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Neighbor News

AJP Action Endorses Imani Oakley for Congress

AJP Action, the political action committee of Americans for Justice in Palestine, has endorsed Imani Oakley for Congress in NJ-10

(Image Courtesy Oakley for Congress)

Montclair, NJ — AJP Action, the political action committee of Americans for Justice in Palestine, has endorsed Imani Oakley for Congress in New Jersey’s 10th District.

“I’m incredibly proud of this endorsement, and incredibly proud to say that I will never waver in the fight for justice in Palestine,” said Oakley. “As a Black woman, I grew up on the history of Apartheid in South Africa, and I know all too well the types of state violence inflicted on Black people here in the United States.“

“In the face of apartheid–home demolitions and evictions, and consistent human rights abuses by the Israeli government–we need more progressives who will promote accountability, justice, and liberation. It’s imperative that, as we seek to eradicate state violence at home and abroad, we also show solidarity with the Palestinian Liberation Movement. Knowing that AJP Action trusts me to be a steadfast voice for Palestine is a huge honor and I look forward to doing them proud.”

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Oakley — a political organizer who has worked hard to combat systemic injustice in all its forms — is running for Congress in New Jersey’s 10th Congressional District on a platform that includes environmental justice, investment in public schools, Medicare for All, comprehensive immigration reform, and international human rights. She is an outspoken advocate for Palestinian rights and has pledged to vote against military aid to the State of Israel.

The incumbent, Rep. Payne Jr., has actively blocked efforts to promote peace and justice in Palestine, including signing a letter alongside far-right-wing Republican Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz urging Congress not to condition aid to the State of Israel, even in the case of major human rights abuses. He has also voted against the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Movement, a non-violent international Palestinian rights movement, and voted for a number of increases in the Israeli military budget.

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This endorsement adds to the progressive coalition growing around Oakley’s campaign, including from Brand New Congress, Catch Fire, Elect Black Women PAC, the Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund, West Orange Young Democrats, Harvard Dems, Building Bridges For America, Roadmap for Progress, FutureGen PAC, four local Sunrise Movement hubs, Black Lives Matter activist Zellie Imani, Mt. Rainier Vice Mayor Scott Cecil, Maplewood Mayor Dean Dafis, Muslim community leader and civil rights advocate Selaedin Maksut, former progressive presidential candidate Marianne Williamson, and Palestinian-American community leader Wassim Kanaan.

“We are building a progressive movement aimed at the forces hurting our communities,” Oakley said. “As Congresswoman, I will work tirelessly to win a future for our children and our planet.”

Imani Oakley is a long-time political organizer and pro-democracy activist running for Congress in New Jersey’s 10th Congressional District. The seat covers parts of Essex, Union, and Hudson counties. Her time working in New Jersey political spaces has made one thing clear: our state suffers from rabid corruption. Her campaign is dedicated to ending this system and lifting up working-class communities.

For more information about Imani, please visit:

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