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Neighbor News

Transitional Housing Program Helps Domestic Violence Survivors

Family Promise of Sussex County's TH-RRH program provides housing and support to domestic violence survivors who have lost their housing.

(PhotoMIX Company via Pexels)

By Nicole Maggio

Homelessness is a trauma. Those that have experienced a period in their lived in which they had no place to call home, didn’t know where they would lay their head that night, didn't have a haven to retreat to for safety, may feel isolated and alone. These individuals often experience food insecurity and have lost their sense of community. This is traumatic in and of itself. These individuals are at a risk of further traumatization because they are now in a place where they are more likely to be in danger.

The Transitional Housing-Rapid Rehousing program works with individuals and families that are experiencing a housing crisis and have a history of personal trauma. This program provides a temporary housing resource while the household works to address the underlying trauma issues. Case managers work with clients to increase income, improve credit scores, and overcome various other factors that may pose barriers in obtaining stable housing.

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Once the household has stabilized and no longer needs the support of Transitional Housing, the client works to locate permanent housing in their own name and enter the Rapid Rehousing portion of the program. This piece of the program provides financial assistance and ongoing support to ensure housing stability and sustainability.

Research has identified significant need for housing stability among those recovering after trauma and has additionally shown that empowering clients to make safe choices for their lives is effective in reducing the trauma impact. These households often require more than the standard programs available to succeed in stabilizing their housing situation.

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The Transitional Housing/Rapid Rehousing program provides these households with a safe space to respite and recuperate from their trauma and work with their case manager to build a strong foundation before taking on housing under their own name. This gives these households the ability to begin to heal from their past trauma and decide the next steps that will be best for them in the long term. This program is designed to provide the client with an opportunity to move beyond domestic violence with healthy relationships and community connections.

About Family Promise of Sussex County

The mission of Family Promise of Sussex County is to secure housing stability and sustainability for those in crisis…because everyone deserves a home. Our vision is that every individual and family shall have a home, a livelihood, and the chance to build a better future. We offer many services and a dedicated team of individuals that are available to assist our clients in attaining these goals. To learn more visit us at or our offices in Newton, Sparta and Sussex or contact us at 973-579-1180 or [email protected].

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