 and hand out food to the homeless with the Outdoor Church, please contact Zack (email below).
Salkehatchie (July 13-20)
On Saturday, July 13, four youth, two college students, and two chaperones will travel to Dillon, SC for SUMC’s fourth Salkehatchie mission trip. We won’t know what the exact jobs are until we get there, but we do know that we will be making homes safer and more comfortable for impoverished residents of Dillon. It is going to be really hot (mid-90s each day), really humid (the wind will be hot; seriously), and the UV levels will be off the charts. Pray for the team, the team leaders, and the people we will serve in SC.
Youth Mission Week (July 22-26)
This is a multi-church event in its fourth year. Each day during the week, we will have a separate local outreach opportunity. The event will be held at Community UMC in Wayland. Outreach activities include trash clean-up, yard work for the elderly, playing BINGO with residents of a retirement community, and food distribution for the homeless. This event is for all youth, including rising 6th graders! So those who will be in middle school in the coming school year can get an early taste of youth ministry.
If you would like to know about summer happenings with the SUMC Youth, contact Zack ([email protected])
Keep the Faith.

Magnific Moment

Most Summer Programs on Pause
Kidbury UMC’s (our pre- and post-worship children’s program) is on hold until Sunday, September 15. We will continue to have Children’s Church during worship for younger ages throughout the summer. Our “Exploring Topics in Christianity” and the Sunday morning Youth Devo are also on pause.
The Upper Room Group (for youth and adults) will continue to meet each Sunday morning before worship for fellowship, devotion, reflection, and prayer. They meet at 9:15 am, in the O’Reilly Room.
Children’s Bags
During the summer, our Children’s Church program will be shorter than it is during the school year. We will be returning to the sanctuary before the end of worship each week. Remember that there are bags with activities for children in the narthex.
Please note that these bags are to be returned at the end of worship. Do not take the bags home with you. If there are mini coloring books or word puzzle booklets that your child started, feel free to bring those home, but please drop off the bag and the fidget toys in the narthex when you leave.
If you’d like more information about our Christian Education/Formation programs, contact Zack Moser ([email protected]) or Caryl Walsh ([email protected]).

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Do You Have A Prayer Request For “Concerns And Celebrations?”
How can we pray for you? Share prayer requests at: and send us a message by clicking on the blue “Send Message” button. Or email ([email protected]).

"Where the World Meets to Pray"

Free copies of The Upper Room may be found in an outdoor Lucite rack next to the O'Reilly Room entrance and in the narthex. Daily readings can also be found online by clicking:
Five minutes, fifteen, or thirty reading Scripture and sitting quietly in God’s presence will set the tone for the whole day.

Baby Shower for Kate and Zack is this Sunday, July 14 after Worship!

Come to Hawes Hall following worship this Sunday, July 14, for a baby shower for Kate and Zack.

Outreach Opportunity at Boston Area Gleaners – Friday, July 26th - Save the Date!

“When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your shall leave them for the poor and the alien…” -Leviticus 19:9-10
Join your fellow congregants and the Outreach Commission for gleaning on Friday, July 26th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Stonefield Farm in Acton. We will help our food-insecure neighbors in the Boston area by harvesting crops or packing boxes of food to get to families who need it. No experience needed and open to those 13 and up. Let’s get outdoors, help feed our neighbors, and reduce food waste! If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Karen Monteiro to reserve your spot at [email protected].

Sudbury UMC Hosts A Red Sox Baseball Event!

On a hopefully, sunny Sunday afternoon, September 8th, Sudbury UMC is excited to host a special event at Fenway Park in Boston. The beloved Red Sox will be facing off against the Chicago White Sox at 1:35 PM, and the church community is invited to join in the fun.
This event is open to everyone, and all are welcome to sign up to attend the game. It’s a fantastic opportunity for families, friends, and baseball enthusiasts to come together and enjoy America’s favorite pastime in one of the most iconic ballparks in the country.
Details about tickets and transportation will be provided soon, ensuring that everyone can easily make their way to Fenway Park and back. Whether you’re a die-hard Red Sox fan or just looking for a fun outing, this event promises to be a memorable day filled with excitement, camaraderie, and the thrill of baseball.
Mark your calendars and get ready to cheer on the Red Sox with your fellow church members and friends. Let’s make this a day to remember!

Sunny Hill Is Enrolling

Sunny Hill Preschool’s 2024-2025 school year enrollment is open! Schedule a tour to learn more about our rich and supporting environment for joyful exploration and learning. Sunny Hill recognizes and values the uniqueness of each child and promotes growth of the whole child. Visit us to discover how we instill a love of learning that will last a lifetime.

A Message About an Eagle Scout Project

I’m Katelyn Stagno, a rising junior at Lincoln-Sudbury High School, and a Scout in Troop 65 which is hosted by SUMC. I’m proud to announce I’m working with SUMC and Sunny Hill on my Eagle Scout Community Service project, which is to construct a new 10x12 ft storage shed to replace the existing shed on the playground. This need was identified by the Trustees and Sunny Hill and I’m happy to be a part of this project and give back to the community that hosts our Troop. As part of the project I need to raise money to cover some of the expenses. My goal is to raise $1000. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Donations can be made to SUMC, with a note or memo “Eagle Scout Project”. I hope to complete this project this summer. If you have questions about this project please reach out to Scott Simon, Chair of Trustees. Thank you!

Musical Notes

  • Strings, Brass, Winds and Percussion Hymnody

Greetings, would SUMC players! It has been our custom to invite instrumentalists from the SUMC community to accompany the Sunday congregational hymns from time to time. If you have an interest in playing with us, let us know by signing up here:
URL for winds, brass, percussion Sunday 21 July:
URL for strings Sunday 4 August:
We enjoy working with players of all skill levels, so if you have a concern about whether or not you can “keep up”, let us know and we’ll work it out! Hope to see and hear you at Sunday service.
([email protected]) or ([email protected]).

  • Chancel Choir

Kevin and Rob are actively recruiting voices to our Chancel Choir. We regularly ask SUMC members informally if they have an interest in singing with us, and we receive a variety of answers. Two that recur are “I cannot sing” and “I cannot read music”. Well, we are presently working on an idea or two for next fall that will address those two responses. If you have been thinking of singing with a group and deal yourself out because of your perceived lack of sight-singing ability, come talk with us and see if our plan this fall will make you feel more secure about joining our choir community. You would be very welcome!
([email protected]) or ([email protected]).

Do You Have Your Name Tag?

New or replacement name tags will be ordered soon. Please contact Shetal if you need one by emailing her at ([email protected]). She will place an order at the end of July.

Pledge Donations

The Stewardship and Finance Committee reminds supporters who make contributions for their annual pledge through donations of appreciated stock, life insurance cash-outs, distributions from IRAs, or Donor Advised Funds, to please notify SUMC of the amount of donation; form of donation; who it might be coming from (e.g., the name of the broker/dealer; bank; insurance company, mutual fund company, etc.). Having this information will enable us to apply the contribution to the appropriate donor! You may do this by speaking with Mike Greb, our church’s business manager, at the office (978-443-4351) or by emailing him at [email protected].

Coming to Church? Please Follow Safety Guidelines!

The windows in the sanctuary will remain open for the foreseeable future to improve air flow and enhance public safety. We’re trying to prevent the spread of viruses and COVID. Please be mindful of the outdoor temperature and dress accordingly Mask wearing is optional; if you need a mask, the ushers have a supply on hand.

SUMC Financial Year to Date Update

Current Revenue $406,703 Current Expenses $356,296

How to Donate Sunday Morning Altar Flowers

The Flower Team welcomes altar flower donations in honor or memory of a loved one. Please choose a date; perhaps an anniversary, birthday, or just a date you’d like to honor someone special, by visiting a user-friendly website: Flower Sign-Up Genius. Please use the comment section to note if your gift is intended to be in honor or in memory of someone special. And if you have specific flowers in mind, please share that information also in the comment section. The cost is $50.00. Enhance our worship by giving this gift to God. Thanks.

Going Shopping? Pick-up Something for the Food Cart!

Donations to our church’s shopping cart may be left at the O’Reilly Room entrance Monday through Friday. The best canned items to donate include solid white tuna, fruits, and vegetables. Raisins in boxes, dried beans, condensed milk, rice pilaf, pancake mix, syrup, pasta and pasta sauce in jars, macaroni and cheese, instant coffee, laundry detergent, shampoo, soap, feminine care products, and wipes are also appreciated. Whenever you shop – or have groceries delivered to your home – please remember the food cart!
Finding Sudbury UMC on SOCial media

Live-Streamed Sunday Services Available on YouTube and Facebook Live

Sunday morning services at Sudbury UMC can now be viewed on SUMC’s own YouTube channel and Facebook page live each Sunday morning. Missed a service and want to watch it later? You can find them using the same links! We hope these social media platforms will help us reach a larger audience. Please help us grow by using these services. You can also connect with SUMC through InstagramSUMC and TwitterSUMC.





Sudbury United Methodist Church, 251 Old Sudbury Road, Sudbury, MA 01776
Phones: (978) 443-4351 or (978) 443-6785Fax: (978) 443-3052
Church Office: [email protected] Website:
Church Staff
Pastor: The Rev. Leigh E. [email protected]
(Pastor Leigh observes Sabbath on Friday)
Youth & Children’s Ministries Director: Zachary Moser [email protected]
(Zack observes Sabbath on Wednesday)
Organist/Music Director: Kevin Murphy, [email protected]
Sanctuary Choir Director: Rob [email protected]
Business Manager: Michael Greb[email protected]
Sunny Hill Director: Kathy Palmer[email protected]
Office Manager: Shetal Kaye [email protected]
Sexton: Joe Picorelli[email protected]

We are a Reconciling and Welcoming Congregation

Please use the QR code below if you would like to make a contribution to Sudbury United Methodist Church.

The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Want to post on Patch?