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Politics & Government

Wakefield Town Council Notes -- April 22, 2024

A summary of Wakefield's Town Council meeting on April 22, 2024, from Town Councilor Jonathan Chines

Here's what we covered at Monday's Town Council meeting:

  • The Town Council approved a beer and wine license for Mojo Sushi on Main Street
  • We approved permits for the West Side Social Club's 4th of July activities on the Common and Veterans Field, as well as the annual parade sponsored by the Wakefield Independence Day Committee.
  • The Council approved a new collective bargaining agreement for the Library Union for Fiscal Years 2025, 2026, and 2027. This agreement covers the 21 librarians working at the Beebe Library.
  • Consistent with our practice for the last few years, the Town Council granted authority to the Town Administrator to allow for outdoor dining on public sidewalks and parking spaces. Interested businesses can apply through the Town Administrator's office.
  • The Town Council delivered the Town Administrator's performance review for Fiscal Year 2024. The review evaluates the Town Administrator's performance on the key job functions documented in his employment contract, as well as the Fiscal Year 2024 goals set by the Town Council at our annual retreat last summer. The Town Administrator earned an aggregate rating of "Exceeds Expectations" on the review based on his outstanding work as a steward of Wakefield's finances, as well as his effectiveness in leading all Town operations. A copy of the review is available on the Town website at
  • We bid farewell to Town Councilors Julie Smith-Galvin and Anne Danehy, who are not seeking reelection this year. Julie and Anne have been committed and compassionate leaders for Wakefield, and it's been an honor to serve with both of them.

Our next Town Council meeting will be Monday, May 13 at 7:00 PM at Wakefield Community Access Television and on Zoom. Please also join us for Town Meeting, beginning next Monday, May 6 at 7:00 PM at the Galvin Middle School Auditorium. The warrant for Town Meeting includes our annual budget articles, as well as several articles related to the MBTA Communities Act and other zoning issues. Please join us and help shape Wakefield's future!

The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Want to post on Patch?