Community Corner

What Are New Hampshire Patch Readers Grateful For?

Several readers told us as part of our 30 Days of Gratitude initiative. Plus, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

What are you grateful for? Leave a note in the comment section.
What are you grateful for? Leave a note in the comment section. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

CONCORD, NH — What are you grateful for? Have you shown your gratitude to others and if you have, how are you doing it?

During the past few weeks, Patch has asked readers what they were grateful or and how they are showing gratitude.

Here are what some readers told us:

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Maureen from Concord wrote:

When I first moved to Penacook, I didn’t know anyone there. The day of my big move, I met my new neighbor, Jim, when he came out to give some moving advice. As the months and years went on, we became goo I met my new neighbor the first day I moved to Penacook. We became good d friends....both attending some fairs and concerts, and just being there for some advice or a listening ear. Jim is just one of those people who will go out of his way to help others. I’ve seen him shovel out an elderly neighbor, carry a package for a woman who has a hard time walking, talk a new driver through a tire change. I would venture to say that every day, he reaches out to people, sometimes with a big act of kindness, sometimes only to make them smile.

Tracy of Concord wrote:

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I thank God for my wonderful family and loyal friends in Concord! Especially my big brother who is an unsung hero to me. A man of tenderness and kindness with a heart of gold!

Sandra of Concord wrote:

Shoutout to Shaw’s on Loudon Road. You all have gone beyond since COVID-19 hit. Store is immaculate. Help is friendly and caring and working hard to keep things stocked and moving. I feel comfortable and safe shopping there and am most grateful for all the efforts made by personnel in this store!!

Erika of Nashua wrote:

I am tremendously grateful for my colleagues — coworkers and volunteers, alike — at the Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter. Over the last 20 or so years, I have had the good fortune to work alongside some amazing people in service to the Greater Nashua community. The compassion and selflessness with which these folks work is inspiring.

Izzy of Epsom wrote:

Grateful for healthy teeth because Evelyn cares for me.

Christopher of Portsmouth wrote:

I would like to express my gratitude for the resilience of children. Young people went through a year and a half of unthinkable hardship. Between school closures, remote learning, home quarantine and their extracurricular activities being canceled these kids had their lives turned upside down but came through it, for the most part, with a smile on their faces. A lesson for all.

As for me, I am thankful for all of you, our readers, for your tips, information, comments, and notes, too. May you all have a great and happy Thanksgiving! Be safe.

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