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Politics & Government

Trenton Fast-Tracks Undemocratic Bills Despite Major Public Opposition

NJ Legislature is set to gut OPRA legislation despite Major Public Opposition This Would Plunge Democracy into Darkness! (LWV Monmouth)

The League of Women Voters (LWV) had just days to organize testimony to the NJ State Legislature on Monday, March 11, against a bill gutting the Open Public Records Act (OPRA). This law is used by the public and press to uncover governmental corruption and waste, as well as to participate in policy making. This assault on our democracy occurred in both houses simultaneously to handicap negative comment. To add insult to injury, they proffered it at the beginning of National Sunshine week.

Despite packed rooms of nonprofits, individuals, and members of the press testifying against proposed bills S2930/A4045 (while running between two floors of the state house and waiting up to 9 hours to testify) both houses passed an amended version of those bills which the public never saw and apparently the legislators never reviewed. This dangerous legislation will be heard Thursday, March 14, in the Assembly Appropriations Committee and could be voted on by the full legislature as early as Monday, March 18.

LWV is committed to defending democracy, and we urgently need the public’s help. Visit the New Jersey State Legislature site to contact your legislator and tell them to vote “No on S2930/A4045.”

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Contact the Governor and tell him to step up for government transparency and dissuade these anti-democratic bills from ever seeing the light of day.

Evelyn C. Murphy, PhD

Find out what's happening in Asbury Parkwith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Sharon Steinhorn

Co-Presidents, League of Women Voters of Monmouth County

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