Business & Tech

Southwest Business Association Coronavirus Restrictions Easing On Monday

Governor Walz announced big "dial turns" this morning, loosening work from home requirements beginning April 15.

March 12, 2021

Governor Walz announced big “dial turns” this morning, loosening work from home requirements beginning April 15 as well as removing some restrictions March 15 as COVID cases continue to decline and more Minnesotans get vaccinated.

Find out what's happening in Southwest Minneapoliswith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Masking and Social Distancing Remains In Place

Changes Beginning at NOON on March 15th:

Find out what's happening in Southwest Minneapoliswith free, real-time updates from Patch.

  • Restaurants can go to 75% with bar seating allowed for groups of 4
  • Gym capacity moved to 50%
  • Salon and Personal Services capacity limits are removed
  • Indoor events and entertainment can open at 50% capacity, with no more than 250 people.
  • Outdoor events and entertainment can open at 50% capacity, with no more than 250 people
  • Capacity limits on places of worship are lifted
  • Household gatherings of 50 permitted outdoors and 15 indoors with no limit on number of households

Changes Beginning on April 1st:

  • Indoor events and entertainment venues with occupant capacity greater than 500 may increase capacity per state guidelines
  • Outdoor events and entertainment venues with occupant capacity greater than 500 may increase capacity per state guidelines

Changes Beginning on April 15th:

  • Workers may return to work in person, but remote work is still strongly encouraged

Executive Order, 21-11

Stay Safe Guidelines and Recommendations
(scroll down for the useful grid)

This press release was produced by the Southwest Business Association. The views expressed are the author's own.