Politics & Government

Candidate Profile: Mary Ann Loustaunau For Lewisboro Town Supervisor

The Republican candidate explains to Patch why she's the best person for the job and shares a little bit more about herself.

"I come equipped with a fresh, impartial viewpoint and a meticulously crafted plan centered on our citizens' needs,"  Loustaunau tells Patch.
"I come equipped with a fresh, impartial viewpoint and a meticulously crafted plan centered on our citizens' needs," Loustaunau tells Patch. (GERRY O'BRIEN)

BEDFORD, NY — Election season 2023 is here and there are plenty of races with candidates eager to serve in elected office.

Patch asked candidates to answer questions about their campaigns and will be publishing candidate profiles as Election Day draws near.

Name: Mary Ann Loustaunau

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Hometown: Port Chester, Lewisboro

Running for which office: Lewisboro Town Supervisor

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Education: Endicott College

Political experience: My professional journey reflects a background in executive leadership and strategic management. As a Vice President, where I reported directly to the CEO and played a pivotal role within the Executive Committee, I had the responsibility of overseeing substantial revenue streams. I actively engaged in the development of innovative solutions, recognizing that politics, in various forms, permeates all organizations, not just government.

I have consistently showcased my proficiency in guiding and managing a diverse team of individuals across multiple departments. This leadership experience involved the reevaluation of district boundaries, enhancing training programs, optimizing organizational structures, and aligning objectives to suit the changing needs and dynamics of our organization. The understanding that politics influences all organizations, corporate and governmental alike, underscored my strategic approach.

Collaboration with other departments, particularly Marketing, to enhance the go-to-market strategy showcased my ability to influence and impact the entire sales and marketing aspects of the business.

Additionally, I undertook the role of executive sponsor for initiatives aimed at cultivating an exceptional workplace environment and I will employ similar initiatives to transform the town of Lewisboro into an equally outstanding "Great Place to Work."

My track record of high-impact achievements, such as expanding successful strategies into new business areas, fostering a women's network, contributing to new product development, championing customer-centric strategies, and establishing a pioneering Inside Sales Department, underscores my ability for strategic leadership and effective management. This experience is relevant across all organizational contexts, acknowledging that politics is an inherent factor in their operations.

Work experience: Upon promotion to Vice President, I reported directly to the CEO to contribute to the company’s strategy and to guide innovations to boost the effectiveness of our training and sales practices. I was a member of the Executive Committee and responsible for $300 million in revenue.

In this role with a scope that expanded over the five years, I led an organization ranging from 200 people that included Sales, Legal Training Consultants, Sales Trainers, and Sales Operations Specialists in Healthcare, Corporate, and Education sales segments. An important part of my work was redesigning territories, sales training, and aligning my organization’s goals with the corporate goals.

I also collaborated with Marketing to refine our go-to-market strategy, ultimately having an impact across the entire sales and marketing portion of our business. My direct reports were Directors of Sales (Legal, Corporate, and Education), Sales Operations, and Customer Engagement and Training. I also served as executive sponsor for our “Great Place to Work” initiatives. Some of my high-impact accomplishments are:

  • Extended proven strategies that powered growth and profitability in the Legal Markets Group to the newly added businesses.
  • Developed a successful women’s network within Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory US.
  • Collaborated with the entire executive team to drive new product development, refine acquisition strategy, and assess potential targets, and influence market restructuring.
  • Served as primary “Voice of the Customer” leader, continuing a personal priority established earlier in my career.
  • Advocated and won approval for powerful Customer Success strategy that boosted use of the company's subscription-based products.
  • Created a first-of-its-kind Inside Sales Department and hired a director for it. This new organization influenced the company worldwide.

Family: My husband and I live in Goldens Bridge with our dog Lola, where we raised our 3 children.

Campaign website: lewisborogop.com

Why are you seeking this office?

For three decades, I've been a dedicated resident, raising my family here and cherishing the natural beauty that surrounds us. I hold a deep affection for our community. The serene beauty of our preserves, the pure air whenever outside – it's all part of my daily gratitude.

My journey led me through a successful sales career which was a challenge in a male-dominated field, but I thrived. The hurdles, the doubters, and the high-pressure moments couldn't deter me.
When I assumed responsibility for the Manhattan Division, numerous doubters questioned my capacity to excel in the high-octane, cutthroat environment of New York City. The insistence of my opponents that volunteering and involvement in community boards is the sole path to becoming an effective Supervisor is reminiscent of a time when a seasoned, long-standing male representative callously declared, 'You will not make it in NYC, little girl.' Their words and actions are akin to waving a challenge in front of a relentless force. They dare to define the boundaries of my potential, but I refuse to accept their limitations.

Today, I'm armed with all the skills and wisdom I've gained from my career to transform Lewisboro into the crown jewel of our county.

What are the major differences between you and the other candidate(s) seeking this post?

I bring 30 years of unwavering business acumen, marked by adeptly managing budgets, surmounting complex challenges, and consistently propelling teams to success. My unique perspective is a potent catalyst for identifying and rectifying systemic issues within our town management, especially in financial responsibility and openness.

Let's confront the stark realities: our fiscal health is wavering, our infrastructure is eroding, and our residents deserve more transparency and courtesy from our current administration. My campaign is firmly rooted in addressing these bedrock issues with a commitment to ethical public service, smart growth, and sustainable development.

I come equipped with a fresh, impartial viewpoint and a meticulously crafted plan centered on our citizens' needs. My experience has endowed me with the ability to discern and secure opportunities for financial growth. While I may not boast tenure in elected office, I understand the pivotal role of external funding sources, such as TIF districts and grants, in bolstering our town. Under my guidance, we'll prioritize smart growth, broadening our commercial tax base to finance indispensable enhancements.

To secure grant funding, we'll look to find an expert in the grant space while harnessing the power of modern technology to identify opportunities and streamline the application process. By making data-driven decisions on capital projects' feasibility, we can place our focus on those with enduring benefits and higher prospects of grant approval.

Lewisboro is ripe for a fresh perspective, one that unites extensive experience with pragmatic, actionable strategies. It's not merely about tenure; it's about making judicious decisions that resonate with our town's future and the prosperity and unity of all residents. Your vote for change is a vote for a more promising tomorrow.

What is the single most pressing issue facing your constituents and what do you intend to do about it?

Public Safety and Police Services: Undoubtedly, safeguarding our residents' safety is of paramount importance. The recent revelations about break-ins are not merely concerning – they're nothing short of spine-chilling. These events serve as a stark and unignorable reminder that the time for immediate action to fortify our town's safety has arrived.

Our police force needs more than just basic support; they require access to the most advanced resources and tools available to confront any situation effectively. This includes urgently addressing the issue of malfunctioning radios, which cause communication gaps. These gaps are unacceptable and can result in delays that we cannot afford when lives and safety are at stake.
Extending our police coverage to deliver round-the-clock protection isn't merely a recommendation; it's imperative. Criminal activities do not adhere to schedules, and neither should the shield that guards our community. Our residents should be able to rely on a constant blanket of safety, regardless of the hour.

The commitment to prioritize safety isn't just a campaign slogan; it's a fundamental responsibility. It's another compelling reason behind my decision to run for office. We must channel our resources and focus into implementing cutting-edge strategies and technologies that elevate the overall safety and security of our community.

We can't afford to remain complacent in the face of these security challenges. It's high time we take proactive measures to protect our residents and transform our town into a haven where everyone can reside with absolute confidence and peace of mind.

How would you address the affordable housing issue in the community?

Housing affordability stands as a paramount concern within our town. To address this, we will launch a dynamic "Smart Growth" strategy. Our objective is to dismantle exclusionary and anti-growth regulations that stifle local investment and escalate housing expenses. By harnessing state-of-the-art technology, we can substantially reduce permitting times, streamlining housing development. Additionally, bolstering our commercial tax base will infuse our infrastructure and services with additional resources, indirectly influencing housing affordability.

Crucially, our approach centers on the principle of "Unity through Collaboration." We are committed to fostering inclusive dialogues, ensuring that every resident's voice is not only heard but integrated into our decision-making process. This will grant us invaluable insights into the unique housing needs and challenges faced by our community. Moreover, in line with our dedication to transparent governance, residents will be active participants in the decision-making process. It's not solely about constructing more housing; it's about cultivating a thriving, inclusive community where every resident can find an affordable home and experience an exceptional quality of life.

Turning our attention to the multi-family zoned areas of Lewisboro, the priority shifts to addressing quality-of-life concerns. By incorporating cutting-edge technology to expedite permitting processes, we will ensure that housing enhancements are swift and efficient. Concurrently, through a meticulous reassessment of town expenditures, we will allocate resources strategically to these zones, thereby enhancing the delivery of services.

In our commitment to Transparent Governance, residents will be kept fully informed, gaining access to town board agendas and pertinent documents well in advance. This transparency empowers them to voice concerns and offer valuable suggestions. Furthermore, through regular surveys we can directly solicit resident feedback on pressing matters.

Through ethical, fiscally responsible, and transparent governance, we are unwavering in our determination to elevate the quality of life in Lewisboro's multi-family areas.

How would you protect the drinking water in the community?

Safeguarding the drinking water in our community is not just essential; it's a fundamental obligation. The present state of our water quality has become increasingly worrisome. Residents have consistently reported issues such as water discoloration, strange odors, and concerns about their health. What's even more concerning is the lack of a meaningful response from our town board. It's as if our pleas and concerns have fallen on deaf ears.

Now, the recent revelation from a newspaper article about the lawsuit against DuPont and 3M introduces an entirely new layer of complexity. These corporate giants are accused of knowingly contaminating our groundwater with toxic substances like PFAS. This revelation naturally leads us to question whether there's a direct link between their actions and the water problems that have plagued our community. What's the reason behind our current board's failure to communicate this information with residents? Why do we consistently learn about critical matters only after they've occurred? This lack of transparency is just one of the numerous factors motivating my candidacy.

To protect the integrity of our drinking water, we must act resolutely and promptly. The goal is not just to address our current issues but to ensure the continuous provision of clean and safe water for years to come. This might necessitate a reevaluation of our existing plans and an exploration of alternative funding sources, including grants and low-interest loans. Additionally, an independent engineering plan is a crucial step, as it can either confirm the validity of our current strategy or steer us toward a more dependable solution.

In this endeavor, it is vital that we actively engage with all residents and collaborate closely with our water districts. Access to clean water is not a luxury; it's a fundamental necessity for every member of our community. To tackle this issue effectively, we must employ a logical approach, thinking outside the box and considering innovative solutions beyond the traditional ones. Our objective is to secure a brighter and healthier future for everyone in our community by ensuring that clean and drinkable water is not just an aspiration but a reality.

What other issues do you intend to address during your campaign?

Road Infrastructure Improvement: Our town's roadways are the arteries that keep our community's lifeblood flowing. They are the very essence of our daily existence, connecting us to work, school, and all the essential services we rely on. The need to address road paving and repairs is not just an option; it is an indispensable infrastructure priority, vital for the well-being of our town.

As we stand at this critical juncture, the importance of maintaining well-kept roads cannot be overstated. Well-maintained roads not only ensure smooth and safe transportation but also contribute to the overall prosperity of our community. They are the pathways that businesses depend on for deliveries and customers. They are the avenues that parents rely on to get their children to school safely. They are the routes that emergency services need to access in times of crisis.

The path forward requires a comprehensive approach. We must prioritize road maintenance, focusing on the most critical areas first, and seek out cost-effective solutions to make our roads safe and reliable.

Moreover, seeking grants and external funding sources to support these infrastructure projects is an option that can ease the financial burden on our town and its residents. With a well-planned strategy, we can achieve the vital goal of maintaining our roads. The prosperity and overall well-being of our community depend on it.

Capital Planning: It's evident that our current year-by-year budget approach falls short of what our town truly needs. To secure our future and financial stability, we must transition to a more strategic and forward-thinking perspective that embraces capital planning and long-term strategies. This change is essential to address our long-term goals effectively and ensure sustainable growth.

Our town faces critical issues, including a worrisome financial downturn and a noticeable lack of financial responsibility in our expenditures. My platform centers on the restoration of financial prudence, the integration of efficiency-driven business methods, and a meticulous scrutiny of town expenses in alignment with our core functions. Drawing from three decades of corporate budget management experience, I offer the requisite expertise that our town urgently needs.
This juncture is pivotal, demanding a course correction to guarantee every dollar is utilized wisely, ultimately enhancing the overall well-being of our town.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

I’d like to highlight a few key accomplishments from my past that demonstrate my capability to handle the role of a town supervisor effectively. In my previous position as a Vice President in the corporate world, I reported directly to the CEO and played a crucial role within the Executive Committee. This experience underlines my leadership skills, my ability to manage significant responsibilities, and my track record of making strategic decisions.

Moreover, my background in strategic management and financial planning has equipped me with the skills to develop innovative solutions to complex challenges, such as driving revenue growth. This expertise is directly transferable to addressing multifaceted issues that a town supervisor typically faces, whether it's related to infrastructure improvements or budget management.
I've also managed diverse teams across various departments during my corporate career. This experience demonstrates my capability to guide and oversee a wide range of initiatives, which is directly relevant to managing different town departments and addressing the diverse needs of our community.

In my corporate role, I learned the importance of adapting to changing dynamics and community needs. Whether it involved reevaluating district boundaries, enhancing training programs, or optimizing organizational structures, these skills are directly transferable to efficiently addressing evolving challenges in a town setting.

Additionally, my collaboration with various departments in the corporate world, especially Marketing, showcased my ability to work across departments and influence broader aspects of an organization. This skill is crucial for building effective partnerships within the town and achieving community goals.

I also have experience in fostering a positive and productive work environment as I served as an executive sponsor for initiatives aimed at making the workplace a 'Great Place to Work.' This experience guides my commitment to making the town of Lewisboro an equally outstanding 'Great Place to Live.'

Finally, my high-impact achievements, such as extending successful strategies to new business areas, contributing to new product development, advocating for customer-centric approaches, and creating innovative departments, underscore my capacity for strategic leadership and effective management. These accomplishments collectively demonstrate my readiness to handle the role of a town supervisor, showcasing my leadership, management, adaptability, and ability to address complex challenges, all of which are essential in this position.

What is the best advice anyone ever gave you?

What you want most is behind what you least want to do, so just do it.

Is there anything else you would like voters to know about yourself and your positions?

I want you, the voters, to get to know the person behind the professional journey. My career has provided me with a strong foundation in executive leadership, strategic management, and financial planning, but I'm more than just a resume. I'm passionate about our community and dedicated to its future.

My experience has sharpened my leadership, decision-making, and strategic thinking, skills that I believe are essential for effective town supervision. It's not just about making decisions; it's about making the right decisions for our community's well-being.

Budget management is at the core of my background, and I want you to know that I'm committed to ensuring that every taxpayer's dollar is spent wisely. The aim is to benefit not just a select few but the entire Lewisboro community.

I've spent my career guiding diverse teams, adapting to the ever-changing dynamics of different communities, and fostering positive work environments. I carry these experiences with me into the role of town supervisor, where effective leadership, adaptability, and collaboration are paramount.

One thing I've learned over the years is the power of collaboration. It's not about one person; it's about all of us working together. In collaboration with various departments, I've come to understand how to influence and impact broader organizational aspects. This skill will be invaluable for building effective partnerships within our town departments and committees to ensure we achieve the goals of our community.

I want you to know that I'm not just here to occupy an office; I'm here to serve you and our town. I believe that my experience and achievements provide a strong foundation for the role of town supervisor, but more importantly, I'm excited about the future. Together, let's work towards transparent, efficient, and community-focused governance. Your voice matters, and I'm dedicated to ensuring that the town of Lewisboro remains a great place to live, work, and look forward to a promising future.

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