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Health & Fitness

10 Ways a Gap Year Can Boost Your Career

Feeling down in the dumps about school or work? Don’t let your everyday resemble “Office Space.” If you’ve thought about seeing the world, a gap year is a great way to expand your horizons - literally. The States’ gap year trend is rapidly increasing in popularity because many young adults are eager to see the globe, experience different cultures and expand their knowledge of the world around them before heading to grad school, their first job or a new career.

By taking time to travel, work, teach or volunteer abroad, you can gain valuable skills and experiences that will help you think outside the cubicle and succeed in the workplace:

1. Independence: Whether it’s finding a place to live, securing a job or balancing a checkbook, living abroad requires travelers to be self-sufficient. Translate these skills to the office and take charge of projects and research before asking for help and establish yourself as a leader.

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2. Worldview: Gap years require participants to develop an understanding of the local city and culture, both of which can differ markedly from their own. Business is becoming increasingly global and diverse, so international experience can make applicants stand out during the job hunt.

3. Interpersonal Communication: If you’re speaking with a coworker, client or vendor, chances are you’ll be communicating with different types of people. Gap year programs recruit young adults from all over the world and are a great opportunity to practice group problem-solving and how to play nice with others.

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4. Problem-Solving Skills: Gap program participants have to find a job, hunt down an apartment, combat language barriers and more. Take these skills back to work and successfully navigate office issues with ease.

5. Motivation: If you’ve dropped out of your college program or are hesitant to attend college after high school, gap years can reinvigorate you. They also provide the international work and travel experience necessary to rejoin the workforce or reenroll in an education program.

6. Fun: Having a gap year on your resume shows potential employers you have a fun side. From bungee jumping in New Zealand to exploring Thailand, employers like to see that you have recreation and social activities to boot.

7. Language: ¡Es indispensable tener la habilidad de hablar más que un idioma! Employers increasingly value language skills and a gap year is the perfect time to learn, often through immersive language studies in your country of choice.

8. Resume-Building: Competition can be fierce when it comes to entry-level jobs, so set yourself apart with international experience.

9. Financial Boost: When working overseas, it’s common to receive a large percentage of your taxes back when you return to the States.

10. Confidence: Congratulations! You successfully (and gratifyingly) completed your gap year experience and know that you can do anything with it in your back pocket.

Completing a gap year is a rewarding, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so what are you waiting for? When employers see that you have a gap year on your resume, it helps set you apart from other applicants and gives insight into your personality before you even meet face-to-face. Gap years and extended international travel are beneficial to you and your future career - the opportunities are endless!

Jim Zambrano is CEO of First Abroad, which provides affordable gap year opportunities to a wide range of American travelers ages 18-30. First Abroad is a sister company of Gap 360, the leading gap travel company based in the United Kingdom.

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